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發布時間: 2021-03-08 18:22:04

㈠ 我們不應該違反校規怎麼譯為英語急啊

we should not go against the school rules or school regulations.

㈡ 不能違反的的校規英文10條

Can not violate the school rules

㈢ 違反校規檢討書英語作文

我也要通過這次事件,提高我的思想認識,強化責任措施。自己還是很想好好學習的,學習對我來是最重要的,對今後的生存,就業都是很重要的,我現在才很小 ,我還有去拼搏的能力。我還想在拼一次,在去努力一次,希望老師給予我一個做好學生的一個機會,我會好好改過的,認認真真的去學習 ,那樣的生活充實,這樣在家也很耽誤課程,學校的課程本來就很緊,學起來就很費勁,在今後的學習生活中,我一定會好好學習,各課都努力往上趕記得剛進入學校時,班主任老師和副班主任對我抱有很大的期望,學習還能接受,可在紀律方面卻出現了問題,在學校三令五申的鐵律下,在嚴明校紀校規的大環境下,我犯下這么嚴重的錯誤,學校對我是應該嚴懲的,我不知多少次大聲說,校長、老師,我錯了。媽媽、爸爸我錯了,我錯了。
在這半個月中,我每天還是按時就起床,想想我在學校也生活了近兩年了。對學校已有很深的感情,在今後學校的我,會已新的面貌,出現在學校,不在給學校和年級還有我的班主任摸黑。無論在學習還是在別的方面我都會用校規來嚴格要求自己,我會把握這次機會。將它當成我人生的轉折點,老師是希望我們成為社會的棟梁,所以我在今後學校的學習生活中更加的努力,不僅把老師教我們的知識學好,更要學好如何做人 ,犯了這樣的錯誤,對於家長對於我的期望也是一種巨大的打擊,家長辛辛苦苦掙錢,讓我們可以生活的比別人優越一些,好一些,讓我們可以全身心的投入到學習中去。但是,我犯的錯誤卻違背了家長的心願,也是對家長心血的一種否定,我對此很慚愧。

