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发布时间: 2020-11-26 10:56:20

⑴ 如何使郑州变得更美好 英语作文

严格控制污染 把郑州建设的更美好


Strict control of pollution to the construction of Zhengzhou better
One is to control the construction site st pollution, strengthen supervision. All the construction units to sign control st pollution letters of responsibility, efforts to control st the key links and key period in the process of construction, strong implementation of the wet work; in the construction area of over 1 million square meters of construction site and large municipal infrastructure site, rail transportation instry and trade set st monitoring facilities, the establishment of supervisory information system; comprehensively promote the construction site environmental supervision and management; strengthen the demolition project of st pollution prevention and control work. Two is to control the road, traffic st pollution. Increased urban road washing, cleaning frequency, and raise the rate of cleaning mechanization, rece manual cleaning st pollution, rece the adverse weather conditions of st emission; road construction take pipe jacking construction, section excavation, timely repair and other measures to rece st pollution; control vehicles take installed muck and mud on the road and along the spill pollution; strictly urban waste transport and disposal management. Three is to promote the comprehensive management of yard st. Diffusion controlled material flow stacking place of st pollution; construction Zhatu consumptive field and landfill field st pollution control; control bare ground st pollution. Four is strictly control the area of st two pollution. Do a solid job of roof proct st, community health, decoration, pollution control and other clean-up remediation work of no professional property management areas "and" regardless of the three "hospital building of comprehensive regulation, coordination area related departments do a good clean-up rectification work.

⑵ 郑州市扬尘治理新要求对工地扬尘说"不


⑶ 郑州市扬尘治理属于安全文明施工吗


⑷ 郑州市大气污染防治条例的第五章 扬尘污染防治

第四十四条 进行房屋建筑和市政基础设施施工、河道整治、建筑物拆除、园林绿化等活动,建设单位应当制定扬尘污染防治方案,并按照规定提交建设项目主管部门和环境保护行政主管部门。
第四十五条 建设单位应当将防治扬尘污染费用列入工程造价,并在工程承发包合同中明确施工单位防治扬尘污染的责任。
第四十六条 施工现场应当采取下列措施:
第四十七条 堆存、装卸煤炭、水泥、石灰、石膏、渣土、砂石、垃圾等易产生扬尘的作业,作业单位或者个人应当采取遮盖、封闭、喷淋、围挡等有效措施,防止抛洒、扬尘。
第四十八条 建筑垃圾资源化处置场、渣土消纳场、垃圾填埋场应当实施分区作业,按照相关标准和要求采取防治扬尘污染措施。
第四十九条 在扬尘、扬沙等空气重污染天气情况下,对城市道路、广场和其他公共场所的清扫保洁工作,应当增加机械清扫、洒水、冲洗频次,降低地面积尘负荷。
第五十条 裸露地面应当按照下列规定进行绿化或者铺装:
第五十一条 露天开采、加工矿产资源,应当采取喷淋、集中开采、运输道路硬化绿化等措施防止扬尘污染。开采后应当进行生态修复。
第五十二条 城市建成区施工应当使用预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆,施工工地禁止现场搅拌混凝土和砂浆。

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