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发布时间: 2024-04-09 02:11:03

A. 黑人英语会话ntr共几部


B. 黑人的英文怎么读


黑人的英文: Black英 [blæk]美 [blæk]

黑人的英文: Negro英 [ˈni:grəʊ]美 [ˈni:groʊ]


Negros Occidental


Rio Negro



Negros Oriental



1. The Negro minstrel is touring the country.


2. He was the first Negro ever to enroll there.


3. It's impolite to call the black people Negro.


4. The negro sluts seemed to try themselves whenever she drove by.


5. Even the presence of a negro maid would not satisfy the conventions.


6. I know the Negro race has a long road to go.


7. " Yassah, " assented the negro, nodding his head.

“ 是, " 黑人点头应道.

8. In fact, you must be practically a Negro yourself.

说真格的, 你简直就是一个黑人.

9. The climax of Negro entertainment was reached in the 1930 s.


10. Its citizens had achieved a splendid equality, they all - except the Negro - walked upright.

它的公民享有辉煌的平等, 除了黑人,都能昂首阔步.

11. He was always a Negro prodigy who played barbarously and wonderfully.


12. A middle - aged Negro woman projected her head through a broken pane.

一个 中年 黑人妇女把头从一块破玻璃窗里伸出去.

13. A Negro boy slipped by hurrying along the coral road.


14. And alongside were the small cabins of the Negro slaves.


15. Its citizens had achieved a splendid equality; they all - except Negro - walked upright.

其公民享有辉煌的平等权利, 除了黑人,都能昂首阔步.

C. 一首英文歌,是一个黑人歌手唱的,好像是盲人,好像一直拿着电话筒唱,这是什么歌谢了

i just call to say i love you(电话诉衷肠)
此歌是世界经典情歌之一,中文译名叫<电话诉衷肠>.是1984年电影《红衣女郎》(The Woman In Love)的主题曲,演唱此歌的stevie wonder是美国的一位非常著名的黑人盲人歌手. 下面是原文和译文:

No new years's day to celebrate 不是新年要祝贺

no chocolate covered candy hearts to give away 不是(情人节)要送心形巧克力糖

no first of spring 不是初春日

no song to sing 不是要唱歌

in fact here's just another ordinary day 其实这只是平平常常的一天

No April rain 不是四月飘雨

no flowers bloom 不是鲜花盛开

no wedding Saturday within the month of June 不是六月星期六的婚礼

But what it is Is something true Made up of these three words that I must say to you 而是一片真情凝聚成的我一定要对你说的三个字

I just called to say I love you 我打电话只是要说我爱你

I just called to say how much I care 我打电话只是要说我非常在意

I just called to say I love you 我打电话只是要说我爱你

And I mean it from the bottom of my heart 这句话发自我心底

No summer's high 不是盛夏季节

No warm July 不是温暖七月

No harvest moon to light one tender August night 不是收获时节的满月照亮温柔的八月之夜

No autumn breeze 不是秋风微拂

No falling leaves 不是树叶飘落

No even time for birds to fly to southern skies 甚至不是候鸟南飞的季节 No Libra sun 不是秋分日

No Halloween 不是万圣节

No giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bring 不是要感谢你带来的所有圣诞快乐

But what it is Though old so new To fill your heart like no three words could ever do. 可再没有什么能像这三个字虽老调却新鲜让你心里充满愉悦

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