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发布时间: 2020-12-06 21:29:41

⑴ 遵守交通规则的英语单词

交通规则英语词汇1. 交通规则 traffic regulation 2. 路标 guide post 3. 里程碑 milestone 4. 停车标志 mark car stop 5. 红绿灯 traffic light 6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7. 红灯 red light 8. 绿灯 green light 9. 黄灯 amber light 10. 交通岗 traffic post 11. 岗亭 police box 12. 交通警 traffic police 13. 打手势 pantomime 14. 单行线 single line 15. 双白线 double white lines 16. 双程线al carriage-way 17. 斑马线 zebra stripes 18. 划路线机 traffic line marker 19. 交通干线 artery traffic 20. 车行道 carriage-way 21. 辅助车道 lane auxiliary 22. 双车道 two-way traffic 23. 自行车通行 cyclists only 24. 单行道 one way only 25. 窄路 narrow road 26. 潮湿路滑 slippery when wet 27. 陡坡 steep hill 28. 不平整路 rough road 29. 弯路 curve road ; bend road 30. 连续弯路 winding road 31. 之字路 double bend road 32. 之字公路 switch back road 33. 下坡危险 dangerous down grade 34. 道路交叉点 road junction 35. 十字路 cross road 36. 左转 turn left 37. 右转 turn right 38. 靠左 keep left 39. 靠右 keep right 40. 慢驶 slow 41. 速度 speed 42. 超速 excessive speed 43. 速度限制 speed limit 44. 恢复速度 resume speed 45. 禁止通行 no through traffic 46. 此路不通 blocked 47. 不准驶入 no entry 48. 不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead 49. 不准掉头 no turns 50. 让车道 passing bay 51. 回路 loop 52. 安全岛 safety island 53. 停车处 parking place 54. 停私人车 private car park 55. 只停公用车 public car only 56. 不准停车 restricted stop 57. 不准滞留 restricted waiting 58. 临街停车 parking on-street 59. 街外停车 parking off-street 60. 街外卸车 loading off-street 61. 当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing 62. 当心牲畜 caution animals 63. 前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead 64. 拱桥 hump bridge 65. 火车栅 level crossing 66. 修路 road works 67. 医院 hospital 68. 儿童 children 69. 学校 school 70. 寂静地带 silent zone 71. 非寂静地带 silent zone ends 72. 交通管理 traffic control 73. 人山人海 crowded conditions 74. 拥挤的人 jam-packed with people 75. 交通拥挤 traffic jam 76. 水泄不通 overwhelm 77. 顺挤 extrusion direct 78. 冲挤 extrusion impact 79. 推挤 shoved 80. 挨身轻推 nudging 81. 让路 give way 82. 粗心行人 careless pedestrian 83. 犯交通罪 committing traffic offences 84. 执照被记违章 endorsed on driving license 85. 危险驾驶 dangerous driving 86. 粗心驾车 careless driving 87. 无教员而驾驶 driving without an instructor 88. 无证驾驶 driving without license 89. 未经车主同意 without the owner's consent 90. 无第三方保险 without third-party insurance 91. 未挂学字牌 driving without a "L" plate 92. 安全第一 safety first 93. 轻微碰撞 slight impact 94. 迎面相撞 head-on collision 95. 相撞 collided 96. 连环撞 a chain collision 97. 撞车 crash 98. 辗过 run over 99. 肇事逃跑司机 hit-run driver 100. 冲上人行道 drive onto the pavement

