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❶ 從國外進口飼料需要哪些手續


❷ 進出口飼料和飼料添加劑檢驗檢疫監督管理辦法中第三十一條詳細說明。急!!!!!!!

第三十條國家質檢總局對出口飼料的出口生產企業實施注冊登記制度,出口飼料應當來自注冊登記的出口生產企業。 第三十一條申請注冊登記的企業應當符合下列條件: (一)廠房、工藝、設備和設施。 1.廠址應當避開工業污染源,與養殖場、屠宰場、居民點保持適當距離; 2.廠房、車間布局合理,生產區與生活區、辦公區分開; 3.工藝設計合理,符合安全衛生要求; 4.具備與生產能力相適應的廠房、設備及倉儲設施; 5.具備有害生物(嚙齒動物、蒼蠅、倉儲害蟲、鳥類等)防控設施。 (二)具有與其所生產產品相適應的質量管理機構和專業技術人員。 (三)具有與安全衛生控制相適應的檢測能力。 (四)管理制度。 1.崗位責任制度; 2.人員培訓制度; 3.從業人員健康檢查制度; 4.按照危害分析與關鍵控制點(HACCP)原理建立質量管理體系,在風險分析的基礎上開展自檢自控; 5.標准衛生操作規范(SSOP); 6.原輔料、包裝材料合格供應商評價和驗收制度; 7.飼料標簽管理制度和產品追溯制度; 8.廢棄物、廢水處理制度; 9.客戶投訴處理制度; 10.質量安全突發事件應急管理制度。 (五)國家質檢總局按照飼料產品種類分別制定的出口檢驗檢疫要求。

❸ 飼料進口需要什麼備案手續嗎


❹ 進出口飼料和飼料添加劑在進出口資質方面有哪些規定

答:在進口方面,國家質檢總局對允許進口飼料的國家或者地區的生產企業實施注冊登回記制度,進口飼料答應當來自注冊登記的境外生產企業。檢驗檢疫機構對飼料進口企業實施備案管理。進口企業應當在首次報檢前或者報檢時提供營業執照復印件等資料向所在地檢驗檢疫機構備案。 出口方面,國家質檢總局對出口飼料生產企業實施注冊登記制度,出口飼料應當來自注冊登記的出口生產企業。檢驗檢疫機構對飼料出口企業實施備案管理。出口企業應當在首次報檢前或者報檢時提供營業執照復印件向在所在地檢驗檢疫機構備案。

