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發布時間: 2021-03-13 05:46:42

❶ 英語中短語怎麼當形容詞 she was oh my god it was wow

she was like oh my god
這是非常口語化的說法,具體意思要聯繫上下文 看情況而定
這里 意思是指 <接著,她就說了oh my god> 這樣。

❷ 中文縮寫英文

APC 亞洲石油公司
BC 公元前
PLA 中國人民解放軍
RMB 人民幣
CCP 中國共產黨
BA 英國航空公司
NAB 全國廣播工作者協會
TV 電視
PRC 中華人民共和國
TM 商標
UK 英國
USA 美國
BBC 英國廣播公司
ABC 美國廣播公司
CBC 加拿大廣播公司
CAAC 中國民航
DDD 長途直撥電話
IDD 國際直撥長途電話
IT 信息技術
WTO 世界貿易組織
WHO 世界衛生組織
CAD 計算機輔助裝置
CAM 計算機輔助製造
IBM 國際商務機器公司
PC 個人電腦
ALU 運算器
I/O 輸入-輸出
ISA 工業標准構造
RAM 隨機存取內存
ROM 只讀存儲器
VGA 視頻圖像陣列
IDE 一種中小型硬碟發展的界面規范(上限為540MB)
CSCI 國科學文獻服務系統
MPC 多媒體計算機
JPEG 靜態影像壓縮標准
CD-ROM 光碟機
BIOS 基本輸入/輸出系統
COMS 互補金屬氧化物半導體
ISO 國際標准化組織(ISO,International Organization for Stan-dardization縮寫)
usa(United States Of America )美利堅合眾國;美國
cctv(China Central Television )中國中央電視台
bbc(British Broadcasting Corporation)英國廣播公司
prc(People's Republic of China )中華人民共和國=.=
un(United Nation)聯合國
W.C 廁所
CN 中國
P 停車場
BTW----BY THE WAY-順便說一下
CEO(Chief Executive Officer),即首席執行官,源自美國20世紀60年代進行公司治理結構改革創新時
IT是指信息技術,即英文Information Technology 的縮寫.
DIY是每個電腦愛好者熟悉的新名詞,是英文Do It Yourself的首字母縮寫,自己動手製作的意思,硬體愛好者也被俗稱DIYer.
OEM是英文Original Equipment Manufacturer的縮寫,意思是原設備製造商。
BBS是英文Bulletin Board System的縮寫,中文意思是電子公告板系統,現在國內統稱做論壇
XP,是英文Experience(體驗)的縮寫, 自從微軟發布Office XP後,成為軟體流行命名概念.
DJ是DISCO JOCIKEY(唱片騎士)的英文縮寫,以DISCO為主,DJ這兩個字現在已經代表了最新、最勁、最毒、最HIGH的Muisc。
URL是英文Uniform Resoure Locator的縮寫,即統一資源定位器,它是WWW網頁的地址,如 http://www.xuyuanchi.com/
FTP是英文File Transfer Protocol的縮寫,即文本傳輸協議。


NMET 全國普通高等學校入學考試: National Matriculation Entrance Test

CET 大學英語等級考試: College English Test

PETS 全國公共英語等級考試: The Public English Test System

TOEFL 托福: Test of English as a Foreign Language

IELTS 雅思: International English Language Testing System


IT 信息技術: Information Technology

VCD 激光視盤: Video Compact Disc

GPS 全球定位系統: Global Positioning System

GSM 全球移動通訊系統: Global System for Mobile Communications

EMS 特快專遞: Express Mail Service

WWW 萬維網: World Wide Web


UFO 不名飛行物: Unidentified Flying Object

DNA 脫氧核糖核酸: Deoxyribonucleic Acid

❸ 英語翻譯---

Internal Audit is an organization in the establishment of an independent internal evaluation activities and the activities of the organization as a review and evaluation of a service. Constraints on the internal audit of the management of enterprises, protection, monitoring, promotion, constructive and staff. Effective internal audit, the audit strong independent registered accountants and the audit complementary, forming a complete supervision system in the country's socialist market economy and China played a great role to play in governance, accounting information distortion should play a more active role. Since the internal audit, the audit and audit accountants registered in their respective functions, goals and specific audits are differences in the content of the audit, which in accounting information distortion of the role of governance is not the same. The internal audit focused on controlling distortion in the role of accounting information.

❹ 英語~~~~翻譯~~~~~~~!


