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發布時間: 2020-11-21 00:20:58

『壹』 清潔工用英文怎麼說

cleaner 既可以當"清潔工"講,又可以當"清潔器"講.
stman 只有"清潔工"的意思...:)

『貳』 環衛工用英語怎麼說

sanitary worker
environmental engineer 這個是美國發明的叫法,多好聽,環境工程師

『叄』 我們應該遵守環衛工人英文

We should abide by the sanitation workers

We should abide by the sanitation workers

『肆』 過去環衛工人用掃帚清掃街道用英文怎麼寫


In the past sanitation workers swept streets with brooms.

『伍』 環衛工人的英文是什麼盡可能詳細些 謝謝!


環衛工人的英文是:sanitation worker



『陸』 贊美環衛工人的作文加英文版




For today'stopic, please select one listed below to share your thoughts^^:

1.Why city hygiene workers do not earn the respect from the society in China? Please share your thinking.
2.What some good suggestions you could make in order to improve this cruel situation?

3.Open question: what happened to those people who throw garbage casually and behave mean to city sanitation worker?


Each time I feel very emotional after reading the news about bad or unfair treatment towards city hygiene workers. On one hand, they have to suffer the poor working environment; on the other hand, they do not earn the respect from the society or public. It is a very sad fact in China, which is a wake-up call for us to face the situation in good manner. In my opinion, the ecation background differences outweigh other factors. People who are not well ecated do not see the hardwork and uneasy life of those city beauty workers. All they care is their own feelings and interest. Moreover, if we do not appreciate or cherish others' devotion to the city, the city as a mirror will reflect its bad side towards ourselves. Therefore, the public need to learn to respect and behave properly such as not throw about the garbage. In addition, the government should also make its efforts to improve the treatment of those sanitation workers as well as set up a good example in the public.

『柒』 環衛工英語怎麼說

sanitation [英]['wɜ:kəz][美]['wɜ:kəz] workers [英][ˌsænɪˈteɪʃn][美][ˌsænɪˈteʃən

『捌』 呼籲大家多關心環衛工人的英語作文

To be a sanitation worker can never be considered as a decent job in people's eyes, especially in China. A story of Sanmao, a Taiwanese author, described that she wanted to be a garbabge collector and she wrote this in her homework in her elementary school but teasing and objection came from her teacher and classmates. There is nothing wrong about a childish girl's idea, and she thought that job could provide the most freedom. But this reflect the obvious discrimination. However, there is a stman in my department. Everyone says hello, chats, jokes, and respects him as respect any other professors and students because people don't see differences between jobs.

『玖』 環衛工人的工作服用英語怎麼說

工作服[gōng zuò fú]

  • (1) [work clothes]∶做苦役和在田野里時穿的制服或工作服

  • (2) [denim]∶常用深藍色製成上裝或褲子作勞動服

  • (3) [jumper]∶寬大的襯衣,短上衣或罩衫,尤其是工人做工時所穿的

  • (4)overalls工裝連衣褲;工裝服,從頭到腳罩下來

a loose piece of clothing like a shirt and trousers/pants in one piece, made of heavy cloth and usually worn over other clothing by workers doing dirty work

The mechanic was wearing a pair of blue overalls.


『拾』 幫環衛工人掃地英文


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