Student discipline JianTaoShu
The mistakes, they want a lot of things, reflect on a lot of things, and he is very remorseful, very angry yourself, to violate the school's iron rule, but also a profound understanding of the seriousness of their mistakes, for their committed error felt ashamed. School a school on injunctions, has repeatedly stressed that school rules, to remind students not to break the rules, but I did not put the school and the teacher's words to heart, did not pay attention to the teacher to say, do not pay attention to important issues schools enacted as a heeded, these are not supposed to. Also a lack of respect for teachers. The teacher should bear that in mind to say, the rules and principles promulgated emergency in mind. Later, I thought for a long calm, this time I mistake not to bring their own trouble, jeopardizing their own learning. And I give the school this behavior also caused a bad influence and undermine the management system of the school. In the middle of the students also had a negative impact.
Because I am a man of mistakes, it may cause other students to follow, affecting class discipline, grade discipline, school discipline is a destructive, but also to have high expectations of their teachers and parents is a kind of damage, but also the kind of irresponsible parents of other students. Every school wants their students to achieve high academic achievers, comprehensive development, and establish a good image, but also to make our school has a good image.
Each school students also hope to give yourself a good learning environment to study and life. Including myself also hope to have a good learning environment, but a good learning environment relies on everyone to come together to maintain established, but this was my own mistake, to destroy a good school environment is I should have, if each student is so wrong, it is not a good learning environment for the formation of students in violation of school rules to punish it should be, I spent two weeks at home, and they want a lot, also realized that he had made a very serious mistake, I know, cause so much damage, I should pay for their own mistakes, I am willing to assume responsibility although not afford, especially in key universities for accepting ecated people, should bear the primary responsibility inescapable in this error. I sincerely accept criticism, and are willing to accept the deal given school.
Please sir! I made a serious question of principle. I know I made the rules and regulations for the teacher is also very angry. I also know that, for the students, do not violate the rules and regulations, no breach of discipline, do their own thing is a fundamental responsibility, but also the most basic obligations. But I did not do even the most basic. Today, made a big mistake, and I deeply regret it. I will give this a disciplinary incident as a mirror always behave themselves, criticize and ecate yourself, and consciously accept supervision. I want to know the shame and alert, know shame and forge ahead, to remedy the situation, as the power of shame, to study hard.
I have to go through this incident, improve my thinking and understanding, strengthen accountability measures. They still want to learn, and learning to me is the most important for the future survival of employment are very important, and I was now very small, I have the ability to fight. I'd like to fight once again to work in the hope that the teachers give me a chance to do a student, I'll turn over, really serious to learn, as full of life, this home is also very delayed curriculum, school courses have been very tight, very hard to learn, study and life in the future, I will learn from it, each class are trying to catch up and remember when just entering school, the head teacher and deputy head teacher have a lot to me expectations, but also learn to accept, but there may be a problem in the discipline at the school injunctions iron rule, in the environment of strict school discipline, I have committed such a serious mistake, I should be punished for the school's I do not know how many times cried, principals, teachers, and I was wrong. Mom, Dad, I was wrong, I was wrong.
In two weeks, I was on time to get up every day and think about my life in school for nearly two years. Has deep feelings for the school, in the future I will have a new look school, appeared in the school, and not to the school and grade and my teacher in the dark. Whether in learning or in other ways, I will use the rules and regulations to be strict with themselves, I would take this opportunity. Think of it as a turning point in my life, we hope to become teachers are the pillars of society, so I'm even more efforts in the future life of the school's learning, not only taught us the knowledge to learn, but also to learn how to behave, made such a mistake for my parents' expectations is also a huge blow to the parents worked hard to earn money, so that we can live a privileged than others, better, so that we can dedicate myself to learning. However, I made a mistake, but contrary to the wishes of parents, but also the efforts of parents a negative, I am very ashamed.
I believe that the teacher saw this attitude may also know that I have a very profound repentance attitude towards this incident, I believe my repentant heart, my behavior is not to challenge the teacher's discipline is his moment slip, I hope you can forgive the teacher my mistake, I will assure you that this will not happen again the second time. For all this, I will further summarize, deep introspection, ask the teacher to believe I was able to learn lessons, to correct errors, to redouble their efforts in the future to do a good thing. Also sincerely hope that teachers can continue to care for and support me and tells me the problem discretion.
This is a very profound examination, I for me this mistake was very ashamed, I really should not pay attention to the teacher to say, I should not go against the teacher, we as students should fully obey the teacher, and this time I do not have very good attention to the teacher's words. I'm sorry, I hope that teachers can forgive my mistakes, this time I really profound repentance.
However, people always make mistakes, of course, I know that it can not serve as an excuse, we still have to try to avoid such an error occurs, the teacher may want to believe my heart contrition. "People have missed, horse stumbles." My bad behavior is not to challenge the teacher's discipline. Definitely a mistake, the teacher is right to say that you want to make a mistake and should not be in front of you to make mistakes, I am really very ashamed, how you can be so ......
I believe my teacher saw this attitude may also know that I have a very profound repentance attitude towards this incident, so I pay attention to this incident, I hope the teacher can forgive my mistakes, I can assure the teacher does not necessarily guarantee future will then appear in your sight, I figure the phone, it will not stop playing phone ring school time and not let the phone boot time in the school.

㈣ 學生不能違反校規用英語怎麼說

The students can't obey the disciplines and rules of school.
校紀校規是the disciplines and rules of school.

㈤ 英語片語——違反校規校紀的

比如:Don't fight,不要打架 你上邊寫錯... Don't swear,不要叫粗口 Wear school uniform,穿校服 right hairstyle,正確的發型

㈥ 關於校規的英語句子帶翻譯

Don't eat in the classroom.上學不要遲到
Attend classes on time.按時上課
Wear a school uniform.穿校服
Not eating in the classroom.不在教室里吃東西
Don』t wear a hat in the classroom.不要在教里戴帽子。

㈦ 我們不應該違反校規怎麼譯為英語

We shouldn't break the school rules.

㈧ 英語怎麼說 校規可以用來約束學生的行為,如果學生違反了校規,也會受到一定的懲罰


School law can help restrain the students' behavior, the students who break it will get punished accordingly, and this can truly help establish the sense of responsibility.

㈨ 作弊不對'違反校規。英語怎麼說

Cheating is wrong, against school rules.

㈩ 違反校紀校規的英文怎麼說

violate school regulations and disciplines

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