发布时间: 2020-12-11 19:16:20
⑴ 以北京国际车展为标题的英语短文该如何写
Beijing International Automobile Exhibition 2012(twelfth) is held from April 23 to May 2, 2012. 2012 Beijing Auto Show is once again a high level show worthy of the Chinese and foreign auto instry expecting.
More than 2,000 automotive enterprises from 14 countries and regions participated in the 10-day exhibition that kicked off on Monday. All global automobile multinational corporations to enroll in this auto show, totally exhibiting 1,125 vehicle units. The world's first cars total 120, of which 36 come from multinational corporations. Besides .....
全文你参考这个“英语作文网”吧 http://www.adreep.cn/wz/3035.html
⑵ 一个男的,带墨镜,打架子鼓,旁边是车展。记得标题好像是什么什么架子鼓,旁边美女看上他了,求这个视频