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發布時間: 2021-03-03 04:28:53

① 環境與垃圾處理的英語作文(急需)

我認為我們應該採取處理垃圾的有效措施,比如說:1.垃圾分類 2、報紙、玻璃的再利用 3、有害垃圾的處理 4、廢水處理 5、制定法律
Now, city garbage has endangers our life. They serious environmental pollution and harmful to our health.

I think we should take effective measures of garbage disposal, such as: 1. The trash classification 2, newspapers, glass reusing 3, hazardous waste treatment 4, wastewater treatment 5, formulate laws

We have been working hard, but the road is long, we'll continue to fight pollution.


② 美國垃圾處理的英語作文

Protect environment, you and me from the start

Garbage divides a lot of kinds such as: food bag, peel, wastepaper, white plastic bags, leaves, leftover resie, various bottles, etc.;
The garbage can is divided into, recyclable and unrecyclable recyclable two, are: all kinds of bottles, glass, cardboard, unrecyclable are: food bag, peel, paper scraps, etc..
Dad said: "recyclable garbage, recycling use, unrecyclable garbage landfill or incineration, directly, it can rece the waste of resources, but also protect environment. I hope you can take good care of our planet

③ 農村生活垃圾治理英文作文

These days,we discuss about how to protect the environment and built the harmonious society.Many students give us their ways and I think theses ways will be helpful.
In my opinion,how to dispose of rubbish is a very important thing.First,rubbish is a great pollution in city,and how to deal with them has been a big problem .There are many ways such as classify ,collect,sometimes we can buy the rubbish and don』 t forget to deal with the polluted water .Also,the ways of provide against the pollution is very important .We should make laws to stop people from throwing away the rubbish and make city more beautiful.
Anyway ,the society is ours,the world is ours.All of us should make contributions to protect the environment,protect everything around us.I believe,if everyone an help.we can make a harmonious society in a short time

④ 關於垃圾處理的英文文獻

為了保護潔凈的南極環境,各個國家都重視南極考察的環境保護, 1991年,南極條約國簽署了關於環境保護的南極條約議定書,對南極環境的保護作出了嚴格的規定。在對固體廢棄物、食品廢棄物、化學葯品廢棄物及可燃性廢棄物要區別對待,採取不同的處理方式,不要造成對環境的損害。中國南極考察隊員守則規定了中國南極考察站有關廢棄物和污水處理規定,考察站應定期組織隊員對站區進行環境清掃,檢查環境保護工作。考察站安裝了自動污水處理設備,生活污水經過處理之後,達到了有關排為了保護潔凈的南極環境,各個國家都重視南極考察的環境保護, 1991年,南極條約國簽署了關於環境保護的南極條約議定書,對南極環境的保護作出了嚴格的規定。在對固體廢棄物、食品廢棄物、化學葯品廢棄物及可燃性廢棄物要區別對待,採取不同的處理方式,不要造成對環境的損害。中國南極考察隊員守則規定了中國南極考察站有關廢棄物

In order to protect the Antarctic environment clean and all countries on the Antarctic expedition of environmental protection, 1991, TiaoYaoGuo Antarctic signed the treaty on the Antarctic environment protection of the Antarctic environment protocol, protect a strict rules. On solid waste, food, chemical wastes and waste to treat combustible wastes, take a different approach, not cause damage to the environment. China's expedition team code provisions about the Chinese Antarctic survey and sewage disposal regulations, shall organize the station for environmental cleaning, inspection station of environmental protection work. Stations installed automatically sewage treatment equipment, sewage treatment, reached by relevant platoon in order to protect the clean the Antarctic environment, all countries on the Antarctic expedition of environmental protection, 1991, TiaoYaoGuo Antarctic signed the treaty on the Antarctic environment protection of the Antarctic environment protocol, protect a strict rules. On solid waste, food, chemical wastes and waste to treat combustible wastes, take a different approach, not cause damage to the environment. China's expedition team code provisions on the Antarctic survey China wastes
Treatment provisions, shall organize the station for environmental cleaning, inspection station of environmental protection work. Stations installed automatically sewage treatment equipment, sewage treatment, reached by the discharge requirements, and finally into the sea. Can use for sewage treatment equipment for free-pollution disposal of chemical solution to collect, preserve, etc to domestic processing.
The Antarctic survey of garbage is how to handle?
According to the Antarctic treaty regarding environmental protection protocol, each country has the Antarctic survey general rubbish treatment equipment, mainly is to deal with, may incinerator combustion of solid waste harmless, namely combustible rubbish. After the high-temperature incineration incinerator, only a small bit of ashes. The station to do not have a condition of processing waste, cannot burn or burning of the harmful material such as plastic garbage, need to rece body

⑤ 怎樣減少和處理垃圾英語作文翻譯成中文

The first is: Automobile exhaust. Large vehicle diesel emission is PM10"repeat", including the bus, the bus units, as well as a large truck etc.. Cityof toxic particulate matter sources: the first is the automobile tail gas.Emissions of fine particles aggregated consequential offense "is the use ofdiesel car". Small cars use gasoline while emissions are gaseous pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides, but run into fog, can be easily transformed into two particles, increase the haze.

⑥ 如何處理垃圾問題英語作文

These days, we discuss about how to protect the environment and built the harmonious society. Many students give us their ways and I think theses ways will be helpful.In my opinion, how to dispose of rubbish is a very important thing. First, rubbish is a great pollution in city, and how to deal with them has been a big problem .There are many ways such as classify ,collect, sometimes we can buy the rubbish and don』 t forget to deal with the polluted water .Also, the ways of provide against the pollution is very important .We should make laws to stop people from throwing away the rubbish and make city more beautiful.Anyway ,the society is ours, the world is ours. All of us should make contributions to protect the environment, protect everything around us. I believe, if everyone an help. we can make a harmonious society in a short time.

⑦ 求垃圾處理方面的 英文翻譯

在人類的源健康方面的塑料不保健的使用和處理和它的效果已經變得關心的一個物質。當他們的色素包含高度有毒的重金屬的時候 , 彩塑料是有害的。一些在塑料中被發現的有害金屬是銅,領引,鉻,鈷,硒和鎘。在大部分方面使塑料已經被法律上禁止的國家,彩色工業化了。 在印度, Himachal Pradesh 的政府已經禁止塑料的使用並且如此有 Ladakh 區域。 其他的州應該效法他們的例子。
廢棄的處理適當的方法必須被接手確定它在區域的周圍不影響環境或對人引起健康危險活的在那裡。 在家庭- 水平,廢物的適當種族隔離必須被做,而且它應該被確定所有的有機物質被保持旁白因為施堆肥, 無疑地是廢物的這一個片段的正確處理的最好方法。 事實上,被產生的廢物有機的部份更容易分解,吸引昆蟲而且引起。 有機的廢物可能被施堆肥並且然後被用如肥料。

⑧ 英語作文,垃圾很多,希望得到治理

These days, we discuss about how to protect the environment and built the harmonious society. Many students give us their ways and I think theses ways will be helpful.

In my opinion, how to dispose of rubbish is a very important thing. First, rubbish is a great pollution in city, and how to deal with them has been a big problem .There are many ways such as classify ,collect, sometimes we can buy the rubbish and don』 t forget to deal with the polluted water .Also, the ways of provide against the pollution is very important .We should make laws to stop people from throwing away the rubbish and make city more beautiful.

Anyway ,the society is ours, the world is ours. All of us should make contributions to protect the environment, protect everything around us. I believe, if everyone an help. we can make a harmonious society in a short time.

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