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发布时间: 2021-01-27 23:45:09

⑴ 内部控制翻译

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⑵ 公司内部审计部—英文名称

如果是需要设计审计部的英文名称 audit department 比较适合 如果是书面的 internal audit control department 更适合

⑶ 关于内部控制的英语翻译


⑷ 内部控制 英文翻译


Abstract: Owing to the efficiency and accuracy of computerized accounting it is getting more and more popular and developed, however in the operation process of accounting computerization more and more contradictions and problems are proposed by the people. This paper analyzes the preset situation of accounting computerization of China’s enterprises, and points out the defects existed in the control inside the enterprises under the accounting computerization conditions, finally proposes to establish and perfect the internal control system suitable for the development of enterprise’s accounting computerization.

⑸ 内部控制标准英文怎么写

standards of internal control内部控制标准

⑹ 关于企业内部控制的英文资料拜托了各位 谢谢

The trend that has been verified in the evolution of the organizational development (clearly relying on an on-line approach) simultaneously backed by a strong evolution of the communication and information technologies, has confirmed the inefficiency of traditional auditing in assuring the integrity of organizational transactions, making, thus, no sense that these should not be audited in real-time [Onions 2003]. As an equally important factor, we can not forget to mention the change in the pattern of evidences gathering that has been changing over from paper supported documents to digital format [Kanter 2001], which will become the main form of evidences in a near-by future, becoming increasingly important for the good performance of the organizations [Pollitt 2002]. In the last years, with the aim of solving these problems, the issue of real-time auditing has been debated, but this discussion has been restrained to academic circles only. Now, e to constant news of financial scandals, to the market globalization, to the eastern economies liberalization, to the increase in the diversity of working power and to the rising ubiquity of the internet [Julian and Scifres 2002], it is necessary to bring this discussion into practise. The feasibility of real-time auditing is connected to the existence of an internal control system. Thus, side by side with the strategic and operational aims, control goals should also be supported by adequate processes using adequate resources. This paper contributes for the promotion of real-time auditing using the CEO framework (CEOF), suggested by the Centre for Organizational Engineering (CEO), research group at INESC-INOV. The CEOF, as verified by several researchers [Aveiro 2002, Castela 2001, Mendes 2001, Sinogas 2002, vasconcelos 2001], is consistent and coherent enough. Even if the metamodel CEOF suggested by [Sinogas 2002] clearly specifies an association “

⑺ 企业内部控制基本规范英文

企业内部控制制度,是为适应生产经营管理的需要而产生的,是现代企业内部管理制度的一个重要组成部分。只要存在企业经济活动,就需要有相应的内部控制制度。 综合目前企业的管理经验,内部控制制度主要有以下几方面的内容: 1.授权控制。授权控制是指企业各级工作人员,必须经过授权和批准,才能对有关的经济业务进行处理,未经授权和批准,这些人员就不允许接触这些业务,这一控制方式使每一个过程、环节责任、权利明确,使某些事件在发生时就得到了控制。受权控制要求规定各级管理人员的职责范围和业务处理权限,同时也要求明确各级管理人员所承担的责任,使他们对自己的业务处理行为负责。 2.分工控制。分工控制是指对于相关的职务,必须进行分工负责,不能由一个人同时包办兼任。这一控制制度使经济业务在处理时,有关人员能够互相制约、相互监督。 3.业务记录控制。业务记录控制是指在对经济业务进行会计记录时,必须采取一系列措施和方法,以保证会计记录的真实、及时和正确。 4.财产安全控制制度。财产安全控制制度,是为了确保企业财产物资安全完整,所采用的各种方法和措施。5.书面文件控制。书面文件控制是指在业务处理过程中,把企业对于经营管理的要求,有关注意事项等制成书面文件、规章制度,下发给各级工作人员,或悬挂在办公室、仓库等公众场合。 6.人员素质控制。人员素质控制是采用一定的方法和手段,保证企业各级人员具有与他们所负责的工作相适应的素质,从而保证业务工作的质量。 如果你是写内部控制的论文,可以再提及一下建立企业内部控制制度应注意的几个问题: 1.内部控制制度首先必须符合国家的法规政策,不得制定与国家法规、政策相抵触的“内部管理办法”。 2.单位内部控制制度,最好由各部门讨论并经管理层审议通过,从而增强内部控制制度的权威性。 3.既要保证内部控制制度的稳定性,又要使内部控制制度在实践中得到补充、完善。 4.避免内部控制制度重叠现象。解决责任不明、环节太多,人人有责而结果是人人都不负责的问题。实际工作中有些单位为解决“闲置”干部就业,从而形成多人签字,环环盖章,而无人承担具体责任,遇事相互推诿的不负责的后果,致使有些本应尽快处理的问题终因手续不全而拖延。 5.定期检查内部控制制度的执行情况。结合本单位目前工作实际,测试、评价某项具体内容是否实现了预期管理目标,看其是否取得了一定的效益,调动了职工的工作积极性。

⑻ 英语翻译内部控制

in the final part of the article,I combine and integrate three aspects ,which is the importance of internal control,the principles that shoule be follow in desighing and the implementation of proper internal control system and design ,to summarize the whole article.



两个才行 internal control

⑽ 英语翻译一段关于内部控制的东西

There exist some loopholes in internal controls within corporations nationally,such as discard of controlling-environment, disorder of internal accounting systems and inefficiency of controlling proceres,which result from the distortion of internal controls,irrationality of corporational management structure,inefficiency of internal assessing systems and lack of the awareness for internal risks.Thus ,the enterprises are supposed to reinforce the staff awareness ,establish internal control system ,consummate corporational management structure and improve the cooperations between the inside audit and the outside as well .Morever the enterprises should free their information within itself and others for the sake of rising the validation of internal controls.

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