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发布时间: 2024-06-26 17:07:57

❶ 你能和我去看电影吗用英语翻译七种方式

  1. can you go to the movie with me?

  2. let's go to the cinema , ok?

  3. would you like to see a movie with me?

  4. would you mind watching the movie with me?

  5. how about watch the movie together with me ?

  6. do you want to watch/see a movie/film with me ?

  7. could you go to the cinema with me ?

  8. why not go to the cinema with me?

另外,去看电影可以翻译为:go to the cinema , go to a movie;

邀请人的话,可以用虚拟语气,would you like to do sth. ; would you mind doing sth.; do you want / like to do sth., why not ......; let's go to ......



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