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發布時間: 2021-02-16 05:48:11

㈠ 求環境遭到污染的英語翻譯

The environment is subject to pollution.
to be subject to這個片語表示遭到……的意思,最符合句子的意思。

㈡ 1.因為污染一些動物正在滅絕。。。翻譯成英語

Since the pollution, myriad of species are in the process of extinction.

㈢ 據說這里的環境改變的原因是因為工業污染 翻譯成英文怎麼說啊

It's said that the reaon why the enrironment has been changed is the instry pollution.

㈣ 「因為地球上的污染很嚴重」用英語怎麼說

Because the earth's pollution is very serious

㈤ 英語句子翻譯:由於污染嚴重,用(result)

as a result of serious/severe pollution....

㈥ 翻譯句子:因為污染,很多生物滅絕了。

Many creatures die out because of pollution

The family no longer existed anymore as he died.

㈦ 因為它會對環境造成污染的翻譯是:什麼意思

翻譯成英文是Because it can cause pollution to the environment

㈧ 由於受到相當嚴重的污染英文翻譯

Because of more and more __serious____ air pollution,human beings should __pay____ more _attention_____ to __protecting____ the environment.

㈨ 由於環境的污染和人類活動翻譯


㈩ 求用英語表述因空氣污染而引發的問題

Air pollution problem is critical, and be quite harmful to the society and person's health.The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reced with the rapid growth of modern cities.

On a much smaller scale, air pollution causes all sorts of breathing problems. There are no simple solutions to air pollution, but people could rece air pollution by saving energy and recing harmful emissions from vehicle exhausts and power stations.

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