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发布时间: 2020-12-08 19:09:20

『壹』 “我的职位是XX,主要负责XXX工作。”翻译为英文

1、My position is XXX, mainly in charge ofXXX.

2、My job isXXX, and I'm in charge ofXXX.

3、My job is XX, mainly responsible for the work ofXXX.



n. 位置,方位;地位,职位;态度;状态。

vt. 安置;把…内放在适当位置;给…定容位;驻扎军队。


n. 职业;(一件)工作;职责;(作为一个单元处理的 )作业。

vt. 承包;代客买卖。

vi. 做零工;作包工;打杂。

3、in charge of:


4、responsible for:


position-网络翻译job-网络翻译in charge of-网络翻译responsible for-网络翻译

『贰』 求岗位职责描述的英文翻译,具体内容如下

Job description:
- all the daily meeting to attend President organization and high-level management personnel meeting, arrange do the security work
- all kinds of red tape, company rules and regulations, document drafting, formulate and modify
- department of all kinds of financial expenses needed for the application, management and cancel after verification
With group each department office, each child - keep closely linked to the administrative office of a branch, coordinate support for the work
U responsible for all kinds of large-scale reception, meeting, celebration activities such as organization, coordination, the formulation of the solution process
U keep group co., LTD. All designated consumption membership CARDS and coupons, on-demand distribution of all cigarettes, alcohol and beverages
U in charge of the group, security and cleaning the receptionist, to do a good job of daily management and supervision
U is responsible for sales and fixed assets management kingdee ERP management mole, make sure that all the information updated and accurate
U proctive, and implement the group and each branch company to ISO9000 quality system, occupational health and environment system certification
U responsible for department system/process formulation, implementation and improvement, to ensure efficient work norms
U (domestic and export orders, receiving, screening, orders, follow up and monitor, from the proction progress, proct quality, delivery orders for tracking and management, etc.
U order, of the contract, and to carry out the work, the communication with customers at home and abroad services.

『叁』 高分,急求人事岗位职责的英文翻译~~~

Main job ties:
1. Personnel management, including staff recruitment, acceptance, promotions, resignation.
2. Draw up instructions for all the posts.
3. Attendance management.
4. Working out the performance appraisal and how to implement it.
5. The releasement of the payment and welfare.
6. The job training for the staff, making monthly training and other training plans and puting them into implement and feed back of the result.
7. The personnel secondary records managemet.
8. Serving as the administrative assistance as part of their job. Including document management.,
taking in and releasing the documents, textual materials reports, documents subscription and so on.

『肆』 英语翻译的岗位职责是什么


『伍』 求各位英语达人翻译以下岗位职责说明的内容。~万分感激中!!!!

Follow-up staff quarters main stay, check out proceres for staff quarters hygiene in public areas, accommodation equipment maintenance follow-up, inspection and management of the dormitory.
With a high school diploma or equivalent ecation
A better sense of responsibility, to have knowledge of relevant business property management, hotel staff quarters in the management of more than 1 year.
1,Responsible for the management of the hotel staff quarters and timely arrangements for staff accommodation, accommodation to submit a monthly list of accommodation, utilities collection
2.Responsible for the cleanliness of staff quarters for the staff to provide a clean and clean accommodation.
3.Responsible for fire safety and security staff quarters for staff accommodation to provide a safe environment.
4.Responsible for checking the staff quarters of the facilities and equipment, identify problems and repair times.
5.Responsible for dormitory maintenance budget control, try to lower maintenance costs.
6.Responsible for the registration of foreign personnel, strict control of foreign workers to stay staff quarters.
7.Responsible for the activity room of the work of staff, care staff business and cultural life.
8.Responsible for coordinating with the staff quarters of the lessor relationship.
9.Complete the tasks assigned by superiors.

『陆』 翻译成英文-岗位职责(专业的.高悬赏.非诚勿扰)

Operation Management Engineer:

Company Profile: the largest private-run company in China

Data Arranging: Sorting out data from Oracle system and Apollo system and collecting and arranging them

Data Analyzing: Comparing data in motive route with one in static route as a way to analyse data and form a report

Management Timing: Management of life-time for express in order to maximize the efficiency of

Operation Monitoring: basing on standard for executive operating, monitoring staff, vehicles and delivers in operating network

Process Optimizing: through a range of steps such as data analyzing, adjusting relevant processes in order to maximize optimization

『柒』 求助:把行政助理的工作职责翻译成英文

1 Assist admin manager in handling administrative affairs and the routine work within the department.
2 Make regular return visits by telephone, maintain the existing customer relationships and developing new customers.
3 Manage the website background, update sellers, menus, announcements and service details timely.
4 Establish and improve the staff personnel files, save, sort, file and store working data.
5 Complete the collection of material, the management of files, drafting cuments, making official documents, sending and receiving, etc.
6 Contact and receive external relevant departments, answer internal calls, receive visitors and keep the smooth conveying of information.
7 Take part in the management of admin and purchase affairs in the company, be responsible for recording and distributing office supplies of deparments in the company.
8 Complete other affairs given by the company and department, follow the results and report timely.
9 Assist admin manager in the coordination between departments in the company.

『捌』 请英文高手帮忙翻译以下岗位职责说明之内容。 拜谢~!

Be responsible for HR planning, formulating and completing all kinds of management control system, setting and implementing labour welfare policy, building and implementing KPI evaluation & training system for all employee, and onther HR works.
College degree or above, Very great English listening/speaking/writing ability, Very good Text comprehensive ability and oral communication ability.
With abundant HR working experience, 3 years or above HR working experience in Star-rated hotel or golf club.
1,According to National labor laws and policies and combining with hotel development target, set up yacht club HR management ruls and implementation rules in detail.
2, Set up and control the determine posts ,delimit oranizational structure ,standard quota of staff for all department under the leadership of General Manager.
3、Manage and adjust employee's contract and salary works under the leadership of General Manager.
4, Coordinate among departments of labour redeployment.
5, Be responsible for setting recruitment plan and examine/approval plan; Coaching and organizing training plan for employee.
6, Be responsible for training plan for employee and managers.
7, Set up yearly training plan and budget; control the cost of budget.
8, Supervise employees implementing all kinds of rules in "Employee Handbook" to make sure the labour discipline in order; Dealing with employee complaints.
9, Combining hotel management rules/ policy and problems happening in guests and service, formulate checking program and plan.
10, Formulate and complete policy to inspire employee; organize activities for employee.
11,Dealing with government of labour issues.
12, Improve hotel service quality management and develop service quality inspection..
13, Complete other works assigned by superior.

『玖』 翻译人员的岗位职责是什么


『拾』 翻译工作内容



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