违法 用英文怎么说


⑶ 有关交通的英语单词

highway 高速公路
traffic 交通
traffic light 交通信号灯
traffic sign 交通标志
vehicle 机动车
train 火车
bus 公共汽车
terminal 终点站
station 公交站
taxi 出租车
pedistrain 人行道
bycicle 自行车
motorcycle 摩托车
boat 船
ferry 渡船
jeep 吉普车
1. 交通规则 traffic regulation
2. 路标 guide post
3. 里程碑 milestone
4. 停车标志 mark car stop
5. 红绿灯 traffic light
6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light
7. 红灯 red light
8. 绿灯 green light
9. 黄灯 amber light
10. 交通岗 traffic post
11. 岗亭 police box
12. 交通警 traffic police
13. 打手势 pantomime
14. 单行线 single line
15. 双白线 double white lines
16. 双程线al carriage-way
17. 斑马线 zebra stripes
18. 划路线机 traffic line marker
19. 交通干线 artery traffic
20. 车行道 carriage-way
21. 辅助车道 lane auxiliary
22. 双车道 two-way traffic
23. 自行车通行 cyclists only
24. 单行道 one way only
25. 窄路 narrow road
26. 潮湿路滑 slippery when wet
27. 陡坡 steep hill
28. 不平整路 rough road
29. 弯路 curve road ; bend road
30. 连续弯路 winding road
31. 之字路 double bend road
32. 之字公路 switch back road
33. 下坡危险 dangerous down grade
34. 道路交叉点 road junction
35. 十字路 cross road
36. 左转 turn left
37. 右转 turn right
38. 靠左 keep left
39. 靠右 keep right
40. 慢驶 slow
41. 速度 speed
42. 超速 excessive speed
43. 速度限制 speed limit
44. 恢复速度 resume speed
45. 禁止通行 no through traffic
46. 此路不通 blocked
47. 不准驶入 no entry
48. 不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead
49. 不准掉头 no turns
50. 让车道 passing bay
51. 回路 loop
52. 安全岛 safety island
53. 停车处 parking place
54. 停私人车 private car park
55. 只停公用车 public car only
56. 不准停车 restricted stop
57. 不准滞留 restricted waiting
58. 临街停车 parking on-street
59. 街外停车 parking off-street
60. 街外卸车 loading off-street
61. 当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing
62. 当心牲畜 caution animals
63. 前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead
64. 拱桥 hump bridge
65. 火车栅 level crossing
66. 修路 road works
67. 医院 hospital
68. 儿童 children
69. 学校 school
70. 寂静地带 silent zone
71. 非寂静地带 silent zone ends
72. 交通管理 traffic control
73. 人山人海 crowded conditions
74. 拥挤的人 jam-packed with people
75. 交通拥挤 traffic jam
76. 水泄不通 overwhelm
77. 顺挤 extrusion direct
78. 冲挤 extrusion impact
79. 推挤 shoved
80. 挨身轻推 nudging
81. 让路 give way
82. 粗心行人 careless pedestrian
83. 犯交通罪 committing traffic offences
84. 执照被记违章 endorsed on driving license
85. 危险驾驶 dangerous driving
86. 粗心驾车 careless driving
87. 无教员而驾驶 driving without an instructor
88. 无证驾驶 driving without license
89. 未经车主同意 without the owner's consent
90. 无第三方保险 without third-party insurance
91. 未挂学字牌 driving without a "L" plate
92. 安全第一 safety first
93. 轻微碰撞 slight impact
94. 迎面相撞 head-on collision
95. 相撞 collided
96. 连环撞 a chain collision
97. 撞车 crash
98. 辗过 run over
99. 肇事逃跑司机 hit-run driver
100. 冲上人行道 drive onto the pavement

⑷ 英语单词~违法的,illicit 和 illegal 有什么区别

(形) 非法的, 私生的
(形) 违法的; 不合规定的
(形) 非法的, 违禁的, 不法的; 不正当的

⑸ 违法行为的英语翻译 违法行为用英语怎么说



unlawful act

[法] 不法行为,违法行为


The unlawful act is the violation of the legal stipulation as regards the preemption right holder;


⑹ 违反规定的英语单词是什么

[ deregulation ]


break the rule


1. 不要让她抓住你违反规定的错误;她很可能在你背后搞小动作向委员会控告你行为不端。
Don't let her catch you breaking the rules; she is likely to go behind your back and complain to the committee about your actions.
2. 这位财务主管因违反规定被开除出了俱乐部。
He treasurer was expelled from the club for breaking the rules.
3. 我有义务不违反规定。
I'm committed not to violate the rules.

⑺ “违章停车”用英语怎么翻译

不是 Illegal parking ,就是 parking violations 。自己选吧!

⑻ 违反的英语


一、violation读法 英[vaɪə'leɪʃn]美[,vaɪə'leʃən]

n. 违反;妨碍,侵害;违背;强奸


Second Violation三秒违例

violation transition事故变迁 ; 违规变迁

moving violation行车违规罚单 ; 移动违规 ; 行车违规


Violation Claims违反之诉



violation, sin, crime, offence, guilt这组词都有“犯法,犯罪,罪恶”的意思,其区别是:






⑼ 关于交通的英语单词














1、Waiting room 候车室

2、Bench 长凳

3、Entrance 入口

4、Exit 出口

5、Concourse (车站)大厅

6、Kiosk 公用电话亭;报刊亭;小亭

7、Pay phone 投币式公用电话

8、Phone booth 公用电话亭

9、Information desk 咨询台

10、Timetable 行车时刻表

11、Departure 出发

12、Punctual 准时的;守时的

⑽ 英语翻译(交通违章处罚)

Electric bicycles are prohibited from taking two passengers. Your act of riding electric bicycle and illegally carrying passengers was found to be violating The Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, Item 6 of Article 50. According to the Article 73, paragraph 1, item 7, under the Zhejiang Province's Implementation of Road Traffic Safety Law (of the People's Republic of China) Regulations, you will be fined RMB20. You have the right to make statements and defend for your violation of laws.

The vehicle that you were driving in made a change of lanes and failed to notice the parallel moving vehicles and causing accident. You are to bear full responsibility for the accident.

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