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发布时间: 2021-03-02 01:14:01

① Microsoft Edge浏览器宣传视频的音乐是什么


② 求该微软宣传片的英文原文!!望大侠解答!!


We see a doctor.
We see a mom and a CEO.
We see a marine biologist.

At Microsoft, we see the world not just as it is, but as it might someday become.

We see potential.
We see people unleashing their creativity, unlocking their talents, accomplishing more and experiencing more of life than they ever thought possible.
We see workers coming together, sharing information freely and openly.
We see small businesses grow.
Big business made agile, and companies forming partnerships.
We see developers having the tools they need to create the next big thing.

At Microsoft, we stand in awe of you and your potential.

It’s what inspires us to create software that helps you reach it.
It’s what inspires all we do.
Because at the end of the day, the true measure of our success is not in the power of our software, but in the power it unleashes in you.

Your potential, our passion.

③ 有个广告还是宣传片,一个人边走边说话。好像是微软的。好像还说到了天气预报和计算机。

对我看过........视频网站上搜 2010十大广告片 年份不对再试试搜

④ 微软2020动画宣传片是什么


⑤ 各位大虾,这个微软宣传片的背景音乐是什么急求!!!


⑥ 求微软宣传片的背景音乐名字

《I Am The Best》 2NE1

⑦ 微软企业宣传片


⑧ 微软未来生活的宣传片是什么意思


⑨ 关于微软企业形象宣传片的特点


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