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发布时间: 2020-12-13 13:38:38

① 英语翻译:优质而周到的导游服务每天

high quality and reasonable tourism service in everyday


② 导游服务质量 英语怎么说呢

quality of guide service

③ 愿意提供导游服务英语

Willing to provide guiding service愿意提供导游服务

④ 导游服务英语的作者简介

金鑫,女,1970年1月生。1990年毕业于南开大学旅游系,获文学学士学位。毕业后多年从事旅游接内待工作容,先后担任过涉外酒店大堂经理、旅行社英文导游和计调OP等工作。1998年入广东外语外贸大学英语语言与文化学院攻读硕士学位,2001年获文学硕士。毕业后留校任教,讲授英汉笔译、旅行社管理、旅游地理等课程,并担任英文学院国际旅游系主任职务。目前在英国西敏斯特大学(University of Westrninster)攻读旅游管理与会展管理硕士学位。

⑤ 导游规范服务试题 用英语翻译一下,不要用机器翻译哦,人工翻译哦,非常感谢

1. The standardization of tour guide service to follow what are the standard
The guide's service quality of national standard
The domestic tourism service quality of travel service instry standards

2. What are the local guide at the airport baggage check work
1 to assist the group visitors put the luggage in the specified location and remind them to check their luggage items are in good condition
2 with the leader and complete with counting the luggage, and the bellboy baggage transfer formalities after verification
If not the luggage or damaged, a local guide should be accompanied by the parties to the airport office or other relevant departments to handle lost luggage or
Compensation to declare formalities

3. Guide the presence of what are the requirements
1. Requires standing tall and straight posture elegant, walk. sound bodies, the generous, natural, proper
2. Request straight

⑥ 导游服务英语的目录

Part I Modern Tourism Instry现代旅游业
Unit 1 The Travel and Tourism Instry旅行与旅游业
Unit 2 Travel Agencies and Tour Operators旅行社
Unit 3 Types of Tours旅游类型
Unit 4 Travellers旅游者
Unit 5 Names and Roles of the Tourist Guides导游称谓、职能
Part Ⅱ Tour Manager Respons_biIities and Communicative Skills领队职责与带团技巧
Unit 6 Pre.Tour Preparation接团准备工作
Unit 7 The First Day Of An Outbound Tour出境团的第一天
Unit 8 Hotel Check.In/Out入住酒店与离店须知
Unit 9 Visiting Attractions游览注意事项
Unit 10 Departure团队离开
Unit 11 Fostering Amicable Relationships与游客和司机友好相处
Unit 12 Handling Emergencies处理突发事件
Unit 13 Handling Complaints应对投诉
PartⅢ Work and Respons_bilities of Local Guides地陪职责与讲解范例
Unit 14 Meeting Guests At the Airport在机场迎接客人
Unit 15 Welcoming Speech欢迎词
Unit 16 On the Coach巴士讲解
Unit 17 At the Restaurant在餐厅
Unit 18 Farewell Speech欢送词
Unit 19 Creating Memorable Interpretations讲解技巧
Unit 20 Knowledge of Regular Services导游规范服务知识问答
Unit 21 Emergency Handling Techniques特殊问题处理技巧问答
Part IV Understanding Events旅游与事件
Unit 22 Olympic Games奥林匹克运动会
Unit 23 Asian Games亚运会
Unit 24 MICE商务会展
Part V Interpreting China’s Highlights中国揽胜
Unit 25 Water Landscape in China中国江河风采
Unit 26 Famous Mountains in China中国名山风光
Unit 27 Famous Scenic Areas in China中国著名风景区
Part VI Interpreting China’s Culture中国人文景观
Unit 28 Interpreting History中国历史
Unit 29 Interpreting Architecture中国建筑
Unit 30 Interpreting Arts中国艺术
Unit 31 Interpreting Customs and Festivals中国风俗与节日

⑦ 浅析散团旅游模式下的导游服务营销用英语怎么说

Analysis of Tourism Group under the mode of guide service marketing

⑧ 用餐服务是导游服务中一个非常关键的环节用英语怎么说

Dining service is a very important part of tour guide service.
Dining service全套餐具very很,非常,十分,极;(强调形容词最高级版或权置于own前)完全,十足;完全同样;完全同一;正是的,恰好的,同一的;最…的,极端的,十足的;仅仅的,唯独的,甚至于
part of部分
tour guide游览导游

⑨ 导游服务英语的介绍


⑩ 反馈导游服务质量的英语作文

I have had a good trip with this tour guide. He was very polite. During the trip, he was very helpful. He told us many interesting facts and historical tidbits about the place we visited. He was friendly and approachable. He helped us settle in at the hotel where we stayed. He was knowledgeable and could help us with tasks like booking tables at restaurants. Overall, he did a good job.

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