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发布时间: 2021-02-28 07:47:34

1. CEO这三个字母各是什么英文单词的简称及中文意思

执行总裁,首席执行长官 (Chief Executive Officer)
Chip Enable Output,芯片启用[使能]输出...
[英汉] 英汉计算机大词
comprehensive electronic office

1. I'd like you to meet Mr. Anderson, CEO of the company.
2. Personally, I consider the CEO a qualified leader.

2. 帮忙翻译英语文章~~~

1, the joint-stock companies. In accordance with the Companies Act to establish corporate governance structure, self-financing, self-management and self-development, self-restraint. Wholly-owned enterprises must fully implement posts operating shareholding system, the conditions are ripe for conversion of assets to shareholders.
2, item cooperative system. Emancipating the mind and consciousness with all-round cooperation and open welcome to the international and domestic investors, with the sale, joint venture, cooperation, and other forms of common development and operation of projects to encourage investment Shi employees to become shareholders in blue-chip recruit the planning, advertising, marketing, design, control, construction, managing and so forth, the company operating, the project only with the operation capable team.
3, the bodies of small system.
(1) Group organs as a capital operation center, the main decision-making function is advisory, implementation coordination, whose process. We should establish decision-making, implementation, whose separation of powers, checks and balances between the scientific institutions, small organs to achieve the objectives of the service. Authorities management staff to about 20 people suitable.
(2) subsidiaries operating profit as a proction center, the main function is to organize and command coordination of the proction, supply and implementation of specific activities to achieve maximum economic efficiency, resource optimization elements, the most stable proction of the people. Authority managers suitable about 10 large companies, small companies around 5 suitable.
(3) workshops, teams, proction lines, projects, such as the purchase and sale of business units at the grassroots level accounting, a system for proction enterprise system for the Chief Engineer, Design Supervision inspected enterprises were responsible for the project within the system, the development of construction projects within Steel Enterprise Manager system, the purchase and sale of trade enterprises the instry business manager for the system. In accordance with the principle of two-way choice, a person is responsible for forming a team, not only a clear division of work concerted collaboration, decentralization, contain each other.
4, pay pluralism. Keep people adhere to the cause, treatment to people, the environment attractive to them, the principle of people's feelings. Graally increase the proportion of performance pay, pay diversity in forms, such as performance allowances, business holdings, asset holdings, skills training, private car phone subsidies, of responsibility for the travel and tourism study, rationalizing Award, Pingxianpingyou Award, cultural and sports activities Award, the cause of platforms, promotion, promotion, Title and, social work and medical insurance.
5, block funding system. Project funds to the company and the relative independence of directors appointed supervisors Financial Group supervised funds paid according to market principles conditional call, in the light of credit management assess the need funded enterprises or projects. To ensure that profit-making enterprises to accumulate funds rolling development.
6, diverse financing system. To establish a good relationship-oriented bank, making good use of enterprises, and good projects and good reputation to attract investors, and conct multi-channel and multi-format, multi-species, all-round financing. If loans, acceptances, shares, funds, listed on the purchase and sale, trade, with funds and leasing.
7, gifted Secretary listing system. Fine listed assets in accordance with the principle of first, nurturing coking plant, coal preparation plant, power plants priority listing. From the instrial and commercial registration, taxation planning to proction and management, project reserves by the Company to the principles of operation, to operate by law, and standardize management, tax planning, at least ensure that a subsidiary of success in the domestic market.

3. 中文翻译成英文,拜托了,谢谢!

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etyhs [dfjfgk[ojgkhkjsdgklaglreiureglgtuagl

fff,jkfhj,hjeruyt FHYgkjydvy

4. 什么是企业法人治理结构

法人治理结构,又译为公司治理(Corporate Governance)是现代企业制度中最重要的组织架构。狭义的公司治理主要是指公司内部股东、董事、监事及经理层之间的关系,广义的公司治理还包括与利益相关者(如员工、客户、存款人和社会公众等)之间的关系。











1.股东会或者股东大会,由公司股东组成,所体现的是所有者对公司的最终所有权,是公司的最高权力机 构。





5. 董事长的英文缩写

董事长 Chairman of the board,缩写:Chairman。


董事长和首席执行官CEO不是一个职务。首席执行官 Chief Executive Officer,缩写:CEO,在经济组织机构中,首席执行官是在一个企业中负责日常事务的最高行政官员,主司企业行政事务,又称作司政、行政总裁、总经理或最高执行长。






