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發布時間: 2020-12-30 10:06:35

㈠ 關於重大事件的英語作文(帶翻譯)

On May12th,2008,a terrible earthquake took place in Sichuan.Most houses fell down.Thousands of people were killed or injured and the whole cities were destroyed.Very soon,police ,doctors and volunteers went there to save and help people in trouble.All of Chinese people and many foreign countres donated money and materials to Sichuan. I was eated when earthquake took place in Sichuan ,i am very amazing
Hearing the terrible news, I felt very sorry for the poor people .As a student,Idon't havetoo much money .But I took out all my pocket money and sent it to Sichuan.I hope more and more people can help them.And Ialso hope that Sichuan people can rebuild their homes soon and become better and better.

㈡ 中國各個重大事件的英語分別怎麼說

問題補充:「2003年10月15日是對每一位中國人都有意義版」「即使最權普通的This is one of most important events in the modern China history

㈢ 一次重大事件的英文

A major event
重大事件major event; matters of great weight
And Star Wars was such a huge earthquake in the visual effects business.

㈣ 家居安全非常重要,怎樣才能避免危險事故在家發生寫60字單詞。用英文寫

Summer, the weather was very hot, many children have to go swimming, but we should pay attention to the following questions:
1. To choose in a regular swimming pool.
2. Swim well before the warm-up exercise
3. Must not go wild swimming alone, it is very dangerous!
4.When swimming should observe good personal hygiene
If you follow these suggestions, you will be able to safe swimming

㈤ 重大事件用英文怎麼說 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

major event
breaking event

㈥ 什麼是重大治安事件



  1. 涉及警務秘密的。

  2. 涉及個人隱私的。

  3. 當事人未滿18周歲的。

  4. 辦案單位認為不宜公開處理的其他情形。

㈦ 國內外重大事件,中英文都要

10月1日——中華人民共和國第59華誕。October 1-59 birthday of the People's Republic of China.

12月15日——兩岸海運直航、空運直航、直接通郵全面啟動,專宣屬告兩岸三通時代來臨。December 15th cross-strait direct shipping, air, straight, direct links, declared or era.

12月23日——大陸贈台大熊貓「團團」、「圓圓」搭乘長榮航空公司波音747專機飛抵台北桃園機場。 Dec 23 - China giant panda "circle" gift sets, "menu" by Eva airways Boeing 747 plane flew Taipei taoyuan airport.

On November 4 - barack Obama as, 6th and 59th forty-fourth of President of the United States.

㈧ 發生了一件重大的事件英語怎麼說

On May 12th, there happened a big incident, which affected China greatly. This is the Wenchuan Earthquake, which caused a lot of people to lose their families and lives.

㈨ 用英語寫重大事件的每一段怎麼寫

What matters most is

㈩ 什麼是重大治安事件



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