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發布時間: 2020-12-01 01:32:42

『壹』 如何投訴加拿大多倫多機場免稅店


『貳』 我妻子背著我去加拿大多倫多聽說正在辦難民證我想舉報他需要幫助

打電話給 1-888-502-9060
How to report fraud
How do I report immigration fraud?
Call the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Border Watch Toll-Free Line at 1-888-502-9060 to report:
suspicious border activity,
a marriage of convenience,
a person who has given false information on any immigration application or
a person wanted on an immigration warrant.

What you tell the tip line is private.
How do I report citizenship fraud?
You can report a person who:
pretended to live in Canada to become a citizen or
hid information about their case.
In Canada, you may contact the Call Centre and choose the citizenship fraud tip option in our automated telephone system.
Outside Canada, contact your nearest Canadian visa office.
You can also email tips to [email protected].
How do I report Internet, E-mail or Telephone scams and fraud?
If you or someone you know may have been the target of a telephone, internet, email or other type of scam and unwittingly provided personal or financial information you should:
In Canada, contact the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.
Toll-free: 1-888-495-8501
Toll-free fax: 1-888-654-9426

『叄』 我想舉報在加拿大多倫多打黑工不會英語怎麼舉報


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