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Ⅰ 用英語翻譯工作職責

2005.10-2007.12 ***** Corporation guests take the manager in the rear services headquarters, the guest take successively department are appointed the responsible ty, the primary cognizance big customer coordinated service, as well as is responsible for the marketing department and the rear services headquarters personnel's management and the arrangement; With exterior relation, discussion, and coordinated and insurance company, understanding company, Che Guan and so on cooperation unit's relations.

2008.1-2008.9 General Manager *****

Corporation assistant 1, responsible company desk work.

2nd, assists general manager to handle the daily company affair;

3rd, assists general manager to the work plan progress management, the coordinated company various functional departments achieves the work goal;

4th, responsible company year management correlation work and so on plan draft, realization;

4th, the responsible company rules and regulations drafts, the optimization and the execution;

5th, the basis company ty goal, the formulation suits the corporate growth strategy the salary system and the welfare system, the design, the improvement and the consummation achievements system of examining and assessment, and to the same profession salary, the inspection system dynamic track, compiles, consummates the company salary, the system of examining and assessment unceasingly;

6th, the establishment company manpower management information system, provides the reference for the company significant human resources management decision-making, and organizes the company the employment advertise activity.

Ⅱ 翻譯工作內容



Ⅲ 求崗位職責描述的英文翻譯,具體內容如下

Job description:
- all the daily meeting to attend President organization and high-level management personnel meeting, arrange do the security work
- all kinds of red tape, company rules and regulations, document drafting, formulate and modify
- department of all kinds of financial expenses needed for the application, management and cancel after verification
With group each department office, each child - keep closely linked to the administrative office of a branch, coordinate support for the work
U responsible for all kinds of large-scale reception, meeting, celebration activities such as organization, coordination, the formulation of the solution process
U keep group co., LTD. All designated consumption membership CARDS and coupons, on-demand distribution of all cigarettes, alcohol and beverages
U in charge of the group, security and cleaning the receptionist, to do a good job of daily management and supervision
U is responsible for sales and fixed assets management kingdee ERP management mole, make sure that all the information updated and accurate
U proctive, and implement the group and each branch company to ISO9000 quality system, occupational health and environment system certification
U responsible for department system/process formulation, implementation and improvement, to ensure efficient work norms
U (domestic and export orders, receiving, screening, orders, follow up and monitor, from the proction progress, proct quality, delivery orders for tracking and management, etc.
U order, of the contract, and to carry out the work, the communication with customers at home and abroad services.

Ⅳ 高分,急求人事崗位職責的英文翻譯~~~

Main job ties:
1. Personnel management, including staff recruitment, acceptance, promotions, resignation.
2. Draw up instructions for all the posts.
3. Attendance management.
4. Working out the performance appraisal and how to implement it.
5. The releasement of the payment and welfare.
6. The job training for the staff, making monthly training and other training plans and puting them into implement and feed back of the result.
7. The personnel secondary records managemet.
8. Serving as the administrative assistance as part of their job. Including document management.,
taking in and releasing the documents, textual materials reports, documents subscription and so on.

Ⅳ 「我的職位是XX,主要負責XXX工作。」翻譯為英文

1、My position is XXX, mainly in charge ofXXX.

2、My job isXXX, and I'm in charge ofXXX.

3、My job is XX, mainly responsible for the work ofXXX.



n. 位置,方位;地位,職位;態度;狀態。

vt. 安置;把…內放在適當位置;給…定容位;駐扎軍隊。


n. 職業;(一件)工作;職責;(作為一個單元處理的 )作業。

vt. 承包;代客買賣。

vi. 做零工;作包工;打雜。

3、in charge of:


4、responsible for:


position-網路翻譯job-網路翻譯in charge of-網路翻譯responsible for-網路翻譯

Ⅵ 求英語翻譯:工作職責及個人描述

I'm in the strategy department, my main job is responsible for the company's XXXX business in the field of pre-sales support, policy support, proposal writing and presentation. More often bear a customer communication ties. Familiar with the XXX business. The customer service has XX, XX, good at XX on the website construction, digital marketing business, and understand the logic of Technology.我在策略部期間,我主要工作是負責公司XXXX業務領域的售前支持,策略支持、方案撰寫以及方案提報。更多的時候承擔著前段客戶溝通的職責。對XXX業務比較熟悉。服務過的客戶有XX,XX,XX等

Ⅶ 翻譯一下工作職責

- The departments responsible for the Group, a subsidiary of the work plan, the summary of the minutes, sales and other statements requested documents submitted to the collection, collation, verification and reporting;
- General Manager with the completion of annual, quarterly and various types of economic work meeting the required notice of the drafting of the meeting, the operating data collation, summary, verification and reporting;
- Responsible for tracking all departments and subsidiaries of the implementation of the plan, the progress of the work, the preparation of the monthly "operation";
- Supervisor in charge of the Department to inform all, the drafting of the document, send and receive, organize, transfer and archiving in-house, documents, including documents issued by the Group under the supervision and management of the Department outward, the sign and reported a variety of notification, the document;
- Meet on a quarterly basis, general manager of the enterprises subordinate to visit and talk of staff, working to establish a memoranm quarter performance appraisal and completion of the work;
- File management: the Department supervisor in charge of all documents, data collection, collation, Filing and archiving, and do a good job in the custody of security work;
Any trouble to help me master the English translation you, I would like to thank the!

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