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C. 請問酒店客房服務指南內包含哪些內容,越詳細越好!


D. 求酒店服務指南 英文版

Second, 6.2 stars

6.2.1 reasonable and the basic layout of the hotel for guests at the hotel's normal activities.

6.2.2 Public Information GB/T10001.1 with graphic symbols and GB/T10001.2.

6.2.3 have to adapt to the climate of the location of heating, refrigeration equipment, well-ventilated area.

6.2.4 good conservation facilities and equipment to clean, health and effective.

6.2.5 instructions to use a variety of services and standardize the use of the word, at least in English at the same time, said.

6.2.6 be able to provide services in English.

6.2.7 antechamber

a. have hotels and the size of the stars of the suit and the lobby of the help desk;

b. located in the lobby of the General Desk in a prominent position, decoration, light, and there are signs in both Chinese and English; lobby of the 24-hour reception staff to use Putonghua to receive, information, and check voice mail service;

c. provide fax service;

d. The total hotel service desk to provide publicity materials, room rates, location of the tourist areas (points), tourist traffic maps, newspapers and the main means of transport schele;

e. There are baggage carts and luggage out provides room service;

f. provide small pieces of luggage storage services;

g. have managers on ty 24 hours a day on-the-job;

h. resting place for guests.

6.2.8 Rooms

a. At least 20 (sets of) availability of rooms;

b. built-in lock to lock, anti-theft device, a prominent position put up emergency evacuation plans and instructions;

c. well-fitting, padded beds, tables and chairs, bedside cabinets, and other supporting furniture, good lighting;

d. at least 75% of the rooms have a bathroom, equipped with a pumping Gong Tong, basin, shower or bath (with shower curtain). There is no room floor of the bathroom with separate male and female, between public-bathroom for guests, as well as the use of the separate men and women, between public-bathroom, with shower curtain. To take effective measures to non-slip, a 24-hour water supply, water supply 18 hours.

e. adequate lighting, shading curtain;

f. a user-friendly phone, you can call or use of prepaid calling cards Telecom international and domestic long-distance calls, and with use;

g. a color TV, the picture clear sound quality;

h. with noise and noise abatement measures;

i. available in the hotel guide services, price lists, notes guests;

j. have at least two specifications of the power outlet;

k. room, finishing a full bathroom every day, every day the meeting or the replacement of bed sheets, pillowcases and linen;

l. to provide laundry services;

m. 24-hour hot and cold drinking water.

6.2.9 Restaurant

a. there is sufficient lighting dining area, tables and chairs, dishes, lamp set;

b. be able to provide service breakfast;

c.'s request, to provide room service;

d. regional food proction and equipment to maintain a clean, tidy, health;

Regional public 6.2.10

a. the provision of line or enter the car park;

b. 4-(4-containing layer) over the building when guests use the elevators;

c. there is a public phone, and the city is equipped with a telephone directory;

d. There are separate men and women between the public health;

e. sale of stamps, issued on behalf of the letters, travel daily on sale;

f. have emergency lighting.

g. corridor walls clean, decoration, a 24-hour light enough, with no obstruction. Logo and other emergency exits clear, reasonable location.

6.3 three-star

6.3.1 reasonable layout of the hotel for guests at the hotel activities.

6.3.2 instructions with clear signs, public information and graphic symbols GB/T10001.1 with GB/T10001.2.

6.3.3 air-conditioned facilities, well-ventilated area, the temperature and humidity appropriate.

6.3.4 with the stars have adapted to the computer management system.

6.3.5 good conservation facilities and equipment, the use of safe, clean and tidy to reach, health and effective.

6.3.6 the sound management system, and the size of the hotel and stars in line.

6.3.7 instructions to use a variety of services and standardize the use of the word, at least in English at the same time, said.

6.3.8 of the customer service area can use Putonghua and English.

