當前位置:首頁 » 宣傳投訴 » 我要投訴英語


發布時間: 2021-03-04 14:15:27

Ⅰ 我可以舉報你英文

我要投訴你:I will make a complaint against you.
我要控訴你:I will sue you.
我要舉報你:I will report you.

Ⅱ 我要向經理投訴你的服務英語

I am goinh to complain to your manager about your service.

Ⅲ 我要投訴的英語怎麼說

I have a complaint to make. 我要投訴。

I'll complain your customer agent. 我要投訴你們的客戶代表。

Ⅳ 我要投訴噠噠英語上海市歸哪個部門管


Ⅳ 我要投訴 幫我翻譯 謝謝

I want to give a complaint about your staff named COMIC.
When i stood by the side of cashier, and your staff COMIC calculated all goods that I buy and say nothing. She pointed to the electric display and need I to check the amount by myself. This behavior make me uneasy and not only happed only yesterday. I am suprising that this happened in such an international company. I am a customer and i am unwilling to have discomfort feeling showed by your staff. Just now ,I looked into your company website. The management of your staff ahould be improved.

Ⅵ 我想向客戶投訴一下,用英語怎麼說恰

I'd like to make a complaint to the customer
I'd like to make a complaint to the customer

Ⅶ 我要投訴你 英語怎麼說

我要投訴你:I will make a complaint against you.

我要控訴你:I will sue you.

我要舉報你:I will report you.



Ⅷ 我要一,篇短的翻譯,我要投訴

OF STUDIES Francis Bacon Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for abilityTheir chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition o給我一篇勵志的英語短文(200字左右版,要翻譯權)

Ⅸ 我要投訴你,因為你偷走了我的心.英語翻譯(急)

I want to complain you,because you stole my heart.

Ⅹ 我要投訴這家店,他們強迫我購物!英文怎麼說

I want to complain about this store.They force me to shop here.

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