❺ 《進口飼料和飼料添加劑登記管理辦法》

The import of feed and feed additive registration management methods

Article 1 in order to strengthen the import of feed and feed additive supervision and management, ensure the safety proction animal breeding, according to the feed and feed additive regulations on administration regulations. Article 2 these measures, the term "feed refers to the instrial processing, proction for animal feed, edible includes a single feed, additive zofran feed, concentrated feed, feeds and JingLiao supplementary material. As mentioned in the present measures refers to the feed additives feed processing, manufacture, use process of added a few or trace substances, including nonnutritive feed additive and general feed additives. Article 3 a foreign enterprise proction of feeds and feed additives for the first time in the People's Republic of China shall be sold in China, the ministry of agriculture of the People's Republic of China to application for registration and obtain proct registration certificate, Without obtaining a proct registration certificate of feed and feed additive shall not within Chinese territory sales, use. Article 4 the imported feed and feed additive shall conform to the safe, effective and polluting the environment principle. Procer (region) obsolete or banned the manufacture, sale and use of feeds and feed additives, the registration shall not be made. Article 5 a foreign manufacturer or its agent for the import of feed and feed additive proct registration certificate, it shall submit to the People's Republic of China ministry of agriculture submit following information and proct samples: (1) the import of feed or feed additive registration application form (in plicate, fill in Chinese and English). (2) agent should submit proction enterprise entrusts registration authorities. (3) submit application materials (in Chinese and English in plicate), including the following contents: 1, proct name (generic name, the name of goods); 2, the procer (region) approved in the country allow proction and sales of proof and in other countries registration information; 3, proct source, the composition and manufacturing methods, 4, quality standard and inspection method, 5, labels, style, the instruction for use and trademark, 6, scope and method of use or substitutability, 7, packing specifications, storage precautions and shelf life, 8, if necessary, provide safety evaluation test reports and stability test reports; 9, feeding test data and application situation; 10 and other related material. (4) submit samples. 1, each variety to three different batches, each batch number 3 sample, each for examining the required amount of 3-5 times. Also enclosed with batch sample quality report, 2, if necessary, provide the proct of corresponding standard substance or reference substance. Article 6 the ministry of agriculture receipt of all the above application material and proct samples within 15 working days after the decision whether or not to accept. It decides to accept the application, hand in agriculture designated feed quality inspection agency for proct quality review inspection. Article 7 feed quality inspection institutions shall, after receiving samples and related material within three months after finished proct quality review testing, and inspection result submitted to the ministry of agriculture national feed office. The applicant shall assist the feed quality inspection agency review quality inspection. Article 8 who have not obtained the procer (region) registration license feed and feed additive in China registration, must undertake feeding trials and safety evaluation test. The cost of tests of the applicant. Article 9 the People's Republic of China has not allow imported used but exporter has approved the proction and use of feeds and feed additives, ought to undertake necessary in feeding trials, safety evaluation test. Test plan, test shall be the ministry of agriculture review by the entity undertaking agriculture recognition. The cost of tests of the applicant. Article 10 in the testing for proct sample application caused by applicant of negative consequences, the responsibility. Article 11 application material is complete, quality check inspection qualified procts, the ministry of agriculture after qualified, and issue the import of feed and feed additive proct registration certificate. Belong to 8 and 9 provisions, shall be of feeding trials, safety evaluation test results submit national feed review committee approved by the ministry of agriculture issued after the proct registration certificate. Article 12 whoever has been registered in the People's Republic of China and use of feeds and feed additives, once confirmed on human, animal breeding and environmental harm, immediately announced rationed or cancellation of registration. All foreign manufacturers shall compensate for the economic losses. Article 13 in the import feeds and feed additives registration, evaluation, check test on the units or persons shall be provided by the applicant will need to be kept secret of technical data confidential. Article 14 the import of feed and feed additive proct registration certificate of valid for five years. After the expiration of the need to continue in China shall be sold in China, the proct registration certificate within six months before the expiration of the application for renewal of registration. Article 15 for renewal of registration should provide the following information and proct samples: (1) the registration application form submitted renewal, (2) submit original registration certificate photo; (3) provide procer (region) newest approval documents, quality standards and proct manuals and other necessary data. Article 16 did not press formulary time limit for renewal of registration or selectives examination test 1 times unqualified import feeds and feed additives, need to delivering procts samples, review by the inspection. But by stop operation punishment except. Article 17 procer (region) have stopped proction, use of feeds and feed additives, or continuous two above selectives examination test unqualified import feeds and feed additives shall not be renewed. Article 18 to change the proction site, proct standard, proct recipe composition and the scope of use shall be renewed registration. Article 19 imported feed and feed additive in domestic sales, must according to the feed tag "standard (GB10648) requirement, and affix the Chinese label label proct registration number. Article 20 for the import of feed and feed additive dazed proct registration should be made according to relevant regniations registration fee, inspection and PingShenFei. Article 21 violation of wood regulation, by "feeds and feed additives management regulations punishment. Article 22 the measures of the People's Republic of China ministry of agriculture is responsible for the explanation. Article 23 these measures from the date of promulgation. Ministry of agriculture of the People's Republic of China on the import of feed addictives register the interim provisions shall be repealed simultaneously.

❻ 進口魚粉飼料需要辦理什麼資質么


❼ 進口魚飼料監管條件


❽ 入境飼料和飼料添加劑相關管理和監督有哪些規定及內容


❾ 我國對進口飼料和飼料添加劑是如何管理的


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