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1. 我急需一篇北大法律英文網《信息安全等級保護管理辦法》的英文資料,急用,萬分感激好心人給予~~


I General Provisions

The first level of protection for the specification of information security management, improve the capacity and level of information security , to safeguard national security, social stability and public interests to safeguard and promote information technology, according to " Regulations on Protection of Computer Information System Security " and other relevant laws and regulations, the development of this approach.

Article 2 The State through the development of a uniform level of protection of information security management practices and technical standards , organizational citizens, legal persons and other organizations to implement information systems graded security protection , implementation of the work on the level of protection supervision and management.

Third level public security organs responsible for information security protection work supervision, inspection and guidance. State secret protection department is responsible for grading the work relating to confidentiality of supervision, inspection and guidance. National level password management department is responsible for the protection of the work relating to the password supervision, inspection and guidance. Involving other functional departments under the jurisdiction of the matter , the relevant departments in accordance with national laws and regulations to manage. Information Office of the State Council Informatization Leading Group and local level offices responsible for the protection of inter-departmental coordination .

Article information systems departments shall in accordance with the practices and related standards , supervise , inspect and guide the instry, the department or the regional information system operations , and use of the information security level protection.

Article operational information systems , the use of units should be in accordance with the scheme and its related standards , implementation of information security level protection obligations and responsibilities .

Chapter II classification and protection

Article National Information Security Protection adhere to independent grading, the principle of self- protection . Information system security protection should be based on information systems in national security, economic construction and social life the importance of the information system after the destruction of national security , public order , public interest and citizens , legal persons and other organizations of the legitimate rights and interests other factors to determine the degree of harm .

Article VII of information system security protection class is divided into the following five :
The first stage , information systems are destroyed, be citizens , legal persons and other organizations of the legitimate interests of damage , but does not harm national security, social order and public interests.
The second stage , after the destruction of information systems , will citizens , legal persons and other organizations of the legitimate interests of serious harm, or to social order and damage to public interests , but does not harm national security .
The third stage , the information systems are destroyed, the social order and public interests would cause serious damage , or damage to national security .
Fourth level , information systems are destroyed, would cause social order and public interests is particularly serious harm, or cause serious damage to national security .
Fifth grade , information systems are destroyed, would cause particularly serious damage to national security .

Article information systems operations, the use of units in accordance with the methods and technical standards for the protection of information systems , national regulatory authorities related to information security protection of their information security level of supervision and management .

The first -level information systems operations, the use of units should be based on relevant national management practices and technical standards for protection.

The second -level information systems operations, the use of units should be based on relevant national management practices and technical standards for protection. Safety supervision departments of the national -level information system security level information to guide conservation efforts .

The third -level information systems operations, the use of units should be based on relevant management practices and technical standards for protection. Safety supervision departments of the national -level information system information security level protection supervision and inspection.

The fourth level information systems operations, the use of units should be based on relevant management practices , technical standards and business specific needs for protection. Safety supervision departments of the national -level information system information security level of protection to mandatory supervision and inspection.
Fifth level information systems operations, the use of units should be based on national management standards, technical standards and business security needs special protection. Specifically designated by the State -level information systems departments of the level of information security protection for specialized supervision and inspection.
Chapter III Implementation and management level of protection
Article 9 - Information system operators , the use of units shall " Information System Security Protection Implementation Guide " embodiment level protection.
Article information systems operations, the use of units should be based on this approach and the " Information Systems Security Protection Grading Guide " to determine information system security protection. The competent authorities , shall be approved by the competent authorities for approval .
Interprovincial or unified national network of information systems can be run by the competent authority and determine the level of security protection .
Right to be identified as the fourth level above information systems , operations , and use of , or the competent authorities shall invite the national information security protection level expert committee review .(節選部分來自前瞻網資料)

2. 中國網路安全法律法規用英語怎麼說

China's network security laws and regulations

3. 求英文版法律法規



4. 中國法律法規 英文版


5. 法律法規 英語怎麼說


Laws and regulations

1、Laws :法律

2、regulations:n. [管理] 條例;規程(regulation的復數);章則。普通用詞,指用於管理、指導或控制某系統或組織的規則、規定或原則等。

3、and regulations:以及規章制度。






此外,還有大量行話,如:on the bench(擔任法官職務)take silk(擔任王室法律顧問)。對於法律英語的初學者而言,在理解法律術語及行話時切忌望文生義。





6. 法律英語 中文翻譯為英文

MP3 legal protection on a number of issues related to the following major issues : MP3 legal characterization -- MP3 is the right laws of the object, that the main rights and obligations as between the object; MP3 from the legal relationship; and the legal relations involving some of the obligations of the legal responsibility of the network environment how to identify, focus on how qualitative MP3 network services and the act of downloading MP3 music actors. Official permission granted network services, to MP3 music download the free downloading acts as a reasonable use, so that the right holder expropriation of rights, not only to a greater extent in the promotion of cultural dissemination of information, and the right holder's real interests will be consolidated, so that the interests of right holders and the public to achieve the right balance

7. 求《中華人民共和國無線電管理條例規定》英文版

I General Provisions

Article 1 These Regulations are established with a view to ensuring the efficient use of the resources of radio frequency spectrum and the proper operation of the various radio communication services by strengthening radio management and maintaining the order of radio waves in the air.

