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发布时间: 2021-02-15 08:14:00

⑴ NBA的广告词是什么来着

Where Amazing Happens



Where 81 points happens

Where short shorts happens


⑵ NBA所有的广告词有哪些

where amazing happens 这不算是广告词吧,这应该叫宣传语,07赛季之前,nba一直用i love this game作为宣传语。如果你非要什么广告词,好吧,给你

Where anticipation happens. 见证预判之地
Where 81 points happens. 见证81分之地
Where afro happens. 见证爆炸头之地
Where never meant to happen happens. 见证不可思议之地
Where 长城 happens. 见证长城之地
Where tomorrow happens. 见证明日之地
Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地

Where immovable happens. 见证纹丝不动之地
Where discussion happens. 见证争论之地
Where bloody nose happens. 见证血鼻之地
Where regret happens. 见证悔恨之地
Where short shorts happened. 见证短裤之地
Where commitment happens. 见证承诺之地
Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地

Where heart happens. 见证勇敢的心之地
Where friends becoming foes happens. 见证兄弟反目之地
Where are you kidding me happens. 见证“你在开玩笑吗”之地
Where 1.3 seconds left happens. 见证还剩1.3秒之地
Where nowhere to hide happens. 见证无处可藏之地
Where good luck next round happens. 见证下一轮好运之地
Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地

⑶ NBA最新广告的广告词

Other request we are all to be passalbe to satisfy, except the operation force. The operation force of our procts are above 100 gf. In our view it is feel not goodwhat you request the operation force. You determined it is the operation force which you needs? If you need, please give me your detailed address and the contact method. In order to we wend the asmple for you!


⑷ 这个赛季(2015-2016)NBA的宣传语是什么

The wait is over
This is why we play
NBA Cares
Where amazing happens

⑸ 悉数NBA历年宣传口号,你最喜欢哪一个

1980s-1992NBA宣传语是“America's Game/NBA Action:It's Fantastic”,
1992-2007 NBA宣传语是“I Love This Game”!
2007-08宣传语是“Where Amazing Happens”!
季后赛:Where Will Amazing Happen This Year!
2012-13赛季宣传语是“Big Things Are Coming”

2014-15赛季宣传语是“Everybody UP”!
2015-2017赛季赛季宣传语是“This Is Why We Play”!

⑹ NBA最新广告的广告词

Other request we are all to be passalbe to satisfy, except the operation force. The operation force of our procts are above 100 gf. In our view it is feel not goodwhat you request the operation force. You determined it is the operation force which you needs? If you need, please give me your detailed address and the contact method. In order to we wend the asmple for you!

其他的要求,我们都将passalbe满足,但行动力。 The operation force of our procts are above 100 gf.我们的产品操作力高于100绿。 In our view it is feel not goodwhat you request the operation force.我们认为,这是你觉得不goodwhat要求操作力。 You determined it is the operation force which you needs?你确定它是行动的力量,你需要吗? If you need, please give me your detailed address and the contact method.如果您需要,请给我您的详细地址和联系方式。 In order to we wend the asmple for you!为了抓起一把为您asmple!

⑺ CCTV5的所有NBA的篮球广告语

相信自已-斯伯丁 I can play-PEAK
一切皆有可能-李宁 勇敢做自己-安踏
无兄弟,不篮球-阿迪达斯 每时每刻运动回-美克
勇往直答前-野力 信自己-金莱克
TO BE NO.1-361 只管去做-耐克运动鞋

⑻ NBA所有的广告词有哪些

Where anticipation happens. 见证预判之地
Where 81 points happens. 见证81分之地
Where afro happens. 见证爆炸头之地
Where never meant to happen happens. 见证不可思议之地
Where 长城 happens. 见证长城之地
Where tomorrow happens. 见证明日之地
Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地

Where immovable happens. 见证纹丝不动之地
Where discussion happens. 见证争论之地
Where bloody nose happens. 见证血鼻之地
Where regret happens. 见证悔恨之地
Where short shorts happened. 见证短裤之地
Where commitment happens. 见证承诺之地
Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地

Where heart happens. 见证勇敢的心之地
Where friends becoming foes happens. 见证兄弟反目之地
Where are you kidding me happens. 见证“你在开玩笑吗”之地

⑼ NBA的宣传语是哪句啊

where amazing happens 07赛季之前,nba一直用i love this game作为宣传语。
Where anticipation happens. 见证预判之地
Where 81 points happens. 见证81分之地
Where afro happens. 见证爆炸头之地
Where never meant to happen happens. 见证不可思议之地
Where 长城 happens. 见证长城之地
Where tomorrow happens. 见证明日之地
Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地

Where immovable happens. 见证纹丝不动之地
Where discussion happens. 见证争论之地
Where bloody nose happens. 见证血鼻之地
Where regret happens. 见证悔恨之地
Where short shorts happened. 见证短裤之地
Where commitment happens. 见证承诺之地
Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地

Where heart happens. 见证勇敢的心之地
Where friends becoming foes happens. 见证兄弟反目之地
Where are you kidding me happens. 见证“你在开玩笑吗”之地
Where 1.3 seconds left happens. 见证还剩1.3秒之地
Where nowhere to hide happens. 见证无处可藏之地
Where good luck next round happens. 见证下一轮好运之地
Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地

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