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發布時間: 2021-02-26 01:37:33

Ⅰ 20分 求英語情景對話`酒店投訴

20分 求英語情景對話`酒店投訴
人物:經理( hotel manager),客人(guest)`
G; May I speak to the hotel manager please?
M: Hi, this is Benny Smith, the manager of Holiday Inn. How can I help you?
G: Hi. My name is lisa Wang. I would like to file a complaint of the poor service of your hotel. This is my first time to stay in Hotel and it will be my last one too.
M: I am sorry to hear that. Could you tell me exactly what it is all about?
G: When I checked in yesterday, the two girls at the front desk were quite rude. They were chatting with each other. And when I asked about some information of the local sceneries. They just threw a pamphlet at the desk and went on their chatting. That is very unprofessional.
M: Mrs. Wang, I applogize for what had happened. I will look into it and give you a reply as soon as possible.
G: Thank you for your attention in this matter .I really appreciate that.
M: Gould you give me a number that I can reach you?
G: 123-456-789
M: ok. Mrs. Wang, thank you so much for calling. I sincerely ask you to come back to our hotel again and I promise you that what had happened to you yesterday will not repeat.Have a good day!bye!

Ⅱ 怎樣應對投訴 英語口語對話練習

1.要勤學苦練。學英語沒有捷徑可走,要真正掌握英語,達到運用自如的程度,非下苦功夫不可。下苦功夫就是要進行大量的聽、說、讀、寫訓練,使各項技能達到純熟的地步。語言知識應該了解,但不下苦功在聽、說、讀、寫上練習,僅靠死記硬背一些孤立的單詞、一些語法條條,是很難掌握英語這一交際工具的。應該是Learning English而不是Learning about English。就像學游泳、跳芭蕾舞一樣,對其理論掌握再好,不通過反復訓練是永遠也學不會的。

Ⅲ 處理酒店投訴英語情景對話及語句都有哪些



I'm sorry to hear that, madam.


2. I'm sorry,it's the policy of our hotel. I hope you will understand.


3. I'm terribly sorry, madam. I'll attend to it at once.


4. Mr. Smith, we are sorry to have kept you waiting.


5. I'm awfully sorry for that. I'll speak to the manager and he'll see to it right away.


6. Sorry, sir. I have advise you not to do so. It's against our regulations.


7. I'm sorry to hear that. We do apologize for the inconvenience. I'll have the shower fixed, the tub cleaned, the floor dried and toilet items sent to your room immediately.


Ⅳ 急求一篇兩人英語對話 關於電腦投訴的

A: Excuse me, sales manager, I bought a computer from your shop a week ago and now it had several problems. B: What are the problems? A: There's no sound coming out, and when I started the computer, it goes black. B: Oh! Really! I am so sorry, I will check it carefully for those problems and, if necessary, I could replace the computer with a new one. A: Thank you, but please do fix it, I wanted this computer badly and I won't allow another one in. B: Hmmm... Let me see, your screen is broken, probably from a direct hit or strong light. Did you placed it near a direct light? A: Yes, I placed it near an open window, I didn't know I shouldn't! Would you be able to fix it? B: I suppose so, please just wait for half an hour. A: Okay, I will come back at five. B: Thank you for your patience, here's my phone number, if any problems exist on your computer, you can phone me. A: All right! Thank you! B: No problem. 夠不夠?不夠我可以加,很開心幫到你。

Ⅳ 關於商品質量投訴的英文情景對話

"where is your boss?I'll complain!"
"I am the boss. what can I do for you."
"look, this is what you have done. How dare you name yourself a laundry expert?"
"I'm so sorry!I just forget to ask my employees not to wash ropes.
"Good, but the most important thing is what I brought here is a sheet!"

Ⅵ 關於酒店投訴的英語對白

人物:經理( hotel manager),客人(guest)`
G; May I speak to the hotel manager please?
M: Hi, this is Benny Smith, the manager of Holiday Inn. How can I help you?
G: Hi. My name is lisa Wang. I would like to file a complaint of the poor service of your hotel. This is my first time to stay in Hotel and it will be my last one too.
M: I am sorry to hear that. Could you tell me exactly what it is all about?
G: When I checked in yesterday, the two girls at the front desk were quite rude. They were chatting with each other. And when I asked about some information of the local sceneries. They just threw a pamphlet at the desk and went on their chatting. That is very unprofessional.
M: Mrs. Wang, I applogize for what had happened. I will look into it and give you a reply as soon as possible.
G: Thank you for your attention in this matter .I really appreciate that.
M: Gould you give me a number that I can reach you?
G: 123-456-789
M: ok. Mrs. Wang, thank you so much for calling. I sincerely ask you to come back to our hotel again and I promise you that what had happened to you yesterday will not repeat.Have a good day!bye!

Ⅶ help !關於投訴的英語對話…

「i wanna make a complain about my garment shrank after being drycleaned at your shop.」一般乾衣店的人都會問你之前有沒有注意到衣服上面的「washing instruction"?哪怕你沒有,你也不用怕,因為據我知道都是乾衣店的責任,在接單的時候會檢查或者問你是否注意上面的乾洗標簽? 能否乾洗?你也可以反問他們:「 im sure its your job to read all the washing instruction labels before wash?"如果他們仍然沒法給你滿意答案,你可以說「i am not happy about your service at all, can i speak to your manager? i want my compensation!" 呵呵 GOOD LUCK

Ⅷ 求英語對話一篇——酒店投訴處理,一名接待員,一名客人,投訴時經理不在酒店

客人:Hey,waiter,come here.
服務員:What is the matter,sir?
客人:I have a complaint.Please ask your manager here.
服務員:Sir,is there anything unsatisfying?
客人:Look at the soup,there is a fly floating over it.
服務員:That is impossible,I have checked it carefully.
客人:Anyway,I want to see your manager.
服務員:OK,I go to find our manager.
客人:I need you give me a reasonable explanation.
服務員:We will,please wait a moment.

Ⅸ 關於投訴的英語對話

⊙﹏⊙b汗 http://..com/question/156998258.html

Ⅹ 求幫忙寫一篇英語情景對話 關於東西有質量問題的一個投訴電話 時長3分鍾的 高分懸賞啊

Excuse me, I have some problems,can you help me?
With pieasure and what is you problme?
I bought the watch two days ago ,however, it does not work.
Does it break up or lose the power ?
It is impossible.can you repair it?I need it for my test.
Ok,we will try our best to repair it.
Thanks a lot.

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