❺ 英語翻譯

蘇共使得有關其在監督選舉進程中的作用沒有骨頭。 '由候選人的政治素質黨的工作和學習,'寫道Shabanov',是對任何可能發生的意外保障是一種特定的候選人提名自發';根據拉申:
這是對任何人,我們真的完成了共產黨對蘇維埃的選舉活動的政治領導的秘密,界定其任務,需要的是對各機關的選舉問題的工人階級不愧代表人民政權,農民,和知識分子。 [黨]這個視為自己的義務,並具體表達和體現其領導和指導的社會主義民主制度的作用。

❻ 資質范圍內室內外消毒服務,蟲害防治,室內環境治理服務英語怎麼說

Inside and outside the scope of qualified disinfection services, pest control, indoor environmental control service

❼ 求助英語大神

It showed that only through challenges we would get the fruit of life.


我覺得這句話only引導應該倒裝才對:It showed that only through challenges would we get the fruit of life.

勤學好問 天天進步!


❽ 社會治理模式的英文怎麼說

[網路] public governance model;
The further development of the thought of people first in the new era is prompting a service-government to establish.

❾ 幫忙翻譯英語文章~~~

1, the joint-stock companies. In accordance with the Companies Act to establish corporate governance structure, self-financing, self-management and self-development, self-restraint. Wholly-owned enterprises must fully implement posts operating shareholding system, the conditions are ripe for conversion of assets to shareholders.
2, item cooperative system. Emancipating the mind and consciousness with all-round cooperation and open welcome to the international and domestic investors, with the sale, joint venture, cooperation, and other forms of common development and operation of projects to encourage investment Shi employees to become shareholders in blue-chip recruit the planning, advertising, marketing, design, control, construction, managing and so forth, the company operating, the project only with the operation capable team.
3, the bodies of small system.
(1) Group organs as a capital operation center, the main decision-making function is advisory, implementation coordination, whose process. We should establish decision-making, implementation, whose separation of powers, checks and balances between the scientific institutions, small organs to achieve the objectives of the service. Authorities management staff to about 20 people suitable.
(2) subsidiaries operating profit as a proction center, the main function is to organize and command coordination of the proction, supply and implementation of specific activities to achieve maximum economic efficiency, resource optimization elements, the most stable proction of the people. Authority managers suitable about 10 large companies, small companies around 5 suitable.
(3) workshops, teams, proction lines, projects, such as the purchase and sale of business units at the grassroots level accounting, a system for proction enterprise system for the Chief Engineer, Design Supervision inspected enterprises were responsible for the project within the system, the development of construction projects within Steel Enterprise Manager system, the purchase and sale of trade enterprises the instry business manager for the system. In accordance with the principle of two-way choice, a person is responsible for forming a team, not only a clear division of work concerted collaboration, decentralization, contain each other.
4, pay pluralism. Keep people adhere to the cause, treatment to people, the environment attractive to them, the principle of people's feelings. Graally increase the proportion of performance pay, pay diversity in forms, such as performance allowances, business holdings, asset holdings, skills training, private car phone subsidies, of responsibility for the travel and tourism study, rationalizing Award, Pingxianpingyou Award, cultural and sports activities Award, the cause of platforms, promotion, promotion, Title and, social work and medical insurance.
5, block funding system. Project funds to the company and the relative independence of directors appointed supervisors Financial Group supervised funds paid according to market principles conditional call, in the light of credit management assess the need funded enterprises or projects. To ensure that profit-making enterprises to accumulate funds rolling development.
6, diverse financing system. To establish a good relationship-oriented bank, making good use of enterprises, and good projects and good reputation to attract investors, and conct multi-channel and multi-format, multi-species, all-round financing. If loans, acceptances, shares, funds, listed on the purchase and sale, trade, with funds and leasing.
7, gifted Secretary listing system. Fine listed assets in accordance with the principle of first, nurturing coking plant, coal preparation plant, power plants priority listing. From the instrial and commercial registration, taxation planning to proction and management, project reserves by the Company to the principles of operation, to operate by law, and standardize management, tax planning, at least ensure that a subsidiary of success in the domestic market.

❿ 檢查 英語怎麼說


讀音:英[ɪg'zæmɪn; eg-]美[ɪg'zæmɪn]

vt. 檢查;調查; 檢測;考試

vi. 檢查;調查

[ 過去式 examined 過去分詞 examined 現在分詞 examining ]


performance examine績效考核 ; 績效查核 ; 績敁考核

examine verb檢查

examine tickets查票



1. I'll start with some generalities and then examine a few specific examples.


2. We examine the wording in detail before deciding on the final text.


3. Doctors examine their patients thoroughly in order to make a correct diagnosis.


4. The accused's lawyers will get a chance to cross-examine him.


5. Her husband and children will also have to re-examine their expectations.


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