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發布時間: 2020-12-06 12:40:56

1. 治安英文怎麼說

public security

2. 請問「社會治安狀況」英文怎麼說

law-and-order situation (社會治安情況)

social public order condition

3. 治安大隊用英文怎麼說急問

Public Security Squad

4. 治安科用英語怎麼說謝謝

Security Depatment
School Police Department
Mutiple Department
Household registration Department

5. 「這里的治安很差」英文怎麼說

The public security here is awful/poor/terrible.
Here lacks the public security.

6. 英語翻譯 校園治安的影響以及建議

First, it may do harm to the students' growth in that it will affect the students' health and psychology.
Second,it will affect the students' learning attitude, which result in anxiety and tense. That is not good for the students' learning .
Third, it will trigger the students' violence, and lead to adolescent crime.
Here are some suggestions. First , we can complete the regulation for entering and exiting our school by issuing chest ard and student card.

7. 請求把以下治安英語,翻譯成中文,謝謝!!

believe our area is pretty safe, as I told you before, sometime, if we forget to close the doors, none will intrude.

many people walk/run outside in different time.but you are right, many areas in US are not safe, even in the day time.

just be caution and use common senses, as many people say.

usually we do not let strangers to take ride in these days, too many crimes happened, no matter for man or woman.

(in 50-70's movies, it was very popular to pick up others on highway, but not any more in recent years).
在50-70年代的電影里,在高速公路上順道帶一個陌生人上路(或者翻譯成 讓一個陌生人搭一下便車)是很普遍的事情,但是最近,人們不太會這么做了。

do you hear the sound of cicada in Shanghai now?

I just noticed that when I walk around the outside, I hear the sounds a lot in this summer.

then I think the TaiWan Song "childhood": the sound of cicada calls for the summer over the 榕樹 near the pond..


8. 維護治安穩定 英語怎麼說啊 急

maintain the social security and stability

9. 這個城市的社會治安怎麼樣 英語翻譯。

How about /What about the public security in this city?

10. 公安局治安管理大隊的英語怎麼說

Public Security Bureau, Public Security Management Team

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