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發布時間: 2020-11-28 20:12:36

『壹』 許多河流和湖泊被污染的翻譯是:什麼意思

Many rivers and lakes are polluted

『貳』 你知道什麼產生的污染最多翻譯

Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern instrial nations. Automobile, trains, planes and busses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is proced by burning fuels. The burning proces wastes, some of which remain in the air, causing air pollution.
Scientists are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big instrial areas and densely-populated cities. They are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. Also, engineers try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the environment.
However, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a "clean" world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do. People will continually find new ways to control pollution.

後面的就不翻譯了,額。 樓主看看吧,好就給分吧。


Sandstorms and the st and gases from volcanoes pollute the earth's atmosphere naturally. But the most serious kind of air pollution comes from people. Factories, power stations, and rehicles exhausts[1] pump harmful gases into the air, contributing to global warming, causing acid rain[2], and destroying the ozone layer. On a much smaller scale, air pollution causes all sorts of breathing problems. There are no simple solutions to air pollution, but people could rece air pollution by saving energy and recing harmful emissions from vehicle exhausts and power stations.
When a volcano erupts, st is blasted[3] high above the troposphere and may take weeks to be carried around the weather zone, so cannot be washed out of the air by rain. It will eventually fall to the earth after a few years.
Air pollution is at its worst over big cities where millions of people live, work, and travel about in cars, buses, and trucks. Factory chimmeys can be fitted with devices to cut down[4] air pollution, but this is expensive. If better pubic transport and cycle lanes were available in towns and cities, people would be less likely to use their cars, recing the overall amount of pollution.
Smoking cigarettes adds to the general levels of air pollution as well as damaging our health. Cigarette smoke contains chemicals that can cause cancer, a gas which stops oxygen being taken into the blood and a substance called nicotine, which raises blood pressure and makes the heart beat faster. No-smoking areas cut down on this pollution and save non-smokers breathing in other people's cigarette smoke.





吸煙不僅對健康有害,而且增加空氣污染程度。香煙霧含有多種有害物質:不僅有致癌化學物質、有某種能阻止氧氣進入血液的氣體,還有引起血壓增高、心速加快的被稱為尼古丁的物質。設立禁煙區有助於減少污染,並能使不吸煙者免受被動吸煙之害。出門戴上口罩,普通的醫用口罩比較廉價,防護性也欠佳,基本只適用於普通護士或者在家炒菜;而高級的醫用口罩被外科手術醫生或牙醫所採用,這類醫生收入較高,並不關心口罩成本是否低廉,而更注重口罩質量。高級醫用口罩對顆粒物、流體的阻隔性極佳,保證在精密工作環境下的佩戴透氣性。也可以防臭呀,城市有毒顆粒物來源:首先是汽車尾氣 美國進口 醫用口罩普衛服務器欣,過濾性好,不僅防顆粒物也防飛沫。對小至0.1微米的顆粒物過濾效率達99.8%, 對小至0.3微米的細菌或病毒載體(常見於飛沫)過濾效率達99.9%。採用SecureFit專利技術,通過調節來適應不同臉型,達到很高的貼合性為了你和家人的健康,出門戴上口罩天貓

『叄』 去年一些水被污染的英語翻譯 急!!!

A lot of water was polluted last year.

『肆』 池塘里的水被污染了 用英語怎麼翻譯

The water in the pond was polluted.


『伍』 英文翻譯 因為水被污染,所以我們沒有干凈的水喝

Because the water was polluted, therefore we do not have any clean water to drink
(Because of the water pollution 是 因為水污染的意思,不是水被污染。還有書寫語不可以用DONT,這是口語。)

『陸』 那些美麗的花已經嚴重被污染了.英語怎麼說

Those beautiful flowers have been seriously polluted.

Those beautiful flowers have been seriously polluted.

『柒』 幾條河流被污染 怎麼翻譯成英語

Several rivers are polluted.

『捌』 松花江的水被污染英語翻譯 - 百度


Songhua River water pollution.

Do you know what rivers, lakes and offing in China have been polluted?


But I can see something limpid in them, like water with no pollution.

『玖』 一片樹葉被污染的腐爛了,用英語怎麼翻譯


A leaf was decayed by the pollution

Pollution has caused a leaf to be rotten

A leaf was eroded becaused of the pollution

A leaf has become decomposed e to the pollution around it

A leaf has putrid with the pollution caused around it

A leaf has perished on account of the pollution happened around it

『拾』 我們的環境被垃圾污染 英語翻譯

Our enviroment is now poluted by rubbish.

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