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發布時間: 2021-03-16 05:10:12

A. 工作內容用英語怎麼說

工作內容的英文: content



position and job content工作職位與內容

Job Content Meeting工作內容討論會

Job Content Description工作職責說明


1、Today this site advertised, you can input at any time in a year-to-date information and search for talent recruitment, recruitment and job content can be increased and modified at any time.


2、The systematic, formal study of the ties and responsibilities that constitute job content.





英 [sætɪs'fækʃ(ə)n] 美 [,sætɪs'fækʃən]

n. 滿意,滿足;賠償;樂事;贖罪


customer satisfaction 顧客滿意度 ; 客戶滿意度 ; 顧客滿意

give satisfaction 使滿意 ; 接受挑戰 ; 使滿足

constraint satisfaction [計] 約束滿足 ; 限制滿足 ; 約束補償 ; 受限制滿足


英 [dɪ'rekt(ə)rɪ; daɪ-] 美 [dəˈrɛktəri; (also) daɪˈrɛktəri]

n. [計] 目錄;工商名錄;姓名地址錄

adj. 指導的;咨詢的


telephone directory [通信] 電話簿 ; 電話號碼薄 ; 電話號碼本 ; 電話使用指南

root directory [計] 根目錄 ; 摯錄 ; 磁碟上的根目錄 ; 根目次

hotel directory 酒店指南 ; 旅店指南

B. 用英語翻譯下我的工作職責

Job responsibilities: 1, conct a comprehensive analysis of the survey of the region responsible for the market channels, collect customer information and to summarize;

2, try to grasp the relationship between Microsoft procts and market demand, the potential market wider; 3, communication, tracking, maintenance of the intention to computer city chain businesses, the final realization of the long-term cooperation.

C. 工作職責的英文怎麼說

operating ty; ty of work;
He appreciates that co-operation with the media is part of his professional ties.

D. 求崗位職責描述的英文翻譯,具體內容如下

Job description:
- all the daily meeting to attend President organization and high-level management personnel meeting, arrange do the security work
- all kinds of red tape, company rules and regulations, document drafting, formulate and modify
- department of all kinds of financial expenses needed for the application, management and cancel after verification
With group each department office, each child - keep closely linked to the administrative office of a branch, coordinate support for the work
U responsible for all kinds of large-scale reception, meeting, celebration activities such as organization, coordination, the formulation of the solution process
U keep group co., LTD. All designated consumption membership CARDS and coupons, on-demand distribution of all cigarettes, alcohol and beverages
U in charge of the group, security and cleaning the receptionist, to do a good job of daily management and supervision
U is responsible for sales and fixed assets management kingdee ERP management mole, make sure that all the information updated and accurate
U proctive, and implement the group and each branch company to ISO9000 quality system, occupational health and environment system certification
U responsible for department system/process formulation, implementation and improvement, to ensure efficient work norms
U (domestic and export orders, receiving, screening, orders, follow up and monitor, from the proction progress, proct quality, delivery orders for tracking and management, etc.
U order, of the contract, and to carry out the work, the communication with customers at home and abroad services.

E. 求英語翻譯:工作職責及個人描述

I'm in the strategy department, my main job is responsible for the company's XXXX business in the field of pre-sales support, policy support, proposal writing and presentation. More often bear a customer communication ties. Familiar with the XXX business. The customer service has XX, XX, good at XX on the website construction, digital marketing business, and understand the logic of Technology.我在策略部期間,我主要工作是負責公司XXXX業務領域的售前支持,策略支持、方案撰寫以及方案提報。更多的時候承擔著前段客戶溝通的職責。對XXX業務比較熟悉。服務過的客戶有XX,XX,XX等

F. 請用英文翻一下我的工作職責



My daily routine includes: check reimbursements of biz-trips, fill out the accounting voucher related bank transactions, make and print VAT invoices, online certify the VAT invoices, fill out application form of purchasing material, handle the invoice affair with Tax Bureau and so on.

1. 填寫材料采購出庫單:這個有些奇怪,要麼就是材料采購單(用於申請購買),要麼就材料出庫單(於用領用),這個是什麼意思?
2. 除去稅務局驗票應該還會有買開票,開紅字的吧,所以我用了handle

G. 工作職責用英語翻譯

Customer samples finishing, archiving, archiving, as well as the use of sample registration;
The statistics office supplies, procurement, distribution and registration;
Equipment and consumables applications, registration and issuance;
Coordination and the relationship between suppliers (such as water companies, express companies, etc.);
Regularly updated report on the work of the Office content (such as daily working arrangements, the outcome of the work, etc.);
Office facilities maintenance;

H. 用英文翻譯下我的工作職責

網站編輯:Network Editing
網站更新:Network Updating
稿件撰寫:writings submiting
辦公室日常處理:daily routine office work
偶爾會出去采訪:occasionally outer interviewing

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