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发布时间: 2020-12-18 01:36:42

1. 急求英文翻译:根据要求写一封投诉信!

Receiver: Manager of Chuntian(Spring) Book Store. Sender: Zhang Ming. Date of send: June 16th, 2013.
Content: Today, I received the book, Introction to Interview, which was booked on June 3rd, 2013. However, page 34 and 56 are missing. Thus I ask for returning this book and receiving another complete one.

2. 投诉信英语作文及翻译50字

Dear boss,
Thank you for reading my letter.
Last Sunday is my classmate Mary's brithday.We went to your restaurant so as to celebrated Mary's brithday.But your restaurant was not good than I expected.We couldn't tolerate that restaurant at all.The service was really bad and the food was awful.The most unbearable was the hygiene of the restaurant was horrible,we felt very disgusting.
We complained about the food , the hygiene and the the service to the waiter.But his attitude was very pride and he ignored us.It was really provoking! Finally ,the waiter drove us away.How dare he was!
All of us were very angry.I am doubt that whether I would come to your restaurant or not.

3. 麻烦帮助翻译成英文的投诉信,谢谢

Dear Sirs,

出于对scarpa产品的信任,我与夫人于2009年3月21日在中国北京各购买了一双scarpa Zg40户外鞋。
Because of the trust for SCARPA brand and procts, I bought two pairs of ZG40 for myself and my wife in Beijing on 21 March,2009.

但穿着三天后发现其中一双产地为意大利鞋码为43码的scarpa zg40户外鞋两只鞋前端的橡胶部分型状偏差较大,造成两只鞋宽度不一致,右鞋宽于左鞋,邮件附件中的照片对此质量问题进行了标注说明。因为两只鞋宽度的偏差造成了穿着时右脚很舒服但左脚因被挤压引起疼痛的现象,对穿着产生了影响。问题发生后,我专门试过同款同码的其他scarpaZG40,可是未发生类似现象,更加证明了是鞋的质量问题。

But After three days , I have found one pair of ZG40 (size 43# Made In Italy) have the big difference in the rubber toe area between two shoes,which caused the different width, right one is wider than left one. Please find details in photo attached in which marked the quality issues. For this reason, I feel comfort for the right foot but quite pain for the left foot because of pressure. After that, I specially tried another ZG40 of same model and same size , but the issue didn’t repeat. All of these confirmed the problem is caused by shoes quality.

我于2009年3月30日通过经销商向scarpa中国区总代理反匮了此户外鞋的质量问题,我提出进行更换或退货的要求。但scarpa中国区总代理的售后服务态度非常恶劣,对于存在的问题完全是在推脱责任,根本没有解决问题的诚意,无法得到满意的处理结果。所以向你们提出对scarpa中国区总代理的控诉,并对这双有质量问题的Scarpa zg40户外鞋提出退货要求。
I’ve pointed out my concern to Scarpa general agent (K2summit)in China on 30 March , 2009. I suggested to replace or repair the problem shoes , but I got a very bad after-sales service from them. They just took off responsibility for existed issue and didn’t show any sincerity to fix it, so I haven't got any satisfactory answers in China. Hereby, I complaint the service of Scarpa general agent in China and require the refund for this pair of shoes with quality issue.

对于scarpa的制鞋工艺是非常欣赏的,这双有问题的scarpa zg40户外鞋相信只是各别瑕疵品,希望能够得到满意的处理答复。
I appreciate the manufacturing and crafts of Scarpa and I do believe this matter is only a singular case. I’m looking forward a satisfactory answer.

4. 麻烦高手帮忙翻译一下一封意见投诉信

Although I have already left the company, but I think it is necessary to write this letter to you, I thought you run a factory, Well, factories want good, instead of sticking to play with the mentality, but I went to the company ring this time, I discovered the existence of the factory is too many, I think the problem is the root of the company management.

Chen your appointment as factories on the Chinese side. and the POLA and LUIGI you then sent from Italy to help your management, However, their management is very problematic, as a manager, do not say anything, personal qualities are most important, do not know how to respect other people who are not qualified to be respected, they treat people too hypocritical. I think people are no boundaries between class hours, which of them is right, but they are right staff attitude serious harm to us, Ironically apt to have spoken to the people to speak, the people do not like them regardless of whether those indivials will have arbitrarily denied it, exclusion or expulsion.

but their management style is indeed impossible for us to agree. If an employer when hiring no way to trust the person, not as it is not used, employing no doubt that the suspect not. You have committed a taboo Troops, so is not long survive the

