A. 求斯托米 丹尼尔斯主要电影!
斯托米·丹尼尔斯 Stormy/Stormy Daniels/Stormy W电影作品列表:(一共 84 个电影作品)
Predator 2: The Return ------- (2008) One Wild & Crazy Night ------- (2008) Sleeping Around ------- (2006) Gossip ------- (2006) Second Thoughts ------- (2005) Private Eyes ------- (2005) One Night in Vegas ------- (2004)
One Wild & Crazy Night ------- (2008) Two ------- (2008) Bound ------- (2008) Predator 2: The Return ------- (2008) Stormy's Favorites ------- (2008) The Wicked ------- (2008) 流言 "Dirt" ------- (2007) The One ------- (2007) Taken ------- (2006) Watching Samantha ------- (2006) Driven ------- (2006) 好孕临门/好孕临头/一夜大肚/意外怀孕/意外之孕 Knocked Up ------- (2006) Bless Their Little Holes ------- (2006) Award Winning Sex Stars 2 ------- (2006) Sleeping Around ------- (2006) American Dreams ------- (2005) 永恒/来世今生 Eternity ------- (2005) Jenna's Star Power ------- (2005) Forever Jessica ------- (2005) Alt Video News Awards 2005 ------- (2005) Lovers Lane ------- (2005) Forever Stormy ------- (2005) What Are Friends For? ------- (2005) Internal Affairs ------- (2005) What's a Girl Gotta Do? ------- (2005) The Witches of Breastwick ------- (2005) Secrets of the Velvet Ring ------- (2005) 四十岁的老处男/四十处男 The 40 Year Old Virgin ------- (2005) Neighbors ------- (2005) Matrix Pornstars ------- (2004) Alt Video News Awards 2004 ------- (2004) Wicked Divas: Julia Ann ------- (2004) Highway ------- (2004) "Pornucopia: Going Down in the Valley" ------- (2004) Portrait ------- (2004) I Know What You Did Last Night ------- (2004) The Best of Jessica Drake ------- (2004) Super Size Meat ------- (2004) Men Only's Gorgeous All Girls ------- (2004) Band Camp ------- (2004) Tit Happens ------- (2004) Porking with Pride 2 ------- (2004) Wicked Divas: Stormy ------- (2004) Slave to Love ------- (2004) The Art of Oral Group Sex ------- (2004) Kink ------- (2003) Suspicious Minds ------- (2003) Beautiful ------- (2003) Princess ------- (2003) Island Girls ------- (2003) Space Nuts: Episode 69 - Unholy Union ------- (2003) Alt Video News Awards 2003 ------- (2003) Island Fever 2 ------- (2003) Skin Deep ------- (2003) Pin-Ups ------- (2003) Ron Jeremy on the Loose: Atlantic City ------- (2003) Photo Club ------- (2003) Not a Romance ------- (2003) Cargo ------- (2003) Naked Hollywood 17: Lights, Camera, Action ------- (2003) All Anal ------- (2003) Lost and Found ------- (2003) Without You ------- (2003) Voluptuous 3 ------- (2002) Dumb Blonde ------- (2002) Splendor ------- (2002) Busty Beauties 2 ------- (2002) Grand Opening ------- (2002) Falling from Grace ------- (2002) When the Boyz Are Away the Girlz Will Play 7 ------- (2002) Finally Legal 7 ------- (2002) Hot Showers 6 ------- (2002) Behind the Scenes of 'Dripping Wet Sex' ------- (2002) Dripping Wet Sex 4 ------- (2002) Trailer Trash Nurses 6 ------- (2002) Cupid's Arrow ------- (2002) Big Busted Goddesses of Las Vegas ------- (2000)
B. 鏈嬪弸璇烽棶鏂鎵樼背涓瑰凹灏旀柉鐢靛奖鍙浠ュ幓鍝涓嬶紵
鍒扮櫨搴︽悳绱浼氭湁鍚勭嶅叕浼楀彿鍜岃处鍙穠x鎻愪緵锛屼笉杩囧氨瑕佹參鎱㈡壘浜鏂鎵樼背涓瑰凹鏂鐢靛奖涓嬭浇锛屽傛灉娌℃湁缁忚繃鎺堟潈鍙鑳戒細瀵艰嚧杩濊勩傛渶濂藉埌姝h勭數褰卞晢搴楄喘涔颁笅杞斤紝鍏呭紅xVIP 涔熸槸涓嶉敊鐨勯夋嫨锛屽彧瑕佽姳閽变粈涔堥兘鍙浠ュ緱鍒帮紝灏辫繖鏍峰惂銆
C. 斯托米·丹尼尔斯还有什么作品吗
斯托米丹尼斯除了轻佻寡妇还有《女孩之夜》《小镇反面》《寻找福佑》《流言》。《Lets Be Real》。
《小镇反面》,前海豹部队成员BOBBY KALINOWSKI 退役后成为了一名景观设计师,与他的妻子DAWN还有16岁的女儿Brianna住在洛杉矶的郊区。一天晚上他们接受新邻居CLAY和ELISE FREEMAN 的邀请,到市中心的一个俱乐部去。他们不知道这是一场生死考验的开始。《寻找福佑》,一个刚从电影学校毕业的理想主义的25岁女孩在成人电影工业中的故事。《流言》,Dirt在英语中有肮脏,流言,诽谤,风凉话等多种意思,在这里作为剧名和剧中的杂志名可谓一语双关。本剧以八卦杂志女主编Lucy Spiller(Courteney Cox)的生活和工作为主线,风格华丽而略带黑色。
斯托米·丹尼尔斯(外文名:Stormy Daniels,1979年3月17日-),出生于路易斯安纳州巴吞鲁日,美国女演员、导演、编剧。2002年,开始了自己的职业生涯。2006年凭借《派恩斯营地大屠杀》获得AVN最佳女演员支持奖。2010年,参选路易斯安纳州参议员。