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发布时间: 2020-12-15 02:07:19

㈠ 大床房 双人房 英文 怎么说啊

请问,2个英文。“双人房”和“大床房”的英文?谢谢 Double size room King size room 1.a double room 双人房

㈡ 好听有气质有内涵的双人英文名


Celina和 Elisa

㈢ 双人英文笑话

A young woman got on a bus with a baby in her hands.
When the driver saw the baby,he said:"This is the ugliest baby I have ever seen!"
The wowan was so angry and she went to the corner.
She looked at the man who was sitting beside him and told him that the driver had insulted her.
The man also got annoyed,he said to the woman:"Just go and give him a lesson,I will help you to adopt this monkey!"

㈣ 六分钟,英文电影片段,双人版,中英对照版的字幕,语速慢一点。口语考试用,急急急

1. 《这个杀手不太冷中》的Mathilda对Leon的表白
李昂: (Nothing's the same after you've killed someone. Yourlife is changed forever.) You have to sleep with one eye open for the rest ofyour life.
玛蒂尔达:I don't give a shit about sleeping. leon. Iwant love....or death. That's it.

李昂:Iwant death. Only death is real. Get off my case. Mathilda. I'm tired of yourgames.

玛蒂尔达:There'sthis really great game. Leon. Makes people nicer. Start them thinking. The kindof game you love. If I win you keep me with you... for life

李昂:Andif you lose?
玛蒂尔达:Go shopping alone, like before.

李昂:You'regonna lose. Mathilda. There's a round in the chamber. I heard it.

玛蒂尔达:Sowhat? What's it to you if I end up with a bullet in the head?


玛蒂尔达:Ihope you're not lying. Leon. I really hope that deep down inside there's nolove in you. Because if there is just a little bit of love in there for me...Ithink that in a few minutes you'll regret you never said anything. I love you.Leon.



2. 电影《闻香识女人》经典对白
Trask: Mr. Simms, you are a cover-up artistand you are a liar.
Frank: But not a snitch!
Trask: Excuse me?
Frank: No, I don't think I will.
Trask: Mr. Slade
Frank: This is such a crock of shit!
Trask: Please watch your language, Mr.Slade; you are in the Baird School, not a barracks. Mr. Simms, I'll give youone final opportunity to speak up.
Frank: Mr. Simms doesn't want it. Hedoesn't need to be labeled, still worthy of being a Baird man! What the hell isthat? What is your motto here? Boys, inform on your classmates, save your hide,anything short of that, we're gonna burn you at the stake? Well, gentleman,when the shit hits the fan some guys run and some guys stay, here's Charlie,facing the fire and there's George hiding in big daddy's pocket. And what areyou doing? And you are gonna reward George, and destroy Charlie.
Trask: Are you finished, Mr. Slade?
Frank: No, I'm just getting warmed up! Idon't know who went to this place, William Howard Taft, William JenningsBryant, William Tell, whoever, their spirit is dead, if they ever had one. It'sgone. You're building a rat ship here, a vessel for seagoing snitches. And ifyou think you're preparing these minnows for manhood, you better think again,because I say you're killing the very spirit this institution proclaims itinstills. What a sham! What kind of a show are you guys putting on here today?I mean, the only class in this act is sitting next to me, I'm here to tell youthis boy's soul is intact, it's non-negotiable, you know how I know, someonehere, and I'm not gonna say who, offered to buy it, only Charlie here wasn'tselling.
Trask: Sir, you're out of order.
Frank: I'll show you out of order. Youdon't know what out of order is, Mr. Trask, I'd show you, but I'm too old, I'mtoo tired, I'm too fucking blind, if I were the man I was five years ago, I'dtake a flame thrower to this place! Out of order? Who the hell do you thinkyou're talking to? I've been around, you know? There was a time I could see,and I have seen, boys like these, younger than these, their arms torn out,their legs ripped off, but there is nothing like the sight of an amputatedspirit. There is no prosthetic for that, you think you're merely sending thissplendid foot solider back home to Oregen with his tail between his legs, but Isay you're executing his soul! And why? Because he is not a Baird man. Bairdmen, you hurt this boy, you're gonna be Baird bums, the lot of you. And Harry,Jimmy, and Trent, wherever you are out there, fuck you too!
Trask: Stand down, Mr. Slade!
Frank: I'm not finished. As I came in here,I heard those words: cradle of leadership. Well, when the bough breaks, thecradle will fall, and it has fallen here, it has fallen. Makers of men,creators of leaders, be careful what kind of leaders you're procin' here. Idon't know if Charlie's silence here today is right or wrong, I'm not a judgeor jury, but I can tell you this: he won't sell anybody out to buy his future!And that my friends is called integrity, that's called courage. Now, that's thestuff leaders should be made of. Now I have come to crossroads in my life, Ialways knew what the right path was. Without exception, I knew, but I nevertook it, you know why, it was too * hard. Now here's Charlie, he's come to thecrossroads, he has chosen a path. It's the right path, it's a path made ofprinciple that leads to character. Let him continue on his journey. You holdthis boy's future in your hands, committee, it's a valuable future, believe me.Don't destroy it, protect it. Embrace it. It's gonna make you proud one day, Ipromise you. How's that for cornball?

㈤ 一双人的英文翻译

翻译为:I don't know a pair of people

㈥ 标准双人间换成标准双床间用英文怎么说

Standard twin room double bed
Standard twin room double bed

㈦ 双人英文怎么拼

双人 [shuāng rén] double

㈧ 已经预定3晚双人房间英文

I have already booked a double room for 3 nights.

㈨ 两个人 英语怎么说

一、两个人英文是 :Two people

二、people的音标:英 [ˈpiːp(ə)l]、美 [ˈpipəl]


1、v.在...居住,居住于 ;

an arid mountain region peopled by warring clans.


2、n.人类; 国民; 团体;

the earthquake killed 30,000 people.



1、frighten the people 威胁人民

2、help the people 帮助人民

3、lead the people 领导人民

4、liberate the people 解放人民

5、line the people together 把人民联结到一起

6、lose people 减少人员

7、love the people 热爱人民



1、当它作为人;人们; 亲戚;家族; 某地方的人或人民;公民;平民解释时,为集体名词,不可数

如:The streets were crowded with people.



如:The Chinese people are a brave and hard-working people.



1、person是个体名词,它泛指man,woman或child中的任何一个,其复数形式是persons,但人们习惯用 people代替persons。

“一个人”常译作a person,而需要说明一个人的性别时,要用a man 或 a woman来表示。

如: Who is the youngest person in your class?



如:twenty people


如:There are 56 peoples in China.


㈩ 双人入住 英文

1. We'd like to have two double rooms and a single room, please.
2. How much is that in total? Two double rooms and a single, that's 1,000 yuan in all.
3. When do you plan to leave?
4. How much is that in all if we stay for three days? That will be 300 yuan in all.
5. How much is a double room for one night? It's 100 yuan.
6. How many of you in all? Five.

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