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發布時間: 2020-11-30 21:09:39

『壹』 寧波到連雲港的高速今天霧霾可以開嗎


『貳』 寧波霧霾天氣嚴重,哪裡有賣3M口罩的

在東城……匯 那邊就有的 霸氣領吧二爸葯吳

『叄』 據統計201二年寧波市全年霧霾天數為96天則這年的空氣質量優良為百分之幾



『肆』 寧波一年中有多少天霧霾天氣

寧波近四年霧霾天數:2011年 121天;2012年 96天;2013年 138天;2014年 118天。霧霾天氣是心血管疾病患者的「健康版殺手」,尤權其是有呼吸道疾病和心血管疾病的老人,霧天最好不出門,更不宜晨練,否則可能誘發病情,甚至心臟病發作,引起生命危險。讓天瞄的普衛欣幫您,對小至0.1微米的顆粒物過濾效率達99.8%,對小至0.3微米的細菌或病毒載體(常見於飛沫)過濾效率達99.9%。

『伍』 近幾年霧霾給寧波的人民帶來了什麼不便和危害


『陸』 寧波東錢湖冬天霧霾嚴重嗎


『柒』 假如你是李華,你的筆友Mike 從媒體上得知前段時間全國多地包括寧波等地出現霧霾,非常擔心,寫E-mail詢

Dear Mike,
.Recently many places in China including Ningbo were blanketed with thick yellow haze. Everything around disappeared from our sight. Some highways were closed. Traffic jams were commonly seen in the streets. Many people, especially children and seniors, even found it difficult to breathe. As a result, local hospitals were crowded with people who had problems with their noses and lungs. Part of the cause was the dry weather, but the severely damaged environment contributed a lot to this nightmare.
To make a significant change, we really have to do more to protect our environment. To live a better life, we have to push on with the economy, but it would be meaningless if we had to achieve it at the cost of our breathing air.
Li Hua

『捌』 最近,全國霧霾天氣嚴重,首要污染物也從之前的PM2.5變成了PM10。寧波市發布霾橙色預警,中小學紛紛取消


『玖』 去年冬季寧波地區頻頻出現嚴重的霧霾(haze/smog)天氣。霧霾天氣危害身體,影響生活。針對這一情況,李明

One possible version: How to protect ourselves in the haze weather?
Since the winter last year, the smog has occurred a lot of times in Ningbo. It has done great harm to our daily life. Therefore, it』s important for us to know how to protect ourselves in the haze weather. First, we can wear right masks like anti-st masks when we go outside. It』s useful to stop us from breathing in the smog. Second, we must keep the doors and windows closed in the haze weather. And we can』t open them until the smog disappears. Third, we can do sports indoors instead of outdoors. Fourth, we』d better drink water often and eat fresh fruit and vegetables to keep healthy. Then, it』s necessary to sleep early and it』s better not to stay up late. Finally, we can also plant some green plants and use air cleaners to make the air clean in our room.

『拾』 寧波空氣質量指數一直在110到200之間,大多數都是霧霾天氣,有時連著一禮拜都是。這樣衣服曬在室外可以嗎


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