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發布時間: 2021-02-08 01:37:00

『壹』 如何通過演講訓練促進口譯技能的提高


『貳』 有沒有演講 用中文講 隨後用英語翻譯 的視頻 在場口譯


『叄』 口譯相關的演講技能怎麼訓練

語文 數學 英語 物理 化學,各150分,每門考試時間為100分鍾.如果你要考區重點以上,你的政治統考必須達到80分(良)以上,體育也得總成績良以上.我們就有同學因為這兩個原因沒被錄取.

『肆』 三分鍾的英語演講小短文

My interpretation of a harmounious society
Hi,everyone. My topic for today is :my interpretation of a harmonious society.
What I mean by a harmonious society is one in which everyone loves and cares for everyone else. It's a society where all are honest and helpful as well when one is in trouble.It's a society where we see good public order, noble virtues and everyone is doing his best to construct a highly harmonious community. As we all know, to get rid of the past bad habits overnight is really hard and even impossible. However,we should all work like one towards building such a society,little by little and day by day. In the past few years,as far as I can remember,I have seen an increasingly improving environment around us. People have become more and more friendly to one another,and traffic has got much better than before,and our living space has changed for the better, even the river has been far less polluted where the fish are returning.
To sum up ,my interpretation of a harmonious society is this: people are civilised to a greater extent with our living suuroundings ideally improved ,and the earth truly becoming home to all the animals and plants sharing it in harmony. Thank you.




『伍』 適合口譯初學者的練習演講


『陸』 口譯大賽關於apec的三分鍾即興演講


『柒』 懶~需要演講稿2篇,關於英語口語或口譯的學習~~謝謝~

一.My Rabbits
One day, my mother bought two little rabbits for me. I』m very happy.
From that on, the two little rabbits became my good friends. They have two little ears, red eyes, with white and fat boby. They』re marvellous.
Everyday, they play with each other happily. One day, I couldn』t find them. I asked my mother: 」 are they? 」 My mother told me that She didn』t know. At last, I found them in the grass. They were very dirty. I was angry, but when I looked at their lovely faces, I was happy again.
I love my little rabbits, and they love me. They are my good friends forever.

二. My family
My family is a 「Piggy Family」, because my father, my mother and I all like sleeping and eating…
My mother is a doctor. She is very busy. But every evening she usually accompanies me for ten minutes before I go to sleep. At this time, we talk about every thing. So I love my mother very much.
My father was a doctor many years ago. Now he is an officeholder. He is very busy too. But every morning he sends me to school. So I think he』s a good father.
I am a good student. I am very busy too. I like learning and playing. On Saturdays and Sundays I have many subjects ,such as English, mathematics…
Now we are in a forest beside a river. We had lunch just a moment ago. Now we are sleeping---a Piggy Family!

『捌』 請做翻譯(口譯)的朋友指點,怎樣才能記住演講者說的長段話


『玖』 假如要給商務人士即將做禮儀辭的演講座口譯,你該如何准備


『拾』 三分鍾的英語小演講

We live in one world, the resources are shared, every person has acquired rights, and everyone can strive for. Marine inexhaustible; earth is inexhaustible. Let us share with the world.
We are one of the world have an obligation to protect him, she is our mother, life, a good mother. Allow us to protect her
Let us share with the world

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