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⑴ 2008年英國財政政策的分析評價。網上都是中國的,只有FT中文網有一點英國的。


⑵ 英國的財政赤字為什麼高是什麼原因造成的


⑶ 英國2011財政收入是多少


⑷ 英國的財政權掌握在誰的手中


⑸ 英國的財政大臣是多大的官啊

財政大臣(Chancellor of the Exchequer)是英國內閣中,主管經濟與金融事務之官員職稱,通常簡稱財相(The Chancellor)。財政大臣負責管理國王陛下財政部,職位相當於其他國家的財政部長。財政大臣一般被認為是四大國務大臣之一,在近年來,地位更是僅次於首相。現任財政大臣是喬治·奧斯本。

⑹ 英國的財政大臣是多大的官啊

財政大臣(Chancellor of the Exchequer)是英國內閣中,主管經濟與金融事務之官員職稱,通常簡稱財相(The Chancellor).財政大臣負責管理國王陛下財政部,職位相當於其他國家的財政部長.財政大臣一般被認為是四大國務大臣之一,在近年來,地位更是僅次於首相.現任財政大臣是喬治·奧斯本.

⑺ 英國財政部為什麼叫HM-Treasury

HM Treasury,全稱抄為Her Majesty's Treasury,即女王陛下財政襲部,通稱財政部(The Treasury),是負責開展和執行英國政府的公共財政政策和經濟政策的英國政府部門。
英國財政部起源於英格蘭財政部,大約於亨利一世在位時的1126年左右開始存在。財政部由宮廷中產生,作為一個為國王保持其財富的場所而服務。所以其名字中有His Majesty (國王)或Her Majesty (女王)的稱呼在內。隨著歷史的變遷,英國成為君主立憲制的國家,國王或者女王只是國家元首,而沒有實際管理國家的職權,但是財政部的名字卻依然保留了下來。

⑻ 英國財政大臣怎麼說

財政大臣(Chancellor of the Exchequer)是英國內閣中,主管經濟與金融事務之官員職稱,通常簡稱財相(The Chancellor)。財政大臣負責管理女皇陛下財政部,職位相當於其他國家的「財政部長」。財政大臣一般被認為是重大國務官位之一,地位更是僅次於英國首相。
財政大臣的英文職稱與大法官(Lord Chancellor)、蘭卡斯特公爵領地總裁(Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster)、高等法院大法官法庭庭長(Chancellor of the High Court)與理財法院首席法官(Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer)相近,切忌混淆。

