當前位置:首頁 » 城管服務 » 飯店服務英語


發布時間: 2021-01-31 22:21:25

❶ 求餐飲業標准服務英語

1、請問是在這里吃還是帶走? Would you like to eat here or to take outside? / For here or to go?
2、請問現在需要點餐嗎? Would you like to order now? / Are you ready to order?
3、收您元,請問需要發票嗎?XX yuan,please. Do you need receipt?
4、不好意思,讓您久等了. Sorry to keep you waiting so long.
5、打擾一下,您的找零 .Excuse me, here's your change
6、謝謝光臨,請慢走。 Thanks for coming,take care!
7、好的,請稍等。Ok, just a moment.
Because there are too many orders, sorry to keep you waiting so long.
The kitchen is already cooking for you, please wait for a moment.

❷ 酒店服務英語


❸ 教我幾句餐廳服務員必備英語

Welcome! 歡迎光臨Thanks for coming!謝謝光臨May i take your order now? 請問需要什麼菜?「請慢走」是漢語式的問候,在英語中是太使用的。你可以說:Welcome back again!歡迎再次光臨

❹ 飯店服務英語unit36 buffet and snack bar的翻譯

36單元 自助餐和快餐店

❺ 餐廳服務類的英語對話

歡迎光臨 welcom
這個可以收拾了嗎? can we clear these ?
請問你想喝什麼? What would you like to drink?
Its afternoon-tea time,you will get a piece of cake and a slice of (thick toast)if you pay another 5 dollars, and you will get our branded hot cake (biscuit).
請稍等,你點的東西馬上就到! Wait a minute, your food will be served soon.
現在已經停止售早餐! We have stopped providing (service) breakfast already.
現在我們這還沒有這個套餐! We do not have this set (lunch/dinner) yet.
你是要結帳嗎? Do you like to get the bill?
你消費了……了! Your consumption...
不客氣! You are welcome (my pleasure, dont mention)
您慢用!enjoy your meal
謝謝你的光臨,慢走! Thank you for coming (your patronage). take care.
甜 sweet
酸 sour
辣 hot
苦 bitter
冰塊 ice cubes
糖 sugar
鹽 salt
胡椒 pepper
草莓醬 strawberry jam
刀子 叉子 筷子 knife,fork,chopsticks

❻ 餐廳服務員常用的英語口語

1 Can I help you ? / May I help you ? / What can I get for you today ?
2 May / Can I take your order ? 您要吃點什麼?
3 What will it be ? 您要點什麼?
4 For here or to go ? / Stay or to go ? / Is that for here or to go ? ——For here . / To go .
5 Do you need some drinks ? / Would you like something to drink ? / What kind of drinks ?
6 Would you like fries to go with that ? ( 如果你是單點漢堡,他可能會這樣問 )
7 What kind of meat would you like ? 您要什麼肉?
8 What kind of sauce would you like with the chicken nuggets ? / Which sauce do you like ?
—— Ketchup ( 番茄醬 ) / BBQ sauce (燒烤醬)/ Hot mustard ( 芥末醬)
9 Is that all ? / Anything else ? —— That』s it . ( 多用 ) / That』s all .

❼ 餐廳服務員常用的英語口語 點餐時急用的英語口語

1 Can I help you / May I help you / What can I get for you today
2 May / Can I take your order 您要吃點什麼?
3 What will it be 您要點什麼?
4 For here or to go / Stay or to go / Is that for here or to go ——For here ./ To go .
5 Do you need some drinks / Would you like something to drink / What kind of drinks
6 Would you like fries to go with that ( 如果你是單點漢堡,他可能會這樣問 )
7 What kind of meat would you like 您要什麼肉?
8 What kind of sauce would you like with the chicken nuggets / Which sauce do you like
—— Ketchup ( 番茄醬 ) / BBQ sauce (燒烤醬)/ Hot mustard ( 芥末醬)
9 Is that all / Anything else —— That』s it .( 多用 ) / That』s all .

❽ 西餐廳服務英語


Have you got a table for two, please?


Have you booked a table?


Have you made a reservation?


smoking or non-smoking?


Would you like something to drink?


Would you like to see the menu?


點菜就餐的典型次序是:找一張桌子坐下——看菜單-—點菜——就餐-—付錢-—離開。英語語言的表達基本上也是依照次順序。「訂餐」在英文中有兩種說法,即to book a table和&make a reservation。在英國以及其它很多國家,餐廳一般劃分為吸煙區和非吸煙區。一進餐廳,服務員會主動征詢客人的意見,然後引領客人前往所選擇的區域就餐。

在西餐廳就餐,菜單一般由三類不同的菜別組成。the first course 或者 starters 是指第一道菜,往往是湯、一小碟色拉或其它小吃。第二道菜是主菜,fish and chips 是魚和炸土豆條,它同「roast beef and york shir pudding——牛肉布丁」、「shepherd spie——牧羊人餡餅」一樣,都是典型的英國傳統菜餚。最後一道是甜食——或冷或熱,但都是甜的。西方飲食習慣是先吃鹹的,後吃甜的。西餐菜單名目繁多,有時不易讀懂。遇到這種情況,可以請服務員解釋一下。

Conversation In A Restaurant


Hugh is ordering a meal in a restaurant


a few moments later


Emma: one sparkling water


Hugh: Thanks very much


Emma: Are you ready to order?


Hugh: Yeah I think I am actually. Could I just have the soup to start please.


Emma: That's minestrone, is that all right sir?


Hugh: Yeah, that's fine, and for the main course could I have the chicken please?


Emma: Chicken.


Hugh: And just some vegetables and some boiled potatoes please


Emma: Boiled potatoes, OK?


Hugh: Thanks very much.


Emma: OK.


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