Article 2 These Regulations shall apply to any radio station established and operated in the People's Republic of China, any radio transmission equipment developed and manufactured therein or imported thereto, and any non-radio equipment radiating radio waves.

Article 3 In radio regulation the People's Republic of China carries out the principle of unified leadership and planning with managerial work divided among radio regulatory organs of different levels and responsibilities delegated to them. Its aim is to promote the development of radio communication by means of scientific management of the radio frequency spectrum.

Article 4 The resources of radio frequency spectrum is owned by the State, which carries out the principle of planning its use in a centralized manner, exploiting it rationally, managing it scientifically and providing frequencies on a charge able basis.

Article 5 The State encourages scientific research on the resources of the radio frequency spectrum in addition to its exploitation and utilization, so as to promote advanced technologies and improve the management of the radio frequency spectrum.

Citations or rewards shall be given to the institutions and indivials that have made significant contributions in the management of the radio frequency spectrum and the related scientific research.

Chapter II Radio Regulatory Organs and Their Duties

Article 6 The state radio regulatory organ shall be responsible for the nationwide management of the radio frequency spectrum under the co-leadership of the State Council and the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China. Its essential ties shall be:

a) to formulate the principles, policies and administrative acts for radio regulation;

b) to establish rules and regulations governing radio regulation;

c) to undertake the centralized management of the radio stations and their frequencies;

d) to coordinate efforts and deal with matters relating to radio regulation;

e) to establish inter-sect oral common standards for radio regulation;

f) to arrange scientific research in the field of radio regulation;

g) to undertake radio monitoring nationwide; and

h) to deal with foreign-related matters concerning radio regulation in a centralized manner.

Article 7 The radio regulatory organ of the Chinese People's Liberation Army shall be responsible for radio regulation in the military. Its essential ties shall be:

a) to participate in formulating and implement the principles, policies, acts, and rules and regulations of the state, governing radio regulation, and formulate the rules applicable to the military;

b) to examine and approve the establishment of the military radio stations and issue licenses to the military radio stations;

c) to plan, assign and manage radio frequencies used for the military;

d) to approve the development, manufacture and sale of military radio communication equipment, and also the technical specifications concerning the radio regulation of the radio communication equipment to be purchased or imported by the military;

e) to arrange scientific research in the field of radio regulation in the military, and establish technical standards of military radio regulation;

f) to exercise supervision and carry out inspections of matters relating to radio regulation in the military; and

g) to participate in dealing with matters concerning the military civilian relations in the field of radio regulation.

Article 8 The radio regulatory organs of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and prefectural cities are responsible, under the co-leadership of the next higher radio regulatory organ and the People's government of the same level, for radio regulation other than that in the military in the areas which come within their respective jurisdiction. Their essential ties shall be:

a) to implement the principles, policies, acts, and rules and regulations of the state, governing radio regulation;

b) to formulate specific rules and regulations on radio regulation applicable to the localities concerned;

c) to coordinate efforts and deal with matters relating to radio regulation within their respective administrative areas;

d) to examine and approve, under their respective terms of reference, the sites of the radio stations to be built and their distribution as a whole, assign frequencies and call signs, and issue licenses to radio stations; and

e) to undertake radio monitoring within their respective administrative areas.

Article 9 The radio regulatory organs of the appropriate ministries and commissions under the State Council shall be responsible for radio regulation in the sectors concerned. Their essential ties shall be:

a) to implement the principles, policies, acts, and rules and regulations of the state, governing radio regulation;

b) to formulate specific rules and regulations applicable to the sector concerned;

c) to examine and approve, under the powers stipulated by the State Council and as the mandatary of the state radio regulatory organ, the sites of the radio stations to be built in the sector concerned and their distribution as a whole, assign frequencies and call signs, and issue licenses to radio stations; and

d) to perform any other ties mandated by the state radio regulatory organ.

Article 10 The National Radio Monitoring Centre with its radio monitoring stations of different levels, the National Radio Spectrum Management Centre and the National Research Institute of Radio Spectrum Management shall conct radio monitoring, technical examination, development of new technologies and scientific research respectively.

Chapter III Establishment and Operation of Radio Stations

Article 11 Any institution or indivial that intends to establish and operate a radio station shall submit a written application and undergo the examination and approval proceres to obtain a radio station license.

