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發布時間: 2021-01-13 10:51:23

『壹』 關於公司總經理工作職能的翻譯,句式很復雜,請幫忙翻譯下

Has the authority to hire and fire 擁有僱傭和解僱的權利

or recommend those 或推薦這些

as well as other personnel actions 與其他員工活動

(if another employee(s) are directly supervised) 如果其他員工直接被監管

or if no other employee is directly supervised 或沒有員工直接被監管

functions at a senior level within the organizational hierarchy高層的職能包括組織層
or with respect to the function managed 尊重管理職能

『貳』 總經理的職責用英語怎麼寫出來

The responsibility of the general manager

『叄』 急項目經理職責英文翻譯

Job Responsibilities:
1. To ensure
realization of projects』 objectives and satisfaction of owners; this is the basic mark of checking and appraising the project
manager』s level of efficiency and success or failure of management .
2. To formulate projects』 phased
objectives and overall control planning; once the overall goal of the project
has been confirmed, one of the project manager』s responsibilities is to break
down the goal and identify the major tasks and workloads, so that realization
of the project』s phased objectives are ensured; for example, the control point
of project schele.
3. To organize a highly capable management
team; this is the basic condition of an efficient project manager to ensure the
success of a project.
4. To make timely decisions on
those matters that require the project manager』s personal involvement, such as implementation
planning, employment or dismissal and reward or punishment of personnel, major technological measures, equipment procurement
program, allocation of resources, schele planning, contracts and design
changes, indemnity claims.
5. To fulfil contractual
obligations, monitor the execution of contracts and handle any contract amendments;
acting as a party to a contract, the project manager should apply all the legal
constraints to consolidate all the parties involved in the project to the
objectives of the project and the contract clauses.

『肆』 黨委書記、副總經理職務,名片的英文怎樣寫

party Secretary General
Deputy General Manager

『伍』 公司職位英語縮寫

1、GM:General Manager 總經理 

2、VP:Vice President 副總裁FVP(First Vice President)第一副總裁 AVP:Assistant Vice 

3、President 副總裁助理 HRD:Human Resource Director 人力資源總監 OD:Operations 

4、Director 運營總監 MD:Marketing Director 市場總監 OM:Operations Manager 運作經理 

5、PM:Proction Manager生產經理、Proct Manager產品經理、Project Manager項目經理) 註:這裡面變化比較多,要結合談話時的背景來判斷究竟是指哪種身份) 

6、BM(Branch Manager)部門經理 DM(District Manager)區域經理 RM(Regional Manager)區域經理

7、AAD〔Associated Account Director〕副客戶總監 AAD〔Associated Art Director〕副美術指導 

8、ACD〔Associated Creative Director〕副創作總監 AD 〔Account Director〕客戶服務總監、業務指導 

9.AD〔Art Director〕美術指導(在創作部可以獨擋一面執行美術指導工作的美術監督) 

10、AE〔Account Executive〕客戶執行、客戶服務、客戶主任;預算執行者,負責廣告代理商和廣告主之間的一切有關業務,觀念,預算,廣告表現之聯系 

11、AM 〔Account Manager〕客戶經理 

12、AP〔Account Planner〕客戶企劃(分策略企劃和業務企劃兩種) ASM〔Area Sale Manager〕大區銷售經理

13、CVO:VC reception 風險投資商接待專員,首席財務官的另一重要助理。  

14、CWO:Writer 首席網路寫手,負責將小事擴大化,通過炒作達到擴大網站知名度的目  的,其下屬為COO。   

15、CXO:Xingxiang(因為中國特有,所以只能用漢語拼音表示) 網站形象代言人,一般  由學歷不高且沒有任何網路知識的年輕人擔任。   

『陸』 赴美旅遊簽證DS-160表格中總經理的工作職責內容用英語如何寫

General manager

『柒』 誰能給我總經理助理職責的中英文對照描述

Job responsibility:

1. Assist General Manager to coordinate with all functional heads for business objective and company plan alignment.
2. Monthly track achievements vs targets in dashboard and consolidate evaluation summaries from all functions and departments.
3. Consolidate projects initiated by all department heads and help General Manager arrange weekly management meeting to update project progress and results.
4. Process and monitor approval proceres in daily operations such contract chopping and signing, application processing,etc.
5. Assist General Manager in business document compiling and translation such as routine business report, correspondence letter and company announcement.
6. Help General Manager to setup itinerary for various meeting, business trip and appointment with customers.
7. Other tasks assigned by General Manager.

『捌』 公司各職位英文名稱

1、董事長(英語:Chairman of the Board,簡稱: Chairman),或譯董事會主席、董事局主席,公司三長之一(另二為首席執行官、財務長),指的是一家公司的最高領導者,統領董事會。董事長也是董事之一,由董事會選出,其代表董事會領導公司的方向與策略。


3、首席執行官(英語:Chief Executive Officer,縮寫為CEO;中國香港稱行政總裁;中國台灣稱執行長;中國稱首席執行官),是許多企業,尤其是美國企業的頭銜,是公司三長之一(另二為董事長、財務長),是在一個企業集團、財閥或行政單位中的最高行政負責人。

4、總經理(英語:General Manager,縮寫:GM)在單一中小企業,總經理通常就是整個組織里職務最高的管理者與負責人、統籌各業務部門的事務,位階僅次於董事長。而在規模較大的組織里,例如跨國企業,總經理的角色是其某個關系企業、事業體或分支機構的最高行政負責人。

5、副總裁(英語:Vice President,縮寫:VP),也譯作「副總經理」或簡稱「副總」,是現代企業組織內部的職位名稱,有一些組織的總裁/總經理(President)之下設立。

『玖』 總經理的職責用英語怎麼寫出來


Company director and general manger. (公司董事兼總經理)


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