6.3.9 antechamber

a. have a reception with the ability to adapt to the ante-chamber. With beautiful and unique decoration. With the size of the hotel, adapted to the stars of the total desk;

b. The total service sections are in both English and Chinese signs, reception staff to provide 24-hour reception, information, and check voice mail service;

c. provide a one-time settlement of the total billing services (goods);

d. providing credit card billing services;

e. to provide hotel services promotional materials, room rates, location of the tourist traffic map, the location of tourist attractions, the main means of transport schele, with in-house guests suited to the press;

f. 24-hour room reservations

g. At the same time, there are hotel guests and open the safe for valuables. Safe location security, hidden, to protect the privacy of the guests;

h. should then set up guard, a 16-hour guest protocol;

i. set up a full-time baggage, there are special baggage car, 18 hours to provide baggage services for guests. There are small pieces of luggage repository;

j. There are managers on ty 24 hours a day on-the-job;

k. hall for managers, 18 hours on-the-job services;

l. non-operating in the area for guests to rest places;

m. Valet reservations and arrangements for the provision of taxi services;

n. The main lobby and public areas have disabled access ramp, equipped with a wheelchair, can provide the necessary services for the disabled.

Rooms 6.3.10

a. At least 30 (sets of) availability of rooms;

b. There are doors and endoscopic anti-theft devices, posted a prominent position in the emergency evacuation plans and instructions;

c. good decoration, beautiful, padded bed, desk or dressing table, wardrobe and hangers, easy chair or sofa, bedside cabinet, bedside lamp and matching luggage rack, and other furniture. Man indoor carpets, wooden floors or other more high-grade materials. Regional interior lighting and illumination good objects;

d. There are bathroom, equipped with a pumping Gong Tong, dresser (with basin, Shuzhuang Jing and necessary toiletries), bath or shower. Bathtub with shower curtain, shower。