Article 12 Any radio station intended to be established and operated shall satisfy the following requirements:

a) its radio equipment shall meet the related national technical standards;

b) its operators shall have a good knowledge of the relevant provisions governing radio regulation, and the corresponding professional skills and qualification for operation;

c) its radio network has an economical and rational design, if necessary, and a safe and reliable working environment; and

d) the institution or indivial that intends to establish the radio station has established appropriate management measures.

Article 13 The applications for the establishment and operation of the following radio stations shall be submitted to the appropriate radio regulatory organ for examination and approval in accordance with the provisions of this Article:

a) Any radio station whose communication range or service area covers two and more provinces or goes beyond the national boundaries, or which is established and operated by a ministry or commission (including any of its Beijing-based directly affiliated departments), or which is established and operated for a special purpose shall be subject to the examination and approval of the state radio regulatory organ.

b) Any radio station whose communication range or service area covers several prefectures within the territory of a province or an autonomous region, or which is established and operated by a provincial or autonomous regional department (including any of its provincial-capital-based directly affiliated departments) shall be subject to the examination and approval of the radio regulatory organ of the province or autonomous region concerned.

Any radio station whose communication range or service area is within the territory of a municipality directly under the Central Government shall be subject to the examination and approval of the radio regulatory organ of the municipality concerned.

c) Any radio station whose communication range or service area is within the territory of a prefectural city shall be subject to the examination and approval of the radio regulatory organ of the city concerned.

The fixed radio stations to be established in accordance with the preceding provisions shall, in addition, obtain the prior agreement of the next higher sect oral authority.

8. 法律英語在線翻譯

The network information technically flies to soon develop and extensively applied, also brought a new challenge for people's protection of the right of privacy at the time of bringing people the convenient and fast life style and huge business benefits.Practice medium on-line infringement affairs, particularly the affairs multifarious occurrence which violates network right of privacy, make the lawmaking protection of network right of privacy become theories and practice a medium hot point problem.The international communities all are aware of urgency to carry on the law protection to network right of privacy nowadays, but the our country law definitely didn't rule right of privacy currently.The provision just passed reputation power as to it's carry on a protection, belong to lawmaking blank more to the protection of network right of privacy.Therefore should try to draw lessons from abroad of related protection mode, combine our country state of the nation, take lawmaking rules and regulations as predominance, assist it take charge of by profession self-discipline, technique protection and government, set up citizen to protect personal consciousness of privacy in the meantime, with realization to network right of privacy of valid protect.This text takes the United States and EU as the representative's two greatest lawmakings mode through a research and currently our country's lawmaking condition in network right of privacy, put forward some counterplans and suggestion towards set up our country network right of privacy lawmaking protect system.Promote thus our country to the mechanism that the law of network right of privacy protect of perfect, attain full protection network right of privacy of purpose.

9. 求常用的法律英語術語

draft 法案,草案
Government bill 政府議案
to pass a bill, to carry a bill 通過議案
to enact a law, to promulgate a law 頒布法律
ratification, confirmation 批准
law enforcement 法律的實施
to come into force 生效
decree 法令
clause 條款
minutes 備忘錄
report 判例匯編
codification 法律匯編
legislation 立法
legislator 立法者
jurist 法學家
jurisprudence 法學
legitimation 合法化
legality, lawfulness 法制,合法
legal, lawful 合法的,依法
to contravene a law, to infringe a law, to break a law 違法
outlaw, outside the law 超出法律范圍的
offender 罪犯
to abolish 廢止,取消
rescission, annulment 廢除,取消
repeal, revocation, annulment 廢除(法律)
cancellation, annulment, invalidation 廢除(合同)
cancellation (支票)作廢
annulment 撤消(遺囑)
repeal rescission 撤消(判決)
revocation 撤消
immunity 豁免,豁免權
disability, legal incapacity 無資格
nonretroactive character 不溯既往性
prescription 剝奪公權
attainder 公民權利的剝奪和財產的沒收
constitutional law 憲法
canon law 教會法規
common law 習慣法
criminal law 刑法
administrative law 行政
civil law 民法
commercial law, mercantile law 商法
law of nations 萬國公法,國際法
international law 國際法
natural law 自然法
labour laws 勞工法
fiscal law 財政法
Civil Suit Law, Code of civil law 民事訴訟法
Criminal Law 刑事訴訟法
Military Law 軍法
Conscript Law 兵役法
Copyright Law 著作權法
penal code 刑法典
code of mercantile law 商法典
civil rights 民事權利,公民權利
right of asylum 避難權
human rights, rights of man 人權
(customs) ties 關稅
death ty, death tax 遺產稅
royalties 版稅

10. 法律法規中英文對照哪裡有

http://www.lawtime.cn/info/gongsi/gsfxglaw/20110422109275.html 公司法
http://www.lawtime.cn/info/hetong/zjht/20100805/50101.html 證券法

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