⑼ 英國的財政政策分條闡述

David Cameron and George Osborne are learning the wrong lesson from Gordon Brown』s time in office. Rather than demonstrating the power of their economic ideas with deeds at home, Britain』s prime minister and chancellor are now following Labour』s previous prime minister in preferring to lecture others abroad. The reaction at the World Economic Forum last week was unappreciative. 英國首相戴維•卡梅倫(David Cameron)和財政大臣喬治•奧斯本(George Osborne)正從戈登•布朗(Gordon Brown)主政時期汲取錯誤的教訓。他們沒有通過國內經濟政策來證明自己的經濟理念多麼有威力,而是寧願步前工黨首相的後塵,在國外對其它國家高談闊論。從最近世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum)上的反應看,人們對此並不認可。
Instead of counterproctive posturing, ministers should recognise that the area in which Britain still leads the international debate is fiscal policy. Over the past four years, under both Mr Brown』s Labour government and Mr Cameron』s coalition government, the UK was early to understand the situation and rapid in its response. 他們不應該擺出這種毫無建設性的姿態,而是應該認識到,英國仍然能引領國際辯論的領域是財政政策。在過去四年裡,在布朗領導的工黨政府和卡梅倫領導的聯合政府治下,英國較早理解了形勢,並迅速作出反應。
The Labour government recognised the sudden stop in private sector spending in late 2008 and implemented a fast and temporary fiscal stimulus. By mid-2009 most of the rest of the advanced world had followed. Labour also saw the need for subsequent fiscal repair and started to tighten fiscal policy at the start of 2010, a shift subsequently deepened and defined fully by the new government later that year. 工黨政府在2008年末發現,私營部門支出突然停止,於是迅速實施了臨時財政刺激。到2009年年中,發達世界的多數其它國家都已經效仿英國。工黨政府還認識到隨後修復財政狀況的必要性,於是在2010年初開始收緊財政政策,同年晚些時候,新的聯合政府使這一轉變得到深化和全面定義。
None of Britain』s fiscal tightening has been forced by market panic or credit downgrades. It is policymaking and delivery that generates genuine admiration around the world. 英國收緊財政政策的措施,都不是在市場恐慌或信用評級下調的威脅之下被迫實施的。正是這種政策制定和執行在世界各地得到由衷的欽佩。
For all the success so far in articulating how public deficits will decline, no one should doubt the scale of the task to come. The International Monetary Fund expects public sector borrowing still to be 7.8 per cent of national income in 2012: only the US and Japan are likely to borrow more. By the end of March, three-quarters of the tax increases planned will have been implemented, but only 6 per cent of current spending on public services will have taken place. Much can go wrong, so it is not surprising that many are angry with deficit rection. 盡管在如何降低公共赤字方面迄今的闡述頗為成功,但是誰都不應該懷疑未來的任務有多艱巨。國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)預測,公共部門借債在2012年仍將佔到國民收入的7.8%:只有美國和日本的公共部門借債可能更多。到今年3月底,計劃實施的加稅有四分之三將落實到位,但當前公共服務開支計劃中已經到位的才只有6%。很多事可能會出問題,難怪許多人對削減赤字的做法感到憤怒。
Complaints are loudest at home. It is striking, however, that the most vocal arguments for fiscal loosening range from the mad to the bad. 國內的抱怨聲音最為激烈。然而引人注目的是,最強烈支持放鬆財政政策的言論中,不是瘋狂的,就是糟糕的。
The current leadership of the Labour party runs the most absurd arguments of all. Weaker economic forecasts, which have reced the expected path of deficit rection, stem from higher commodity prices, the confidence-sapping effects of the eurozone sovereign debt crisis and last summer』s wrangles over the US debt ceiling. 現任工黨領導層的言論是其中最荒唐的。降低了減赤預期走勢的經濟前景惡化,根源在於大宗商品價格上漲,以及歐元區主權債務危機和去年夏天美國債務上限的拉鋸戰所帶來的削弱信心的效果。
To argue, as Labour does, that austerity measures have caused the economic disappointments is nonsense. It could be true only if Britain』s rise in value added tax had contributed to the Arab spring and the rise in the oil price, or if cuts in the budget of Bromley Council had some bearing on the solvency of Greece. The independent Institute for Fiscal Studies was kind on Wednesday when it described such arguments as 「implausible」. 宣稱緊縮措施引發了令人失望的經濟形勢(就像工黨所主張的那樣),純屬無稽之談。這就好像在說英國提高增值稅的做法引發了「阿拉伯之春」和油價上漲,或是倫敦布羅姆利區地方議會(Bromley Council)削減預算的做法影響了希臘的償付能力。獨立的財政研究所(Institute for Fiscal Studies)近日形容上述觀點「難以置信」,這話真是太客氣了。
Bad arguments for loosening austerity generally refer to the gilts market – where yields on 10-year UK government bonds stand close to record low levels at just above 2 per cent. These low yields show that the government deficit rection plans have credibility, and that current expectations of future growth and interest rates are low. What they do not show is that the government could go on a borrowing spree today without those yields reacting. The one thing we have learnt from financial markets over recent years is that only fools take market prices as a cast-iron indication of fundamental value. Market prices told us little about the true value of subprime mortgage debt or Greek sovereign debt until it was too late. 主張放鬆緊縮政策的糟糕觀點,一般會提到英國國債市場——10年期英國國債的收益率略高於2%,接近歷史最低水平。收益率徘徊於低位表明,政府的減赤計劃具有可信度,它還表明,當前人們對未來經濟增速和利率的預期都較低。但它未能反映出的一點是:如今政府可以繼續大舉借貸,而不致影響國債收益率。近年來我們從金融市場中學到了一點:只有傻子才會把市場價格當成基本價值的確切反映。市場價格未能告訴我們次級抵押債務或希臘主權債務的真實價值——直到一切已太晚。
When it comes to changing the planned path of deficit rection it is wise to be open to the need to change your mind. If there are circumstances in which fear again rises to post-Lehman levels, so only the government can be the borrower of last resort, it should be willing to act. The case for fiscal loosening also rises if evidence builds that monetary policy is completely impotent in driving demand. 就改變既定的減赤路線而言,對改變主意的必要性抱開放心態是明智的。如果恐慌情緒再次上升到雷曼兄弟(Lehman)倒閉後的水平,只有政府能夠充當最後借款人的角色,那麼政府應該願意採取行動。假若有越來越多的跡象表明,貨幣政策已完全無法拉動需求,那麼放鬆財政政策的理由也會趨於充足。
But Britain is still some way from suffering these conditions. It is in the middle of another nasty jolt in a slow and grinding recovery. The main disease was overconfidence about Britain』s economic strength before the crisis. Public austerity is the only long-term cure. 不過,如今的英國還不大可能出現這些情況。它正在緩慢而艱苦的復甦中經歷著另一場令人不快的變化。最主要的問題在於,人們過於相信英國在危機面前的經濟實力。公共緊縮是唯一的長期性對策。
The good news is that the latest burst of data on business activity has been positive – all the more reason for avoiding another temporary fiscal stimulus now. It should not be a tool for all seasons. 好消息是,最近出爐的有關企業活動的數據令人欣慰——這又多了一個避免在眼下實行另一輪暫時性財政刺激的理由。財政刺激是需要看「季節」的。

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