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发布时间: 2021-01-14 01:21:05

㈠ “行政部 行政专员”怎么翻译英文啊


Administration Department

Our HQ build in Shanghai, with General Manager Room, Administration Department, Finacial Department, Designing Department and Material Department, with Item Project Department in all subsidiaries.

Admin Staff

During the interview for an administration specialist position, the HR manager asked me to clean up a desk in a conference room.

㈡ 行政人员用英文怎么说

行政人员的英文:clerical staff。

clerical staff

英 [ˈklerɪkəl stɑ:f] 美 [ˈklɛrɪkəl stæf]




英 [ˈklerɪkl] 美 [ˈklɛrɪkəl]




英 [stɑ:f] 美 [stæf]








1、staff the office 给办公室配备人员。

2、staff this holiday resort 为度假胜地配备雇员。

3、staff finely 人员配备齐全。

4、staff sufficiently 人员配备充足。

5、staff tightly 人员紧缺。

㈢ 行政部门 怎么翻译

administration Dept.

㈣ 人力、行政部经理的英文翻译

人力部经理:Human Resource Manager。

行政部经理:Executive Manager。











㈤ “行政部 行政专员”这个用英语怎么翻译啊

行政部 administration section行政专员 Admin Specialist

㈥ 行政助理 职能 英文翻译

行政助理 职能
Administrative assistant function

1, responsible for the company's development and monitoring of discipline, and attendance and management,
2 and organize employee orientation and personal files, labor contract, residence and instry and commerce registration and insurance material,
3 the attendance card, is responsible for the management, check and proction, and statistics and overtime pay to collect, monthly financial book and make a ,
4, responsible for the company's management, office equipment, computer, fax, telephone, plicator, use the registration card printing and work; etc.
5 and when the work is responsible for the office of the tour, check the water supply, Windows and doors, the computer power supply, closed and records.
6, be responsible for the formulation and supervision company vehicles use management system,
7, responsible, according to standard quota buy office supplies of planning and explain the proceres, do not TuoDang is not long.
Responsible for running stores, office supplies and use registration of return.
Responsible for office supplies, warehousing, monthly inventory, annual inventory statistics, warehousing, there are proceres, the acceptance of outbound guarantee accounting ledger.
8, responsible for the collection, email and newspapers distributed job.
9, responsible for each employee generated by telephone, fax, mail, Internet statistics to verify the cost analysis, data, in finance.
10 and responsible for administration manager other tasks assigned by the temporary.

㈦ “行政人事部”怎么翻译

Administrative human resources department

㈧ 求助:把行政助理的工作职责翻译成英文

1 Assist admin manager in handling administrative affairs and the routine work within the department.
2 Make regular return visits by telephone, maintain the existing customer relationships and developing new customers.
3 Manage the website background, update sellers, menus, announcements and service details timely.
4 Establish and improve the staff personnel files, save, sort, file and store working data.
5 Complete the collection of material, the management of files, drafting cuments, making official documents, sending and receiving, etc.
6 Contact and receive external relevant departments, answer internal calls, receive visitors and keep the smooth conveying of information.
7 Take part in the management of admin and purchase affairs in the company, be responsible for recording and distributing office supplies of deparments in the company.
8 Complete other affairs given by the company and department, follow the results and report timely.
9 Assist admin manager in the coordination between departments in the company.

㈨ 求我国各行政部门的英文翻译


The people's Republic of China (P. R. China) 中华人民共和国
Province (Hebei Province) 省

Prefecture (Cangzhou Prefecture) 区

Municipality (Beijing Municipality) 市

City (Cangzhou City) 市

County (Cangxian County) 县

Autonomous 自治 (Autonomous District [ Prefecture/ County)

Capital (Provincial Capital) 省会

Communist Party of China 中国共产党

National Party Congress 全国代表大会

Fifteenth National Congress 第十五次全国代表大会(十五大)

First Plenary Session 第一届中央全会(一中全会)

