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发布时间: 2020-11-22 06:50:42

『壹』 违法 用英文怎么说


『贰』 违章的的英语翻译 违章的用英语怎么说

[词典] peccancy; break rules and regulations;
He broke the speed limit by driving his car at 80 mph.

『叁』 严重违法犯罪英文怎么写


serious offense

『肆』 违法这个词组用英语怎麽说

against the law

『伍』 犯法英文。

break the law 英[breik ðə lɔ:] 美[brek ði lɔ]
[法] 犯法, 违法; 胡作非为; 为非作歹;
[例句]I wouldn't break the law for a friend, but I would stand by her if she did.

『陆』 英语翻译(交通违章处罚)

Electric bicycles are prohibited from taking two passengers. Your act of riding electric bicycle and illegally carrying passengers was found to be violating The Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, Item 6 of Article 50. According to the Article 73, paragraph 1, item 7, under the Zhejiang Province's Implementation of Road Traffic Safety Law (of the People's Republic of China) Regulations, you will be fined RMB20. You have the right to make statements and defend for your violation of laws.

The vehicle that you were driving in made a change of lanes and failed to notice the parallel moving vehicles and causing accident. You are to bear full responsibility for the accident.

『柒』 违法英语怎么说

illegal; wrongful; lawless
to offend against the law; to transgress
transgression; infraction; illegality; lawlessness

『捌』 违法规章.英语怎么写

应该是 “违反规章”,
to violate rules and regulations
to violate related rules and regulations
be in violation of rules and regulations

『玖』 违法的英语翻译 违法用英语怎么说


break the law更多释义>>


违法 Illegal;violation of laws;break the law
违法分包 illegal subcontracting;unlawful sub-contracting
违法赛车 Illegal Street Racing


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