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发布时间: 2021-02-22 10:04:01

① 关于协商免费服务的合同的英文小短文

nformation available to him and shall give Consultant the reasonable assistance necessary for carrying out of his ties. Particularly Client shall nominate a general representative who shall be available at reasonable time.
2.2 Client shall assist Consultant with the responsible authorities for obtaining visas, work permits, and other documents required by Consultant to enter the country and to have access to the Site of the Project. The above expenses shall be borne by Consultant.

② 英文合同怎么写




联系电话:TEL: 传真:FAX:

The Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the following goods on terms and conditions as below :

(1) 货物名称及规格,包装及装运标志
Name of Commodity, Specifications, Packing and Shipping Marks

(2) 数 量(件) Quantity
(3) 单 价(美元) Unit Price ($)
(4) 总 价(美元) Total Amount($)

材料:50%—80%棉,20%—50%涤纶; Material: 50%-80% cotton 20%-50% dacron
Size:S-XL, The distribution number of each style in all size, namely each size distribute 1/4 of the total number

Color: the color of each kind of proct distribute the same quantity namely distribution quantity total number/the number of color

包装:单件产品用透明塑料袋包装,每个纸箱装50件尺寸一致的产品,纸箱外部 由防水袋包裹,内置50克干燥剂一袋
Packing: A single proct with a transparent plastic bag50 pieces of procts in each carton of the same size,Wrapped by waterproof bag, with a bag of 50 grams desiccant

Carton standard 60*70*900(mm) Distribute 24000 pieces of shipping bags.
装运标志:ship marks
总计: Total No.
(装运数量允许有2%的增减 Shipping Quantity Two Percent More or Less Allowed)
(5) 装运期限Time of Shipment 50DAYS AFTER THE SELLER RECEIVE THE L/C.
(1) 装运口岸 Port of shipment
(2) 目的口岸 Port of Destination
(4) 付款条件Terms of Payment IRREVOCABLE L/C AT SIGHT

该信用证必须在 45天前开到卖方, 信用证的有效期应为装船期后15天, 在上述装运口岸到期, 否则卖方有权取消本售货合同并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权 .
The covering Letter of Credit must reach the Sellers 45 Days Prior to the Shipment Date and is to remain valid in above indicated Loading Ports 15 days after the date of shipment, failing which the Sellers reserve the right to cancel this Sales Contract and to claim from the Buyers compensation for losses resulting therefrom.

(1)异议 : 品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起30天内提出,数量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起15天内提出。 但均须提供经卖方同意的公证行的检验证明. 如责任属于卖方者卖方于收到异议20天内答复买方并提出处理意见.
QUALITY/QUANTITY DISCREPANCY: In case of quality discrepancy, claim should be filed by the Buyers within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination, while for quantity discrepancy claim should be filed by the Buyers within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination. In all cases, claims must be accompanied by Survey Reports of Recognized Public Surveyors agreed to by the Sellers. Should the responsibility of the subject under claim be found to rest on part of the Sellers, the Sellers shall, within 20 days after receipt of the claim, send his reply to the Buyers together with suggestion for settlement..

(2)信用证内应明确规定卖方有权可多装或少装所注名的百分数,并按实际装运数量议付。 (信用证之金额应较本售货合同的金额增加相应的百分数)
The Sellers reserve the option of shipping the indicated percentage more or less than the quantity hereby contracted, and the Letter of Credit shall be negotiated for the amount covering the value of quantity actually shipped. (The Buyers are requested to establish the L/C in accord with the indicated percentage over the total value of order as per this Sales Contract.)

The contents of the Letter of Credit shall be in strict accordance with stipulations of the Sales Contract; in case of any variation thereof necessitating amendment of the L/C, the Buyers shall bear the expenses for effecting the amendment. The sellers shall not be held responsible for possible delay of shipment resulting from awaiting the amendment of the L/C, and reserve the right to claim from the Buyers compensation for the losses resulting therefrom..

Except where the insurance is covered by the Buyers as arranged, insurance is to be covered by the Sellers with a Chinese insurance company. If insurance for additional amount and/or for other insurance terms is required by the Buyers, prior notice to this effect must reach the Sellers before shipment and is subject to the Sellers’ agreement, and the extra insurance premium shall be for the Buyers’ account..

The Buyers are requested to send the Sellers authentic of the License-application (endorsed by the relative bank) filed by the Buyers and to advise the Sellers by fax immediately when the said License is obtained. Should the Buyers intend to file reapplication for License in cases of rejection of the original application, the Buyers shall contact the Sellers and obtain the latter’s consent before filing reapplication..

(6)商品检验:产地证明书或中国有关机构所签发的品质数量/重量检验证,作为品质数量/ 重量的交货依据。
INSPECTION: The Certificate of Origin and/or the Inspection Certification of Quality/Quantity/Weight issued by the relative institute shall be taken as the basis for the shipping Quality/Quantity/Weight.