6. 平时看新闻时,经常会出现“CEO”这个英文,这是什么意思啊一家公司的董事长权力大还是CEO的权力大如


7. 首席执行官的英文简写是什么

首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer,缩写CEO)是在一个企业中负责日常事务的最高行政官员,又称作行政总裁、总经理或最高执行长。



8. 中文翻译英文

(C) the establishment of a modern enterprise system
The establishment of clear property rights, powers and responsibilities clear, scientific management of the modern enterprise system.
The Third Plenum of the 14th through the "CPC Central Committee on the establishment of the socialist market economic system, the issue of the" Decision of the modern enterprise system, made a detailed summary basic characteristics: First, the relationship between ownership and clarity, corporate ownership of the state-owned assets belonging to the State, including State owned enterprises, investors all the investment formed corporate property rights, become entitled to civil rights, legal entities to bear civil liability. Second, enterprises with all corporate assets, according to the law manage their own business, and pay taxes on the investor bear the responsibility of preserving and increasing the value of assets. Third, the investor according to the amount of capital invested enterprises enjoy the rights and interests of owners, or assets to benefit major decisions and the right to choose managers. Enterprise bankruptcy, the investor only to the amount of capital invested enterprises debts of the enterprises bear limited liability. Fourth, enterprises in accordance with the market demand, proction and management organizations, to improve labor proctivity and operating efficiency for the purpose, the government does not directly intervene in their proction and business activities. Enterprises in the survival of the fittest competition in the market, long-term losses, are insolvent and should be in accordance with the law of insolvency. Fifth, to establish a scientific enterprise leadership and organization management system to regulate the owners, operators and employees of the relationship between incentive and restrictive form of combining the operating mechanism.
1, the joint-stock companies. In accordance with the Companies Act to establish corporate governance structure, self-financing, self-management and self-development, self-restraint. Wholly-owned enterprises must fully implement posts operating shareholding system, the conditions are ripe for conversion of assets to shareholders.
2, item cooperative system. Emancipating the mind and consciousness with all-round cooperation and open welcome to the international and domestic investors, with the sale, joint venture, cooperation, and other forms of common development and operation of projects to encourage investment Shi employees to become shareholders in blue-chip recruit the planning, advertising, marketing, design, control, construction, managing and so forth, the company operating, the project only with the operation capable team.
3, the bodies of small system.
(1) Group organs as a capital operation center, the main decision-making function is advisory, implementation coordination, whose process. We should establish decision-making, implementation, whose separation of powers, checks and balances between the scientific institutions, small organs to achieve the objectives of the service. Authorities management staff to about 20 people suitable.
(2) subsidiaries operating profit as a proction center, the main function is to organize and command coordination of the proction, supply and implementation of specific activities to achieve maximum economic efficiency, resource optimization elements, the most stable proction of the people. Authority managers suitable about 10 large companies, small companies around 5 suitable.
(3) workshops, teams, proction lines, projects, such as the purchase and sale of business units at the grassroots level accounting, a system for proction enterprise system for the Chief Engineer, Design Supervision inspected enterprises were responsible for the project within the system, the development of construction projects within Steel Enterprise Manager system, the purchase and sale of trade enterprises the instry business manager for the system. In accordance with the principle of two-way choice, a person is responsible for forming a team, not only a clear division of work concerted collaboration, decentralization, contain each other.
4, pay pluralism. Keep people adhere to the cause, treatment to people, the environment attractive to them, the principle of people's feelings. Graally increase the proportion of performance pay, pay diversity in forms, such as performance allowances, business holdings, asset holdings, skills training, private car phone subsidies, of responsibility for the travel and tourism study, rationalizing Award, Pingxianpingyou Award, cultural and sports activities Award, the cause of platforms, promotion, promotion, Title and, social work and medical insurance.
5, block funding system. Project funds to the company and the relative independence of directors appointed supervisors Financial Group supervised funds paid according to market principles conditional call, in the light of credit management assess the need funded enterprises or projects. To ensure that profit-making enterprises to accumulate funds rolling development.
6, diverse financing system. To establish a good relationship-oriented bank, making good use of enterprises, and good projects and good reputation to attract investors, and conct multi-channel and multi-format, multi-species, all-round financing. If loans, acceptances, shares, funds, listed on the purchase and sale, trade, with funds and leasing.

9. 请问“法人治理结构”,“证券中介机构”这两个短语用英文怎样表达

法人治理结构 corporation administration construction
证券中介机构 securities agency

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