I think one of them, you can say it is biased. But not everyone likes the two of them, you are not to consider that, they are also a problem. Whether you are innocent or default, I think I need to let you know about the company's present situation, saying, very bad.

apt for a dismissal, and did not like it do not want to use, This company is also necessary to exist yet, because they do not like, so the resignation of nothing when asked, people go, I do not think this is the decision you make, in my eyes, you are regarded as a shrewd boss reasonable, although not much contact. But from the mouth and other people feel, you are not wrong people I think you need to respond to the current situation. depends on two things, not only one party alone in the one-sided story.

dismissed employees have reasonable grounds, but should also expelled from the people ahead of time and prepare the handover, but here, the dismissal of a person, As long as the prior two minutes to tell the person, you can go, what transition is not, This is the first time I see such a company is expelled from the people, can everyone's work so unimportant. It can be said that people leave the station, who will transfer You can then quickly find a person to take over?

for using the talents that they do not know how to cherish the feeling that Rather, what are those who do not understand, Take ALLEN, he can simply say we do not understand anything, Why is it that when the manager, but also for the storage of attitude was so bad. Now for the procurement of Xiaozheng do, material feed into the pants onto the warehouse to manage, I still was not out at the time, Initial proction of things and I am also ordering the contract in helping him to do so, I would like to know, He is the manager to do anything.

addition to Chen, I think that she is simply not qualified to sit on that the general manager position, the day her staff or wages, Since she said she can not know anything, as a manager, do not know anything, it is not yet too ridiculous. She also said only of fabrics, I really have nothing to say, too absurd, simply a general manager of the fabrics, on the company statuette?

do not know how to use statistics and personnel administrator, is not qualified to do management, I hope you will be prudent and responsible to consider the issue and make related decisions.

5. 投诉信在线翻译 急

we write to our order no. 315 yesterday about the carriage of the goods concerned. Due to negligence, several computer package has been badly damaged.
2 from your letter of July 2, orders that the goods in 38 two damaged seriously.
3. Obviously, the damage was e to rough handling.
4. We hope you will compensate this.
5 the not satisfied, you can return the phone, so that we can check.
6 please tell us you are the goods returned or otherwise arranged?
7. We apologize for the inconvenience caused thereby.
8 as you mean, was delayed e to the us can control the situation.
9 we wish this incident will not affect our good relations of cooperation between.
10. However, this event is not likely to happen

6. Complaint投诉信翻译

I am writing to you about the Micro-wave oven I bought from your department store last week.When I brought it home,I found that it didin't work.Since the matter has brought a lot of trouble to my family,as you may understand,I'm extremely upset.
Therefor,I would like either a replacement or a refund of the purchase price.Please send me a new one of my type or you may send me a full refund of 500 yuan as soon as possible
鉴于上述原因,我认为,全额退款 或者 新换一台微波炉 是比较合适的两种处理方案。请您们尽快将我这一型号的新微波炉寄送给我,或者将购买微波炉的全部金额500元退还给我。

I am writing to you about [sth.+定于从句+状语。表示你要投诉的东西以及部分详细情况。]When I brought it home,I found that it didin't work.[是某东西不能使用,这具话可以用。]Since the matter has brought a lot of trouble to my family,as you may understand,I'm extremely upset.[表达这样东西或事情,给生活和家庭带来的影响也可以用。]
Therefor,I would like [both/either/all 等等.这里是提出解决方案,您可以说几种,也可以指定一种。].
Please [do sth. 这里是针对解决方案提出的要求。] as soon as possible


7. 急求投诉信翻译


8. 请帮忙翻译一封投诉信 特别急

Dear SIr/Madam,
I am from China. I ordered a laptop for my brother on Apr 25 (who is stuying in England). However i have not received my order.

Neither myself nor my brother is fluent in English, therefore i inquired the status of my order through email. The answers i received from your service staff are different, someone told me that there is no problem with my order and the laptop is shipped, and confirmed through UPS that my brother would have received the delivery yesterday, which is not the fact. While others told me that Dell has rejected my order and i will be refunded without any explanation.

About my order i sent emails to differetn people hoping to get confrimation about my order and whether the laptop has been shipped. I have not received any confirmation so far.

I look forward to you reply and eager to know when my brother will receive the laptop.


9. 英文翻译(投诉信)

Last week I bought a digital camera from your shop,but when I came back home,I found that there is some nick on the surface of the camera,and the color of the pictures which taken indoor were not natural.Unfortunately,I have lost my receipt,and later I took it back to your shop to return the proct,but the shop assistant hide her face from me,gave me a bad service,she also reviled me.So,I require to return the proct,and apologize me!

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