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發布時間: 2021-02-12 13:22:52

1. 幫忙翻譯下吧。中譯英!謝謝了~!急急 急

University English-Chinese Translation
Tourist attractions tourist attractions of the text covers the history, style, features, landscape value, etc. The purpose is to enable visitors to understand the attractions in the humanities, history and natural landscape of knowledge, to stimulate interest in visiting. English and Chinese of different cultural traditions, habits of thinking and aesthetic characteristics of the formation of different languages. English sentence structure rigorous, careful thinking, expression, language of note logical, simple and natural word stress; pay attention to the structure of Chinese language and tidy, beautiful words, the U.S. rhyme and harmony. In the English translation of tourism texts, the translator function to highlight the text, to ensure translation accuracy and completeness of information transmission. Therefore, tourism should be objective and accurate text translations, easy to understand, and with sustainability.
8 Cross-Cultural Communication The cultural communication learn
Tourist attractions is a cross-cultural communication translation, translation quality is directly related to the success of communication. Articles in cross-cultural communication theory as a guide, from the landscape name, explain inherent in aesthetic taste, commentary inherent in the different mode of thinking and explain the translation of cultural information in four areas starting to explore the cross-cultural awareness in the use of translation and Depending on the translation made some useful suggestions translation.
9 travel brochure variable from Chinese to English translation Traveling propaganda book Chinese to English changes translates
Chinese-English translation of tourist brochures to the people of the world to present and promote China's tourism attractions characteristics, and thus promote the splendid Chinese culture medium. Its purpose is to attract foreign tourists to China for sightseeing, to understand China's tourism landscape, natural resources, cultural history. The translation quality is also able to attract more foreign tourists, the development of China's tourism instry is an important factor. In this paper, the special nature of tourism promotional materials as well as English language differences start to clarify in the tourist brochure English translation of the translation process by using the variational theory with variable translation strategy of the necessity and feasibility.

Cultural differences between Chinese and English translation with the West Lake Scenic Spots
Scenic West Lake in Hangzhou in China from Chinese to English, for example, from the British cultural differences on the basis of this more macro discussion attractions translation difficulties, cultural differences based on the analysis of English and cultural differences, summarize, sum up and to Nida's theory functions as a framework for other, from the functional equivalence of the two main concepts of the theory))) functional equivalence, reader-response))) point of view put forward tentative solution. To truly achieve the purpose of translation, to better achieve the transmission of culture and communication.

2. VI手冊是什麼













3. 做企業宣傳畫冊需要准備些什麼內容

1,您的企抄業全稱(中英文): 2,您的企業簡稱 3,您的企業理念及發展歷程 4,您的公司簡介及基本資料
5,您的產品資料 6,畫冊類型
□企業形象畫冊 □產品樣本 □說明書 □其它_______ ___ 7,設計風格要求:
□傳統穩重大氣 □時尚動感 □熱情親和 □民族特色 □國際化風格 8,畫冊設計規格:
□正常規格210*285mm □其它尺寸____________ 9,您的畫冊主色調 10,您的畫冊主要受眾人群: 11,設計頁碼(p): _______ ___ 12,腹膜及特殊工藝要求: _______ ___
特殊印刷工藝要求: _______ ___ 無特殊要求由設計師建議 13,用紙: 封面: _ _______ 克 ___ ____紙
內頁: __ ______克 ________紙 無特殊要求由設計師建議 14,需提供內容
企業LOGO,公司簡介,發展歷程,產品簡介,圖片相關,文字說明及表格等.*圖片精度最低不得低於300DPI,LOGO最好以矢量形式發送 15,聯絡信息:地址:聯系人:電話:郵箱:網址: 16,其它

4. 請問公司對外宣傳冊上的中英文標示(右上角),可不可以注冊知識產權如果可以,請問可以注冊哪種謝謝


5. 公司宣傳冊封面應該怎麼設計

3。必備要素:LOGO 中英文名稱(或簡稱)

6. 上海春秋國際旅行社的中英文宣傳冊


7. 滑雪鞋各部位介紹,中英文都要有,本人剛開始做雷克牧斯滑雪鞋的外貿員,需要翻譯宣傳手冊。

里料材質: 羊毛自
Lining material: wool
幫面材質: 納米PU+反絨皮
Help face material: nano PU+ suede leather
鞋幫高度: 高幫
The upper height: high help
外底材質: EVA+防滑橡膠大底
Outsole: non slip rubber outsole material EVA+
鞋墊材質: 羊毛+EVA
Insole material: wool +EVA
中底材質: EVA
Midsole: EVA

8. X展架 英文怎麼說呢

X展架的英文:X banner stand

banner 讀法 英['bænə]美['bænɚ]

1、n. 橫幅圖片的廣告模式

2、n. 旗幟,版橫幅,標語


1、under the banner of在…的旗幟下

2、banner ads橫幅廣告;旗幟廣告

3、star-spangled banner美國國歌;美國國旗



flag, banner這組詞都有「旗」的意思,其區別是:




1、carry a banner 拿著旗

2、hold up a banner 舉起…的旗

3、lower a banner 降旗

4、plant a banner 豎旗

5、colorful banner 彩旗

9. 去哪裡做宣傳冊啊



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