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发布时间: 2024-07-12 20:12:04

『壹』 韩剧电影(外出)里面,裴勇俊喝醉后在汽车里唱的几句摇滚歌是哪里的

Life Is Beautiful是英文歌是韩国歌首演唱

Life Is Beautiful歌词
life is beautiful lyrics
you plant a rose
and if the rose comes up
you're thankful to god
and when it doesn't you cuss him
you raise a child
and when the child grows up
you got to learn to let go
if you can't learn to love him
but, oh, what a beautiful thing when you sing
hear all them bells ringing out in the street
hammer strikes the metal and it makes me believe
'cause if i don't believe in love
then i don't believe in you
and i do
now i'm not saying only bad news comes
for the people who want it
but you gotta play that music for who's listening
you got to have someone you wanna sing it to
oh, what a beautiful thing when you sing
hear all them bells ringing out in the street
blue sky cracking and it makes me believe
oh, hear all them bells ringing out in the street
hammer strikes the metal and it makes me believe
'cause if i don't believe in love
then i don't believe in you
and i do
close my eyes, see the glorious sunset
through the windows of a store and i want it
anyway, if i ever felt haunted
you were there for me
these angry people who are waiting to judge you
have their own judgment that they'll have live up to
open your mouth
and if nothing come through
you're the one that sings
and it's a gift
and life's a beautiful thing
oh, don't waste it doll
you build a house and if the house comes up
you gotta work on that house
if you want to make it your home
'cause everything inside that's not something you own
is what you're taking with you
on the day that you go
and oh, what a beautiful world when we sing
hear all them bells ringing out in the street
hammer strikes the metal and it makes me believe
hear all them bells ringing out in the street
oh, hammer strikes the metal and it makes me believe
'cause if i don't believe in love
then i don't believe in you
and i do

『贰』 韩国影片一个小女孩在公共汽车上捡笔,其他人的头都没了,这个影片叫什么

是日本的,不是韩国的。。。 真实魔鬼游戏 (2015年日本电影) 中文名 真实魔鬼游戏 外文名 リアル鬼ごっこ 其它译名 真实捉鬼游戏 / 夺命捉迷藏 发行公司 松竹映画 制片地区 日本 拍摄地点 日本 导 演 园子温 编 剧 园子温 / 山田悠介 主 演特林德尔·玲奈,篠田麻里子,真野惠里菜, 桜井ユキ 片 长 85 min 上映时间 2015-07-11(日本) 对白语言 日文 色 彩 彩色

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