當前位置:首頁 » 三違處分 » 違規乘車的危害英文


發布時間: 2020-12-16 10:10:52

Ⅰ 用英語表達乘坐交通工具不應該在上面干什麼的建議

舉例子吧:no dancing while riding a bike 騎自行車的時候不能跳舞。 no smoking on the train 火車上禁止吸煙。

Ⅱ 用英語寫幾條有關乘車的規則。

不準邊復開車邊打電制話The no side drives the side make a phone call
No running the red light

Fasten good safety belt


Ⅲ 乘車注意事項英語作文

候車時的六大注意事項: 1、在等候乘坐公共汽(電)車時,要在站台和指定地點等候車輛,不要站在車道(包括機動車道、非機動車道)上候車。 2、排隊候車,按先後順序上車,不要擁擠。 3、上下車均應等車停穩以後。因為在車子還沒停穩的時候,如果大家突然攔在車前,往往會使駕駛員措手不及,同時因為候車人的爭搶,不巧被人擠倒或把他人擠倒,都可能引發事故。所以大家一定要記住,先下後上,不要爭搶。 4、不要在機動車道上打出租汽車。 5、乘地鐵、火車,候車時要站在白色安全線以內,避免發生危險。 6、不要把汽油、爆竹等易燃易爆的危險品帶入車內。易燃易爆物品容易在擠壓、碰撞、或車輛震動過程中引起燃燒和爆炸,嚴重危及大家的生命安全。 乘車時七項必須做到: 1、上車後往裡走,站在車門口容易被人擠下車。 2、無論是乘坐公交車還是火車,車輛行駛的過程中都不要把頭、手、胳膊伸出窗外,以免被對面來車或路邊樹木等刮傷;也不要向車窗外亂扔雜物,以免傷及他人。 3、乘車時要坐穩扶好,沒有座位時,要雙腳自然分開,側向站立,手應握緊扶手,以免車輛緊急剎車時摔倒受傷。 4、乘坐火車,不要在車門和車廂連接處逗留.那裡容易發生夾傷、扭傷、卡傷等事故。 5、乘坐小轎車、微型客車時,在前排乘坐時應系好安全帶。 6、盡量避免乘坐貨車車廂上,因為貨運車廂僅為裝卸貨物方便而設計,沒有考慮乘車人安全而設置扶手、座位等設施,車輛轉彎時的離心作用或行駛中因車身顛簸而將乘車人甩出車外,乘車人也容易被車外物體刮碰。 Six points for attention ring the loading: 1, waiting for taking public steam (electric) cars, and designated place waiting for the train platform vehicle, don't stand in the driveway, including motor vehicle driveways, non-motor vehicle driveways on waiting. 2, waiting in line, according to the order in which they get on the bus, don't be crowded. 3, shall be made on or waiting for the bus stop. Because at the time of the car haven't stopped, if everyone suddenly stopped in front of his car tends to make drivers caught off guard, because waiting for at the same time, unfortunately was fell down or pour others crowded, is likely to cause an accident. So you must remember that after first under on, do not mix. 4, don't play the taxi on the road. 5, take the subway, the train, waiting to stand within the white line, to avoid danger. 6, don't put gas, firecrackers and other inflammable and explosive dangerous goods into the car. Inflammable and explosive articles easily in the process of extrusion, collision, or vehicle vibration cause burning and explosion, seriously endanger people's life. Must to seven: 1, after get in the car to walk, standing in the car doorway vulnerable to squeeze out of the car. 2, whether by bus or train, in the process of the vehicle are don't stick your head, hands, arms out of the window, lest be opposite to the car or roadside trees such as scratch; Don't littering to the window, so as not to hurt others. 3, by bus to sit tight when good, don't have a seat, feet separated from nature, side stand, hands should hold handrail, lest the vehicle braking when fall injury. 4, by train, don't stay in the car door and car joint. There are prone to task, sprain, card injury accident, etc. 5, ride in cars, minivans, in the front row should fasten your seat belt on. 6, try to avoid riding on freight cars, because freight car designed for convenient loading and unloading of goods only, without considering the passenger safety set armrest, seats and other facilities, vehicle centrifugal effect when turning or the road e to turbulence and passenger car body mped out of the car, passenger car objects are easily touched.

Ⅳ 求一篇關於乘車安全的英語作文,60-80詞

您好:With more and more cars coming into our families, we are happy that it has greatly improved our life.
But unluckily, it has also brought many problems, such as heavy traffic and traffic accidents.
so as a high school student, what should we do, what should be our action to prevent the happening of accidents.
The first major point would be, to obey the traffic rules. For example, we should pass the street on sidewalk. Also, we should not play with friend on the middle of the street which is pretty dangerous.
Not only we are the one that should obey the rule and be safe. Parents also, as their child , we should advise our parent 'no driving after drunk'. Be a drunk driver isn't good for them, It's not good for us either.
Care about the traffic law, and obey them would give us a safer and better life.


Ⅳ 英語作文中文明乘車可以用什麼代替


Ⅵ 英語,乘車用take有問題嗎這句為什麼是錯的

He took a bus/the bus to the ........

take a bus 乘坐公共汽車

Ⅶ 用英語寫乘坐小汽車的利與弊


Ⅷ 寫一篇關於"乘車安全問題"的英語作文

With more and more cars coming into our families, we are happy that it has greatly improved our life.
But unluckily, it has also brought many problems, such as heavy traffic and traffic accidents.
so as a high school student, what should we do, what should be our action to prevent the happening of accidents.
The first major point would be, to obey the traffic rules. For example, we should pass the street on sidewalk. Also, we should not play with friend on the middle of the street which is pretty dangerous.
Not only we are the one that should obey the rule and be safe. Parents also, as their child , we should advise our parent 'no driving after drunk'. Be a drunk driver isn't good for them, It's not good for us either.
Care about the traffic law, and obey them would give us a safer and better life.

Ⅸ 乘坐校車的利與弊 英語作文 加翻譯

When it comes to cars,different people have different views.Some people think cars have a lot of advantages.In the first place,driving a car saves time.because competition is very fierce in this society ,time equals money .Secondly,people can go shopping o traveling at their spare time .
But ,others people suggest that cars are bad for society,such as:cars will increasing air pollution ,which will influence our life and proction .Meanwhile ,cars will make the energy crisis worsen.In addition ,with the number of cars growing,plenty of new drivers don』t abide by traffic regulation ,which leads to traffic accidents .
In my opinion ,we should drive our cars when our work is very busy .Meanwhile,we should rece driving the car when short distance or having a lot of time.We should properly use modern traffic facility,only then our life will colourful.

Ⅹ 乘車時經常說的「請注意安全」譯成英語是什麼

please be careful

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