The Sellers shall not be held responsible if they owing to Force Majeure cause or causes fail to make delivery within the time stipulated in this Sales contrast or cannot delivery the goods. However the Sellers shall inform immediately the Buyers by fax. The Sellers shall delivery to the Buyers by registered letter, if it is requested by the Buyers, a certificate issued by the China council for the Promotion of International Trade or by any competent authority, certifying to the existence of the said cause or causes. Buyers’ failure to obtain the relative Import license is not to be treated as Force Majeure.

(8)仲裁 : 凡因执行本合同或有关本合同所发生的一切争执,双方应以友好方式协商解决,如果协商不能解决,应提交北京中国国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会根据中国国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会的仲裁程序暂行规则进行仲裁,仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。
ARBITRATION : All disputes arising in connection with the Sales Contract of the execution thereof shall be settled amicably by negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case under dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration to the Foreign Trade Arbitration commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procere of the Foreign Trade Arbitration commission of the China council for the Promotion of International Trade. The decision of the Commission shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties.

买方代表签字: 卖方代表签字:

Buyer representative signature: Seller representative signature:

③ 项目管理咨询服务合同英文翻译

3rd B, in order to ensure effective implementation of technical service, Party A to B should provide the following conditions : a buyer if it has the following information should be provided free of a B; ① construction units; ② project proposals and approved documents; ③ construction project site submissions; ④ Planning Bureau, the planning parameters of the approved documents; ⑤ consult the parties concerned by the block-building projects in the planning, environmental protection, landscaping, health and epidemic prevention, water, electricity, coal, telecommunications, traffic and fire; ⑥ land ownership certificates (real estate E), and other relevant documents; ⑦ Construction Base Relocation Services and the amount of matching (including compensation for relocation and resettlement of large municipal matching conditions); ⑧ topographic maps, geological information; ⑨ position overall design plan; the surrounding environment and planning; The proposed project planning purposes and classification; ⑩ Planning Design ideas : (a total construction area, the rate of volume, Green rates sized design, structure type, decoration standards for distribution, and Gas capacity) ⑪ relief enjoy preferential policies such as a document or (build public support charges air defense fees) ⑫ construction project financing and capital inflows; 2. ⑴ other information provided by the buyer should be accurate, if Party A Party B of the information or data object, Party A shall be responsible for the timely answer, as far as possible, to the B side and facilitate the work; ⑵ Party A Party B should provide timely, reasonably related assistance. Meanwhile buyer should advance the half-day notice B is an urgent need to resolve the relevant issues; 4th of Party A to B to pay service fees and payment methods : 1. B project management service charges apply the million base and preferential rates responsibility for the cost of 1% 2. design, inspection, supervision and construction, materials bidding fee waiver buyer can be part of the related costs, such as Party A Party B charge related costs, in the tender, the tender document stated. 3. Party A service fee is paid by phases B : specific mode of payment and time are as follows : a. The contract signed after three days Party A to B advanced project management services fee of 20%, as the project start-up capital; b, Construction bidding completed, the buyer paid to B of the project management services of 40%; c, According to the total period by the average monthly pay of project management services fees 95%; d, acceptance tests completed, Party A to B lump-sum balance. 4. B depositary Bank and Account : Bank accounts : account : fifth of the two sides established in the performance of this contract period shall comply with the obligation of confidentiality Party A Party B of the information provided by the buyer asked to assume the obligation of confidentiality; Party A Party B of the report on the outcome assume obligation of confidentiality. Sixth of the contract changes must be made by both sides consensus in written form and identify. Seventh of the other one. Quality Incentives : B to achieve high-quality structure, Party A will be of high quality structure corresponding monomers City area × 5 yuan / ㎡ calculating B award. 2. Civilized Construction Award : If the project site is a civilized city, Party A will be a corresponding area × 3 yuan / ㎡ calculating B award. 3. Party A as a result of the funds were not in place in time which led to the delay or loss claimed by the buyer commitment. 4. Project planning and construction period B causes the quality of the project (1998) as the (1998) size, level of responsibility to shoulder responsibility and be punished. 5. Consists of two complementary strengths, B should give full play to the buyer early advantage consists of concrete cooperation by the two sides further friendly discussion. The two sides established the 8th of this contract period, the buyer designated as the buyer contacts, B to B designated contacts. Article 9 of the parties identified in any of the following situations, to the fulfillment of this contract acts unnecessary or impossible, possible lifting of the contract : 1. force majeure; 2. Both sides of the 10th because of the discharge of the contract and the dispute should be resolved through consultation. consultation or coordination failures identified by the following paragraph two ways to deal with one. submitted to arbitration 2. according to the works to a people's court. Article 11 of this contract were a carry, both the first and second sets, has the same legal effect. Party A : B : legal representative (commission) legal representative (commission)

④ 英文合同翻译






 上述义务并不适用于将在公众领域进行发布的


 本合同的生效日期将在签署后立即开始,并直至2011年12月31日之前均为有效,除非根据以下条款提前终止。其后,此合同有效期将自动延长(一)年,除非任意一方在合同过期或延长之日前(六)个月提交不延长要求的书面通知。


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