Central Committee 中央委员会

member of the Central Committee 中央委员

alternate member of the Central Committee 候补中央委员

Political Bureau 政治局

member of the Political Bureau 政治局委员

alternate member of the Political Bureau 政治局候补委员

Standing Committee of the Political Bureau 政治局常务委员会

member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau 政治局常委

Secretariat of the Central Committee 中央书记处

General Secretary 总书记
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection 中央纪律检查委员会

International Liaison Department 对外联络部

Organization Department 组织部

United Front Work Department 统战部

Propaganda Department 宣传

State President 国家主席

President of PRC 中华人民共和国主席
Vice President of PRC 中华人民共和国副主席

National People's Congress 全国人民代表大会

Standing Committee 常务委员会

Chairman 委员长

Vice Chairpersons 副委员长

Members of the NPC Standing Committee 常务委员会委员
Central Military Committee 中央军事委员会

Chairman 主席

Vice Chairman 副主席

CMC Members 委员

Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院

President 最高人民法院院长

Supreme People's Procuratorate 最高人民检察院
Procurator-General 最高人民检察院检察长

State Council 国务院

Premier 总理

Vice Premier 副总理
State Councillors 国务委员

Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部

Ministry of National Defense 国防部

State Development Planning Commission 国家发展计划委员会
State Economic and Trade Commission 国家经济贸易委员会

Ministry of Ecation 教育部

Ministry of Science and Technology 科学技术部

Commission of Science, Technology and Instry for National Defense 国防科学技术工业委员会

State Ethnic Affairs Commission 国家民族事务委员会
Ministry of Public Security 公安部

Ministry of State Security 安全部

Ministry of Supervision 监察

Ministry of Civil Affairs 民政部

Ministry of Justice 司法部

Ministry of Finance 财政部

Ministry of Personnel 人事部
Ministry of Labor and Social Security 劳动和社会保障部

Ministry of Land and Natural Resources 国土资源部

Ministry of Construction 建设部

Ministry of Railways 铁道部

Ministry of Communications 交通部
Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications 信息产业部

Ministry of Water Resources 水利部

Ministry of Agriculture 农业部
Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation 对外贸易经济合作部

Ministry of Culture 文化部
Ministry of Health 卫生

State Family Planning Commission 国家计划生育委员会

People's Bank of China 中国人民银行

Auditing Administration 审计署

Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议

National Committee 全国委员会

Standing Committee 常务委员会
Chairman 主席

Vice-Chairpersons 副主席

democratic party 民主党派
Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang 中国国民党革命委员会(民革)

China Democratic League 中国民主同盟(民盟)

China Democratic National Construction Association 中国民主建国会(民建)

China Association Promoting Democracy 中国民主促进会(民进)

Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party 中国农工民主党
China Zhi Gong Dang 中国致公党

Jiu San Society 九三学社

Taiwan Democratic self-government 台湾民主自治同盟(台盟)

people's organization 人民团体
All-China Federation of Trade Unions 中华全国总工会(全总)

Communist Youth League of China 中国共产主义青年团(共青团)
All-China Federation of Youth 中华全国青年联合会(全国青联)

All-China Students' Federation 中华全国学生联合会(全国学联)

China Young Pioneers 中国少年先锋队(少先队)

All-China Women's Federation 中华全国妇女联合会(全国妇联)

China Association for Science and Technology 中国科学技术协会(中国科协)

China Federation of Literary and Art Circles 中国文学艺术界联合会(文联)

All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese 中华全国归国华侨联合会(全国侨联)

China Welfare Institute 中国福利会

Red Cross Society of China 中国红十字会

Chinese People's Liberation Army 中国人民解放军)

Headquarters of the General Staff 总参谋部

General Political Department 总政治部

General Logistics Department 总后勤部

General Armament Department 总装备部

㈩ 行政人员的英语翻译


行政人员翻译为:administrator 或 administration staff ,GS是General Staff 的缩写。

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