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發布時間: 2020-12-17 06:19:17

⑴ 域名轉出收費是違規的嗎如果是,該如何投訴

我也在找相關的法規,我在新網與萬網的域名 想從中國網格轉到另外的代理之下,他們要求我交50-30一個的域名轉出費用!他說有相關的規定,是中國萬網與新網收費;

⑵ COM域名轉移,要求中國頻道給予解鎖被拒絕,請問到哪投訴


⑶ 域名轉出的問題及如何投訴空間商



⑷ 域名想轉移不給轉移,誰能告訴我投訴域名注冊商得地方


⑸ 互易中國域名不讓轉出,該去哪裡投訴

域名轉走 是免費的, 如果注冊商 不給處理, 可以通過投 訴由域名 管理機構直 接轉出。

⑹ 如何通過向ICANN申訴轉出域名

很多域名代理商都能一次投訴就給你提供轉移密碼,但仍然會有些賴皮的代理商,可能要有多次投訴的准備。其實對於所有的注冊商都有用的。 一次不行兩次,五次不行十次,只要你堅持,他們必須給你轉移碼。
1、Name 欄目填寫您的名字。
2、Organization(if any) 欄目填寫組織機構,為可選填寫。
3、Email 欄目寫上您的email地址,方便regestrar跟您聯系。
4、Telephone Number 欄目可選填寫您的電話。
5、Domain Name 欄目寫上您要投訴的域名,不用輸入www (例ok165.com),這里只能填寫一個,因為提交時候會自動從資料庫查詢該域名的注冊商regestrar.
6、Indicate the reason(s) why the transfer of the domain name was not successful * 為什麼您的域名沒有轉移成功,選擇下面的原因?
1)、My registrar blocked the transfer because I did not pay the transfer fee. 沒有支付轉移費用。
2)、The registrar blocked the transfer because I have not paid for a pending or future registration period. 沒有付費
3)、My domain name has not expired and the registrar requested it be renewed prior to the transfer. 域名還沒有到期,要求續費才能轉移。
4)、I am the Registered Name Holder and my email address is listed as the registrant』s in the registration information, but the registrar requested proof of my identity. 域名EMAIL是我的,但要求提供身份證明文件。
5)、The registrar blocked the transfer because there are payment defaults between the registrar and the reseller through which the domain was registered. 因為我注冊的代理商和域名注冊機構之間有費用糾紛。
6)、The domain name is locked and the registrar did not update the status and did not provide me with means to update it. 域名注冊商鎖定了轉移狀態,並且我不能解鎖。
7)、My registrar blocked the transfer saying that the domain name was created less than 60 days ago, or that it was transferred to my registrar less than 60 days ago. 要求我域名注冊大於60天才能轉移。
8)、Other. 其它原因
7、Please indicate which of the following you have completed in working with your current or losing registrar:
Regarding the authorization code (auth-code) *關於轉移密碼
一、I tried to retrieve the auth-code from my control panel. 我試圖從域名控制面板獲取轉移碼。
二、I asked the registrar to provide me the auth-code, but it was not sent within the 5 days following my request.我向域名注冊商索取轉移嗎,但是他五天之內沒有發送給我。
Regarding the lock status *關於鎖定狀態
一、I already tried to unlock the domain name myself. 我已經嘗試解鎖我的域名。
二、I asked the registrar to unlock it, but the domain was not unlocked nor did I receive means to unlock it myself. 我請求注冊商解鎖這個域名狀態,但是這個域名沒有鎖定或者我也沒有辦法自己解鎖。
三、Please provide additional comment or details 請進一步提供詳細的細節。
I registered my domain XXX.com at 域名注冊商英文名。I am not satisfied with their service and I want to transfer my domain to other companies.
I can』t find any place on their site to get my Auth-Info code. Followed their FAQ,I found they require a paper form to be filled and mailed to their office with a hard of my official personal photo ID or/and passport. I feel very uncomfortable about this. I don』t think they have the authority to check my personal id and keep a hard ,it contains lot of my privacy info. I believe this requirement is against both ICANN policy and local law.
I want my domain transfer code, and complete the transfer as soon as possible.
現在是復選框模式,可以根據實際情況選擇。然後提交。應該不到5天,注冊商會通過EMAIL發送域名轉移碼。如果域名注冊商沒有給你,可以回復ICANN郵件再次投訴,在郵件開頭加上這一句:This is the second complaint letter sent.

⑺ .cn域名轉出要我200塊,我在哪裡投訴


⑻ 中企動力域名轉移,好麻煩啊我要投訴,


⑼ 域名注冊商禁止轉移域名如何投訴


⑽ 我要向國際域名管理中心投訴黑心域名商不讓我轉出域名。跪求大神幫忙


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