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发布时间: 2021-01-07 23:30:17

⑴ -假如你是一名校长,需要制定规章制度,必须有允许和不允许的行为的英语作文

There are some rules in my school. First the students should be allowed to wear uniform. Sensed boys should not be allowed to have long hair and Long fingernails. Third the students should not be allowed to smoking. Fifth the students should not be allowed to flight in school. Sixth the students should not be allowed to get into school with other school’ students. Seventh the students should not be allowed to drinking in everywhere. Eighth the students should be allowed speak Putonghua in school.

⑵ 求用英语写五条法律法规

Labour Law of the People’ Republic of China
Article 1 This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of labourers, regulate labour relationship, establish and safeguard a labour system suited to the socialist market economy, and promote economic development and social progress.
Article 2 This Law shall apply to enterprises, indivial economic organizations (hereinafter referred to as employing units) and labourers who form a labour relationship therewith within the territory of the People’s Republic of China.
State organs, institutions and public organizations as well as labourers who form a labour contract relationship therewith shall be bound by this Law.
Article 3 Labourers shall have equal right to employment and choice of occupation, the right to remuneration for labour, to rest and vacations, to protection of occupational safety and health, to training in vocational skills, to social insurance and welfare, to submission of labour disputes for settlement and other rights relating to labour stipulated by law.
Labourers shall fulfill their labour tasks, improve their vocational skills, follow rules on occupational safety and health, and observe labour discipline and professional ethics.
Article 4 The employing units shall establish and perfect rules and regulations in accordance with the law so as to ensure that labourers enjoy the right to work and fulfill labour obligations.
Article 5 The State shall take various measures to promote employment, develop vocational ecation, lay down labour standards, regulate social incomes, perfect social insurance system, coordinate labour relationship, and graally raise the living standard of labourers.

⑶ “法规与政策”英语怎么说

”法规与政策“可译为“laws and regulations and policies"。
It is about the effect of environmental management, environmental laws and regulations and environmental policies on the development of environmental protection instry.

⑷ 请问“法律、法规禁止的,不得经营。。。的英文字母说

forbidden by the law

⑸ 请问英语“政策法规”怎么说啊

可以.我个人认为POLICIES AND REGULATIONS 更好.因为这儿的政策法规应该指比较特定的有针对性的法律法规,这种情况下,似乎REGULATION更好一些.

⑹ 法律工作者对英语要求高吗


⑺ 出台政策 法令法规 翻译成英语

出台政策 法令法规 翻译成英语

(1)Introce policies and edicts and regulations

(2)Formulate policies and edicts and regulations

(3)Introction of policy and edicts and regulations

(4) launched policies and edicts and regulations

(5) Promulgate policies and decrees and rulers

⑻ 求翻译成英文,TKS! 本公司保证符合XX要求以下法规,且跟随法规更新符合最新的法规要求. 修订

The company to ensure compliance with XX requirements the following regulations, and follow the rules and regulations update meeting regulatory requirements
Amendment 6.3 the following contents:
Lead and lead compounds in project management maturity level 2 Revised 1 level control

⑼ 完善相关法律法规,用英语怎么说

improve relevant laws and regulations

China will maintain the continuity and stability of its FDI policy, improve relevant laws and regulations and create a sound investment climate for foreign businesses

⑽ 中国法律法规 英文版


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