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发布时间: 2020-11-22 02:55:35

『壹』 整治的英语翻译 整治用英语怎么说

[词典] punish; renovate; repair; fix;
[例句]这坏蛋得内整治一下。容That scoundrel needs to be punished.

『贰』 专项整治活动 英文怎么说

Special rectification activities

『叁』 新闻热词:“整顿,整治”英语怎么说

1.Align 在欧美通常用align 来表达整顿的行动;
We need to align the operation.我们需要整顿运营;
2.Govern 用来表达整专治;
This organization is under governing.

『肆』 “整治”英语怎么说

mangement 即可

『伍』 整治交通秩序 用英语怎么说

renovate/rebuild the traffic rules/regulations

『陆』 环境整治 英文怎么写

“整治” 就是 “整顿与治理” 或者 “恢复原样”,可以翻译如下:

  • renovation and improvement of the environment

  • rectification and administration of the environment

『柒』 配套设施整治 正确用英文翻译怎么说

Maintenance of series equipment

『捌』 写一篇关于整治环境的英语作文 不少于100字

Is the earth we live on is getting worse? The answer is not. But we feel the environment around us is getting worse. The water is polluted, the air we breathe is dirty. Besides the fast growth of population, what we deal with the environment is another key issue. We'd better do something to change the bad habits which wil do harm with the environment. We'd better treat garbages according to their kinds so that we can recycle them. We'd better treat waste waters using more advanced technology. What we can do now is more walk, less car-driving. It's the time to take action. We really need a clean,tidy world.

『玖』 村容村貌整治怎么翻译

村容村貌整治 翻译成 使村庄变整洁 然后我用翻译器 Make the village become clean and tidy

『拾』 帮忙翻译一下”30亿整治成果被糟蹋”这句话,英文

3 billion rectification results was wasted .

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