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发布时间: 2021-03-08 03:17:56

㈠ 没有太多 空气污染用英语怎么说

Not too much air pollution

㈡ 的确,开车的人越少,空气污染也就越少用英语怎么说

Indeed, people drive less, air pollution has less

㈢ 较少的空气污染 翻译成英语

less air pollution

㈣ 减少空气污染 翻译为英语

减少空气污染 Rece the air pollution

㈤ 的确开车的人越少,空气污染也就越少. 这句话帮忙用英语翻译下 谢谢

The less people drive cars ,the less air polution will be

㈥ 的确开车的人越少,空气污染也就越少 英语翻译

Indeed,the fewer people drive car,the less air pollution they will cause.

㈦ 如果我们种更多的树将会有更少的空气污染用英语怎么说

If we plant more trees, there will be less air pollution.

㈧ 有关空气污染的英语作文。最好中英文对照,三个减少空气污染的原因分别举例子。


There are several main causes of air pollution, the vast majority of them can be attributed to man. This article will give you a definition of air pollution and list some of the top causes and how each one contributes to the contamination in the atmosphere.

Air pollution is the introction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulates, and biological matter that cause harm to humans, other living organisms, or cause damage to the natural environment. Stratospheric ozone depletion(contributed to air pollution) has long been recognized as a threat to human health as well as to the Earth’s ecosystems. The Earth is capable of cleaning itself of a certain level of pollution, but man-made pollutant have become too numerous for the Earth’s natural mechanisms to remove. We are seeing the results of this overload in the form of acid rain, smog, and the variety of health problems that can be contributed to our environment.

One of the main causes of air pollution is manufacturing. This source of pollution spews particulate matter and chemicals into the atmosphere. The exhaust from a factory includes, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and dioxide, as well as volatile organic compounds and particulates. There is not an area of the Earth’s atmosphere or an ecosystem that has not been altered by the long term effects of the pollution created by manufacturing. Strides have been made to filter the material coming from manufacturing plants, but it may take the Earth millenia to completely recover from the damage already done.

As the list of causes of air pollution goes this next offender is number one. The burning of fossil fuels is a part of the everyday life of every human on the planet. We burn fossil fuels in our cars, fossil fuel is burned to extract fossil fuel from the Earth, and fossil fuel is used to process fossil fuel into its indivial components. Every step of the way releases sulfur and nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, heavy metals, and particulates into the air. Each step in the process increases the number of asthma cases in the world, raises a person’s chance of having cancer, and increases the chance that your child will be born with congenital defects.
The Earth itself contributes to air pollution through volcanic eruptions, wildfires, and other natural process, but it is capable of recovering from those sources. As humans continue to instrialize with a dependence on fossil fuels, we continue to put our planet’s future in jeopardy and shorten the longevity of our species.


Air pollution is one of the virtual problem nowadays. There are many reasons of it but mostly it is caused by cars, growing cities, development of economy and instrialization.

Clean air consist of several gases. When some other gases or dangerous elements get into the clean air, pollution is inevitable. Ozone layer is affected too much by pollution and it will cause serious disturbances on the environment.

People are the main cause of pollution because the things that we use contain dangerous chemicals and they make atmosphere dirtier. Furthermore climate changes because of pollution.

Many substances involved in the things that people use, pollute the air seriously. For instance, cigarettes contain carbon monoxide. It occurs when wood or petrol are not burned. Another one is carbon dioxide and it emerges when we burn coal or wood. When these gases contact with atmosphere, ozone layer is destroyed.

The other one is lead and simply paint or batteries that we use in daily life contain lead but we should be careful since it may cause serious problems if it gets into our bodies.
Generally these gases come from factories but also there are dangerous materials in our houses. In order to keep ourselves from the possible effects of pollution we have to take precautions towards air pollution.

We can control ourselves and we should act carefully. So, for example, we should use public transportation, avoid spray cans. Besides, people mostly be careful regarding trees as they are sources of oxygen. Due to its importance we should keep them clean.
Environment and also air are so significant for all living beings. So people should take into account this issue and they should do whatever they can to keep our environment clean.

㈨ 将汉语译成英语:开车的人少了,空气污染就少了.

The fewer people drive cars,the less polution there will be.

㈩ 阳光镇有比其他地区跟少的空气污染用英语怎么说

Sunshine Town has less air pollution than other regions.

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