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① 急 一篇 關於西門子的論文

Training method——Siemens
The practice of human resource management is the enterprise sustainable competitive advantage. In this paper, to explore human resource management practices based on the Siemens case in order to discuss how training helps to achieve business goals, the factors affecting the development of enterprises.

Siemens is a leading technology business and one of the largest electrical and electronics engineering companies in the world. In the UK, it employs 20,000 people and is in the top three the electrical and electronics companies in the world. It has been a pioneer in innovation since 1843 when Siemens installed the first street light in Godalming, Surrey.
As a long history and advanced technology, old multinational corporations, the globalization of its personnel policy also has set higher requirements. Personal management is that part of management concerned with people at work and with their relationships within an enterprise. Personnel management is all the contact into a whole, to guide them to the long-term success of business development direction of action.

Siemens's personnel policy task is: by selecting talent, talent development and promotion of measures to make each work location of the most suitable candidates. In personnel training, Siemens created a unique training system. Siemens employees the fundamental goal of training is to enable them to cope effectively with the challenges from all sides. Training aimed at improving their leadership capabilities, including enterprise value, long-term predictable, strategic management, global cooperation and so on.
Through participation in the company's training so that employees have been learning management know-how and an excellent opportunity to participate in management practices. These courses enhance the employee』 ability to manage their own and others so that they benefit from learning and exchange, among the staff in the company has established close ties and strengthened the competitiveness of enterprises and employees to achieve the development potential of staff management and training management the talented people.

Training involves teaching new skills or extending the skills employees already have. There are two forms of training: on-the-job training at place of work and off-the-job training taking place away from workplace.
As well as inction training, where new employees learn the basic information they need to begin working, Siemens has three main development programmers designed for 』Entry Level Talent』, I.e. those beginning their career with Siemens after ecation.

Siemens has a full follow-up targeted training, planning features. Siemens, the new training program employee training, university elite training to the staff re-training, covering business skills, communication skills and management capacity of the wide range of areas; the same time, training, training for different target in turn to improve. 2, Siemens-the-job training, targeted and layered; its significance lies in making the management of the staff are doing or have management potential employees with learning opportunities, to enhance the participant's ability to manage their own and others, so that they from the inter-departmental communication and cross-cultural learning benefit, enhanced the competitiveness of enterprises and employees,
Staff management to achieve the development potential of the purpose of training management personnel. Training for the company reserves a large number of proctions, technology and management talents constantly enhance the staff's knowledge, skills, management ability, so as to enhance the overall competitiveness of the company has become an important guarantee for Siemens undefeated.

HR in the organization of the importance, not only reflects the organization of the senior management of human resources and strategic assets, the degree of emphasis also taken to affect the organization's human resources management practices.
The training of employees is usually responsible for human resources, training, training needs before the need to do research to develop training programs in teacher training and so on. In determining what you want the training objectives and direction of development, you have the training or learning management elements according to the requirements of the development of training programs. Students learning styles greatly affect what kind of training they would be most effective. Consider assessing the effectiveness of training, including before and after measurements.
Training's development need to see the moral of staff, attitude, leadership decision-making skills and technology. Whether a leader or technical personnel, any employee needs to have a good working attitude, skills and knowledge. Attitude from the indivial thinking, beliefs, emotions and experiences. This is the training and the biggest problem facing the development. Innovative and open attitude, you will discover learning in virtually every new experience, whether for yourself, your team, or your organization.

Siemens has a clear focus on having a well-motivated and trained workforce. The company needs to have motivated and confident staff who have up-to-date skills in order to remain competitive. In addition, well-trained staff is an asset to the business and help to remain customers.

Reference Templates
Author Publish Year Title including sub-titles Publisher
Foot M and Hook C 2002 Introcing Human Resource Management Harlow, FT: Prentice Hall
Dransfield R, Howkins S, Hudoson F and Davies W 1996 Human Resource Management for Higher Awards Heinemann
Torrington 2002 Human Resource Management Harlow, FT: Prentice Hall

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