E. 五星級酒店服務指南裡面都有什麼內容


F. 酒店服務指南一半用什麼材料做


G. 酒店各部門的服務指南介紹根據圖片用文字怎麼闡述啊如前台接待台,大堂吧,餐飲部等。謝謝!急


H. 三星級酒店服務指南

6.3 三星級
6.3.1 飯店布局合理,方便客人在飯店內活動。
6.3.2 指示用標志清晰,公共信息圖形符號符合GB/T10001.1和GB/T10001.2的規定。
6.3.3 有空調設施,各區域通風良好,溫、濕度適宜。
6.3.4 有與本星級相適應的計算機管理系統。
6.3.5 設施設備養護良好,使用安全,達到整潔、衛生和有效。
6.3.6 各項管理制度健全,與飯店規模和星級相一致。
6.3.7 各種指示用和服務用文字至少用規范的中英文同時表示。
6.3.8 各對客服務區域能用普通話和英語提供服務。
6.3.9 前廳
a. 有與接待能力相適應的前廳。內裝修美觀別致。有與飯店規模、星級相適應的總服務台;
b. 總服務台各區段有中英文標志,接待人員24小時提供接待、問詢、結帳和留言服務;
c. 提供一次性總帳單結帳服務(商品除外);
d. 提供信用卡結算服務;
e. 提供飯店服務項目宣傳品,客房價目表,所在地旅遊交通圖、所在地旅遊景點介紹、主要交通工具時刻表、與住店客人相適應的報刊;
f. 24小時提供客房預訂
g. 有飯店和客人同時開啟的貴重物品保險箱。保險箱位置安全、隱蔽,能夠保護客人的隱私;
h. 設門衛應接員,16小時迎送客人;
i. 設專職行李員,有專用行李車,18小時為客人提供行李服務。有小件行李存放處;
j. 有管理人員24小時在崗值班;
k. 設大堂經理,18小時在崗服務;
l. 在非經營區設客人休息場所;
m. 提供代客預訂和安排出租汽車服務;
n. 門廳及主要公共區域有殘疾人出入坡道,配備輪椅,能為殘疾人提供必要的服務。
6.3.10 客房
a. 至少有30間(套)可供出租的客房;
b. 有門窺鏡和防盜裝置,在顯著位置張貼應急疏散圖及相關說明;
c. 裝修良好、美觀,有軟墊床、梳妝台或寫字台、衣櫥及衣架、座椅或簡易沙發、床頭櫃、床頭燈及行李架等配套傢具。室內滿鋪地毯、木地板或其他較高檔材料。室內採用區域照明且目的物照明度良好;
d. 有衛生間,裝有抽水恭桶、梳妝台(配備面盆、梳妝鏡和必要的盥洗用品)、浴缸或淋浴間。浴缸配有浴簾、淋浴噴頭(另有單獨淋浴間的可以不帶淋浴噴頭)。採取有效的防滑措施。採用較高級建築材料裝修地面、牆面和天花,色調柔和,目的物照明度良好。有良好的排風系統或排風器,溫濕度與客房適宜。有110/220V不間斷電源插座。24小時供應冷、熱水;
e. 有方便使用的電話機,可以直接撥通或使用預付費電信卡撥打國際、國內長途的電話,並配有使用說明;
f. 可以提供國際互聯網接入服務,並有使用說明;
g. 有彩色電視機。播放頻道不少於16個,畫面和音質清晰,備有頻道指示說明。播放內容應符合中國政府規定;
h. 具備有效的防噪音及隔音措施;
i. 有至少兩種規格的電源插座,並提供插座轉換器;
j. 有遮光窗簾;
k. 有單人間;
l. 有套房;
m. 有與本星級相適應的文具用品。有服務指南、價目表、住宿須知、所在地旅遊景點介紹和旅遊交通圖。應客人要求提供相應的報刊;
n. 客房、衛生間每天全面整理1次,每日或應客人要求更換床單、被單及枕套,客用品和消耗品補充齊全;
o. 提供開夜床服務,放置晚安致意卡;
p. 床上用棉織品(床單、枕心、枕套、棉被及被單等)及衛生間針織用品(浴衣、浴巾、毛巾等)材質良好、工藝講究、柔軟舒適;
q. 24小時提供冷熱飲用水,免費提供茶葉或咖啡;
r. 70%客房有小冰箱,提供適量酒和飲料,備有飲用器具和價目單;
s. 客人在房間會客,可應要求提供加椅和茶水服務;
t. 提供留言和叫醒服務;
u. 提供衣裝濕洗、乾洗和熨燙服務;
v. 有送餐菜單和飲料單,18小時提供送餐服務,有可掛置門外的送餐牌;
w. 提供擦鞋服務。
6.3.11 餐廳及吧室
a. 有餐廳,提供早、中、晚餐服務;
b. 有宴會單間或小宴會廳,能提供宴會服務;
c. 有酒吧或茶室或其他供客人休息交流且提供飲品服務的場所;
d. 餐具無破損,衛生、光潔;
e. 菜單及飲品單美觀整潔,出菜率不低於90%。
6.3.12 廚房
a. 位置合理,緊鄰餐廳;
b. 牆面滿鋪瓷磚,用防滑材料滿鋪地面,有地槽,有吊頂;
c. 冷盤間、面點間獨立分隔,有足夠的冷氣設備。冷盤間溫度符合食品衛生標准,內有空氣消毒設施;
d. 粗加工間與其它操作間隔離,各操作間溫度適宜;
e. 有必要的冷藏、冷凍設施;
f. 洗碗間位置合理;
g. 有專門放置臨時垃圾的設施並保持其封閉;
h. 廚房與餐廳之間,有起隔音、隔熱和隔氣味作用的進出分開、自動閉合的彈簧門;
i. 採取有效的消殺蚊繩、蟑螂等蟲害措施。
6.3.13 會議康樂設施:有會議康樂設施設備,並提供相應服務。
6.3.14 公共區域
a. 提供回車線或停車場;
c. 有公用電話,並配備市內電話簿;
d. 有男女分設、間隔式公共衛生間;
e. 有小商店,出售旅行日常用品、旅遊紀念品、工藝品等商品;
f. 代售郵票、代發信件,辦理傳真、復印、打字、國際長途電話等服務;
g. 提供電腦出租服務。
h. 有應急供電設施和應急照明設施;
i. 走廊地面滿鋪地毯或其他較高檔材料,牆面整潔、有裝修,24小時光線充足,無障礙物。緊急出口標識清楚,位置合理。
6.3.15 在選擇項目中至少具備10項。

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