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發布時間: 2021-01-05 12:56:31

❶ 為顧客服務的英文

help for customers…

❷ 求一篇顧客與客戶服務的英語對話

A:Hello! Can I help you?
B: Hi. I』m sorry that the bag I bought here two months ago was broken. Can I return it back?
A: I』m sorry for that. Beauty, can I replace it with a new one for you?
B: OK.Thanks.
顧客B 的回答,最後是同意更換還是堅持內退貨?此處的回答是同意更換一個新的。容

❸ 服務過的客戶英文怎麼說

customers served

❹ 顧客服務用英語怎麼說

[詞典] [經] customary service;
Explain why customer service and innovation are important to manager's job.

❺ 客戶服務 英文翻譯

Customer Service 如是部門名稱 c和s要大寫, 如不是, 就不用

❻ 客戶服務英文對話

a:***(公司名字你編一個吧)Leather Instry Company,may I help you?(如果不是在電話中進行的就刪掉第一個小分句)
b:Yes,I bought a derma bag from one of your sales department not too long ago,but it's broken now,so I wonder if I can return it.
a:I'm so sorry for that,but when did you buy it?
b:About two months ago,at that time,I was very content with the bag although it's a bit expensive.
a:Sorry,the deadline is up,so we can't accept refunding your payment.
b:Oh,how unlucky I am,but you should provide me a solution,right?
a:Of course,according our company's rules,we can exchange another new one to you for free,is that Ok?
b:That sounds good,let's make the deal.
a:Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.Bye!

❼ 服務第一,客戶至上 英文怎麼翻譯

服務第一,客戶至上 Serive first , customer foremost
例如中國電信的是 用戶至上, 用心服務 customer first, service foremost

❽ 客戶服務方面英語翻譯


❾ 請問「客戶服務代表」用英文怎麼說

廣告行里頭有個職位,客戶代表,標准英語簡稱是AE(Account Excutive)
我想,你說的客戶服務代表翻譯成:customer service excutive也可以

❿ 請問"客戶服務"翻成英文怎麼說

客戶服務:Customer Service/Customer Support/Services
產品信息:Proct Information/Procts
經典案例:Classical Cases/Cases
公司簡介:Company Profile/About Us


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